We are ze Golemz
September 5th, 2022

An interactive Comic controlled by 300 NFTs

“Big Teck must be fought by all means, even if it means certain death!”

The Prologue is over, “ze Golemz are here.”

In mid-August 2022, a new interactive digital comic launched on Twitter and Discord. We are ze Golemz follows the journey of the hacker Donatell0, who guides the player referred to as “anon” into his dystopian future.

Together they face a common evil enemy named Big Teck.

In a weird, comic world, where nothing is like it seems, this megalomaniac archenemy is ruling and must be stopped at any price. In order to save the world from “1984”-like totalitarian circumstances, Donatell0 has created 300 creatures referred to as “ze Golemz.

Donatell0 introducing the enemy "Big Teck" during the Story
Donatell0 introducing the enemy "Big Teck" during the Story

300 NFTs to shape the story

Golemz are owned and controlled by NFTs on the Ethereum blockchain.

Each Golemz NFT not only serves as an entry ticket to an interactive owner-exclusive area dubbed “Pool Club”, but also turns investors into active producers.

The twist: the NFTs allow their owners to sign up their Golemz to the Story. Doing so means receiving community calls and being actively challenged inside the storyline. But be careful: Golemz may die if NFT holders don’t react to their challenges!

The Story and game are under constant development. We are ze Golemz is being written, drawn, programmed, and animated live in response to the community’s actions during frequent “community calls” like reacting in Discord, finding clues in a picture, reaching specific follower amounts, etc.

NFT holders will soon be able to officially sign up their Golemz for the story, but holding an NFT is not mandatory to participate in most parts of the experience.

Currently Golemz NFTs can be acquired only through the new NFT trading platform sudoswap.xyz. Special sale conditions apply (See below for more information).

300 existing Golemz NFTs
300 existing Golemz NFTs

Multiple interfaces to decide the fate of ze Golemz

With constant community activations and its own art style, We are ze Golemz is a mix of escape and role-playing games, meme culture, and manga comics. The comic's particular style results from a combination of AI-generated images and hand-drawn designs or adjustments, which in combination make it possible to take players on an engaging journey with almost daily social happenings.

These mechanics would not be possible without the helping hands of the newest AI-based technologies.

Examples of community activations for players
Examples of community activations for players

The Story and game can be experienced through the owned Website **golemz.wtf **(currently only for NFT holders), Twitter, Discord, and soon also in the real world.

This means that We are ze Golemz uses multiple interfaces.

At the moment, the story includes the following official Twitter accounts:@zegolemz

Furthermore, the Story currently includes the following official web domains:

More accounts may be added as the story unfolds…

A new story, starting now

We are ze Golemz is a new media franchise that combines NFT technology, artificial intelligence, and social tech innovations to create a new digital metaverse experience.

At the core of the project are the multi-player social experience and its comic story in which gamers can participate in real-time. The Story will be shaped by the decisions of the players. In order to enter the exclusive area named “Pool Club”, play an early version of the game, and later name a Golemz, players need to hold at least one Golemz NFT.

There is no pre-sale, no whitelist, or other exclusive secret lockups.

The complete and latest version of the We are ze Golemz Comic, also referred to as “A gud Story”, can be read and followed here through the golemz.wtf Website.

Finally, more background information about the origin story can be found in this Twitter thread:

We are ze Golemz has just finished its prologue and will soon launch its first chapter.

Degen, will you be on board?

The Prologue is over, the first chapter will soon begin
The Prologue is over, the first chapter will soon begin

More information for Journalists, Developers, Investors

Owning a Golemz NFT means owning the licensing and naming rights for that Golemz, for as long as the NFT is being held.

We are ze Golemz uses a custom ERC-721a contract with a few additional functions for its smart contract.

The contract Golemz (GMZ) can be found here:

First of all, Golemz can only be truly minted in batch by the contract deployer or by other addresses defined as “SUPERGOLEMZ”.

The supply is uncapped, meaning new Golemz could enter the story any moment.
The metadata is not fixed, meaning that ze Golemz can evolve and receive new properties over time.

For the first batch, 299 Golemz were made available inside the Sudoswap pool. Unfortunately, the 300th Golemz, their leader called “Leo,” got flushed down a toilet even before the start of the Prologue… He’s missing in action ever since.

Thanks to its launch through Sudoswap.xyz, Golemz NFTs can be returned to the initial liquidity pool at any time. This limits the risk for investors.

The price of the Golemz in the launch pool evolves with the amount of sold NFTs. The starting price of the pool is 0.0001ETH with a price delta of 5%, meaning that the price of a new Golemz increases by 5% after each sale.The last Golemz from this pool will therefore cost almost 200ETH, a price that will probably never be paid…

In summary, the price settings in the Genesis Sudoswap pool are defined as follows:

Starting Price: 0.0001ETH
Delta: 5%

All the “ze Golemz (GMZ)” pools can be found here.

e Golemz Collection on sudoswap.xyz
e Golemz Collection on sudoswap.xyz

There is a 5% Trading Fee defined for the pool, but there are no royalties set on other centralized platforms (not even on Looksrare.org, even though we love them). This method provides a high ROI percentage to investors. At this point, trading fees are the only revenues that the project is generating, besides a few locked up Golemz in the project’s treasury.

In order to make the story more interactive, the contract includes the functions:

giveGolemzZeCopper(): This function allows the deployer or other SUPERGOLEMZ to give a Golemz a “ze Copper”. Ze Copper is an incredibly valuable resource used in the Golemz world. What can be done with ze Copper will be revealed in the future. Ze Copper will be distributed through different community activations alongside the story.

setWwaaaraaAAAaawwrrraAA(): The exact utility of this function will soon be announced.

A "ze Copper" is being transferred to a player using a ledger
A "ze Copper" is being transferred to a player using a ledger

About ze Golemz anatomy

A Golemz consists of 3 Parts: “Goo + Golemz + Tech = Golemz”. Therefore, “some Golemz are more equal than others” (Some Golemz have more rare traits than others).

The rarity and purpose of “Goo” were explained during the story in the Prologue. Tech will be explained later. Some Golemz also have “Pets”. This means that there is more to a Golemz than his simple, weird appearance…

Anatomy of a Golemz
Anatomy of a Golemz

“We are ze Golemz” is a story by “Donatell0.wtf” (@donbuidl0r), CEO of the top secret “A Gud Story Labs”.

More Information, Comic and NFT Owner exclusive area: www.golemz.wtf

Email Contact: gm@golemz.wtf or faye@alphanewz.xyz

Twitter: https://twitter.com/zegolemz
Discord: https://discord.gg/G2dqGbWGyV

Press Website: https://alphanews.xyz

Download Press Kit as ZIP


Contract on Etherscan:

We are ze Golemz!
We are ze Golemz!
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