MODE Sunrise: Massive Airdrop Confirmed - Season 2 - Full Guide

“Season 2 Airdrop has been allocated 500,000,000 MODE tokens (5% of MODE total supply), in addition up to 1,000,000 OP tokens will be available through various incentive campaigns.”   - MODE

Updated 7th May 2024 - Season 2 has begun - Season 1 participants can check their allocation on the Mode Dashboard 


Mode is a decentralized finance (DeFi) platform that offers airdrops to users who hold and use ezETH, weETH, and other tokens. By utilizing DeFi protocols on Mode and its partner platforms, users can earn Mode Points, Eigenlayer Points, and Etherfi Points.

The goal of Mode is to empower developers and users to grow an ecosystem of world-class applications. Users and developers are directly rewarded for their contributions to the platform.

“Season 2 has officially started and is designed to reward users that continue to grow the Mode ecosystem. With $MODE launching on the 7th May and a number of leading DeFi applications deploying to Mode we couldn’t be more excited to scale with you all.”


  • Season 2 starts on May 5th and runs until September 6th 2024

  • 500,000,000 MODE tokens (5% of MODE total supply) available

  • Up to 1,000,000 in OP tokens incentives

  • New applications including Velodrome, Balancer and many more

  • New assets such as Ethena’s USDe and sUSDe will be introduced

  • $MODE staking will be available to earn points multipliers and ecosystem airdrops


Mode users will automatically start earning points for Airdrop 2 on the 5th May and can track progress on the Mode Dashboard - all users from Season 1 will have pre-check points based on their wallet activity on other chains, the first Season 2 Mode Points update will happen on 6th May.

Mode airdrop from season 1 can be claimed here.

Season 2 Points Update

A preview of what’s coming soon:

  • $MODE token multipliers

  • $MODE token locking multipliers

  • Ecosystem token multipliers

  • LP position multipliers on new applications

  • Lending protocol multipliers

Sign Up

This campaign involves testing a multitude of dApps on the MODE mainnet.

  • If you’re asked for an invite code use nUCO6Y for instant access

  • Connect your X (Twitter)

  • Connect your wallet

Note: If you are currently out of the country, you can use a VPN such as NordVPN

Once you have signed up, connected all the necessary accounts, and confirmed that you are eligible to participate, it is time to move on to the first task.

Bridge ETH to MODE

The first task is to bridge Ethereum (ETH) to Mode using the Mode Bridge.

You can bridge any amount, but you will need some ETH on MODE to complete the tasks outlined in this guide. To save on gas fees, it is recommended to bridge the full amount you anticipate needing in a single transaction. You must bridge from Ethereum to be eligible for the airdrop, and the gas costs will be similar whether you bridge $10 or $1,000. The specific amount you need to deposit will depend on your individual circumstances and whether you plan to leave the assets supplied within the lending services to earn additional points.

Once you have bridged to MODE, you are ready to start earning points by testing the appropriate dApps.

As you progress through the tasks outlined in this guide, many of them will enable you to earn points across multiple reward systems and airdrop opportunities. This means that by completing these activities, you'll be able to maximize your earning potential and efficiently work towards various incentives simultaneously.

In essence, you'll often be able to "kill two (or more) birds with one stone" as you navigate the different tasks and opportunities presented. This cross-functionality and ability to stack rewards can make your participation in this program highly efficient and lucrative.

Kim Exchange

A decentralized exchange native to Mode. Swap tokens quickly and easily.

3 Birds, 1 Stone

Make sure you complete the following tasks on the MODE network.

  1. Swap any amount of any tokens on Kim Exchange

  2. Once you have made a swap, head to Layer3 and claim your CUBE

Note: If you are not holding either USDC or USDT on MODE, then we recommend you swap ETH for some USDC or USDT to be prepared for the next task from Mantissa.


A decentralized Automated Market Maker (AMM) crafted by Mantissa Finance.

3 Birds, 1 Stone

  • MODE On-Chain Engagement

  • Mantissa Points

  • Layer3 CUBE ($L3 Airdrop)

Make sure you complete the following tasks on the MODE network.

As of writing, MantisSwap only supports USDC and USDT

  1. Swap on MantisSwap

  2. Supply liquidity on MantisSwap

  3. Claim your Layer3 CUBE

You can swap and supply any amount, however, the more you swap/supply the more points you will earn.

Renzo / LayerBank

A universal permissionless on-chain bank.

7 Birds, 1 Stone

  • MODE Points (Renzo 1.2x / LayerBank 2x)

  • ETH Staking APR

  • EigenLayer APR

  • EigenLayer Points (on Renzo)

  • Renzo ezPoints

  • L.Points (LayerBank)

  • Layer3 Cube ($L3 Airdrop)

Make sure you complete the following tasks on the MODE network.

  1. Supply ETH on Renzo and receive ezETH

  2. Supply ezETH on LayerBank - scroll down to ‘Market’ & click ‘ezETH’ (when supplying, make sure you ‘enable collateral’)

  3. Borrow ETH against your supplied ezETH** - **scroll down to ‘Market’, click ‘ETH’, choose the ‘Borrow’ tab at the top.

  4. Claim your Layer3 CUBE

Now you can pay it back immediately if you wish (recommended), or if you are farming L.Points, EigenLayer and ezPoints, you can head back to Renzo stake that ETH for more ezETH then supply that ezETH in LayerBank, essentially repeating the process with the borrowed capital.

Be careful repeating this multiple times, keep an eye on your borrowed percentage (%) you don’t want to let it get too high as you risk liquidation, the APY will fluctuate so ensure you have enough buffer to get you through your term. Also remember that it needs paying back (with interest) in order to release your supplied funds. Determine how much you want to spend on all the bonus points.

Another option is to borrow USDC or USDT and stake that in Mantissa’s pool (previous task).

Renzo / Ionic

An infra solution that brings easy access to lending & borrowing for any DeFi asset on Mode.

6 Birds, 1 Stone

  • MODE Points (Renzo 1.2x / Ionic 2x)

  • ETH Staking APR

  • EigenLayer APR

  • EigenLayer Points (on Renzo)

  • Renzo ezPoints

  • Ionic Points

Make sure you complete the following tasks on the MODE network.

Same as Renzo/LayerBank above, only you cannot borrow ETH currently. If you want to stack you would have to borrow something else such as wETH and then supply that for ezETH on Renzo.

  1. Supply ETH on Renzo and receive ezETH

  2. Supply ezETH on Ionic - (enable collateral)

  3. Borrow wETH against your supplied ezETH

After borrowing you can pay it back immediately and still get the MODE on-chain engagement (recommended). Alternatively, for the degens, as with the Renzo/LayerBank task above, you can also use your borrowed capital to get more ezETH on Renzo and then add that to your supply on Ionic. Rinse and repeat in accordance with your own risk tolerances and remember you have to pay it back, with the interest.

Once again, be very careful if you decide to ape in and monitor your health factor to make sure you do not get liquidated.

Another option is to borrow USDC or USDT and stake that in Mantissa’s pool.

Superchain One

A cross-chain community funding platform for the top projects launching tokens on the superchain.

2 Birds, 1 Stone

  1. Follow S1 on X (Twitter)

  2. Like & Repost This Tweet

  3. Collect a Layer3 CUBE

Mode Name Service

Get you .mode domain name and earn points.

2 Birds, 1 Stone

  • MODE Points

  • ID Tokens (If purchased before snapshot)

  1. Buy a .mode domain name

  2. Buy multiple domains if you can, to boost points.


A perpetuals exchange to trade with leverage on BTC and ETH.

2+ Birds, 1 Stone

  • MODE Points (2x)

  • $LOGX

  • Layer3 CUBE ($L3 Airdrop), NFTs and More for completing optional side quest

Make sure you complete the following tasks on the MODE network.

To maximize points with minimal outlay, you will need at least $60 in USDT, though this is not required and any amount should earn points.

There are two tasks to complete here, first make a trade then supply liquidity.

  1. Go to LogX and connect your wallet


  2. Trade at least $500 in volume if possible (use $55 with 10x leverage, or $26 with 20x leverage to ensure you clear the $500)

    If $25 is not possible, trade any amount.

    You can open the trade, then close it immediately. This will cost you a small amount in fees.


  3. OPTIONAL Side Quest - Trading Showdown Event (2nd April to 23rd April)

    Participate in the event to win:

    • A share of a 100k $LOGX token prize pool

    • LogX Royalty NFTs

    • Mode Trader SoulBound NFTs

    • $LOGX tokens for every trade

    • Double MODE Points

    • Layer3 CUBE

    Requirements: Keep trading (open and closing leverage trades) until you have a trading volume over $2000

    Then Collect Layer3 CUBE


  4. Ensure you have at least $50 in USDT remaining.


  5. Click on ‘Earn’ on the top navigation bar.


  6. Click the ‘Buy/Sell LLP’ button under ‘USDT’ and buy at least $50 worth of LLP.


  7. Click the ‘Stake/Unstake’ LLP button and stake the LLP you just bought.

You are done. You can leave this LLP staked to earn, or remove it and sell it for USDT. This will cost you a small amount in fees.


A DEX with gasless transactions, advanced order types, and a scalable infrastructure to enhance your trading experience.

3 Birds, 1 Stone

  • MODE Points

  • SALT Score (coming soon)

  • Layer3 CUBE ($L3 Airdrop)

Make sure you complete the following tasks on the MODE network.

  1. Go to tanX and connect wallet

  2. Deposit any amount of any token.

  3. Make a trade.

  4. Claim your Layer3 CUBE

Once complete, you can withdraw your balance. Alternatively, you can leave it and make trades to increase your SALT score.


A lending platform unlocking possibilities through modularity.

3 Birds, 1 Stone

  • MODE Points (2x)

  • Ironclad Points

  • Layer3 CUBE

  1. Use the protocol

    For each Gwei that is spent on transaction fees interacting with Ironclad you receive points

  2. Provide Capital

    For each block that liquidity is in a pool you earn points multiplied by the liquidity you provided

  3. Layer3 CUBE

    Collect your Layer3 CUBE

Shoebill Finance

Shoebill Finance is a non-custodial LST/LRT money market with leverage features implemented to maximize yield rewards.

2 Birds, 1 Stone

  • Mode Points (2x)

  • $SBLB

  1. Supply STONE or ETH

    For each Gwei that is spent on transaction fees interacting with Shoebill you receive points.

  2. Borrow ETH

    For each block that liquidity is in a pool you earn points multiplied by the liquidity you provided.


MODE-native capital-efficient money market with embedded yield optimization strategies.

2 Birds, 1 Stone

  • MODE Points (2x)

  • Molend Points

  1. Use the protocol

    For each Gwei that is spent on transaction fees interacting with Molend you receive points

  2. Provide Liquidity

    For each block that liquidity is in a pool you earn points multiplied by the liquidity you provided


Isolated lending with shared liquidity. Permissionlessly create a liquid money market for any asset.

1+ Birds, 1 Stone

  • MODE Points (2x)

  • Can be combined with Renzo

  1. Use the protocol

    For each Gwei that is spent on transaction fees interacting with Sturdy you receive points

  2. Provide Liquidity

    For each block that liquidity is in a pool you earn points multiplied by the liquidity you provided


The all in one hub for your liquidity.

1 Bird, 1 Stone

  • MODE Points (4x)
  1. Use the protocol

    For each Gwei that is spent on transaction fees interacting with SwapMode you receive points

  2. Provide Liquidity

    For each block that liquidity is in a pool you earn points multiplied by the liquidity you provided


A decentralized exchange for concentrated liquidity native on Mode.

1 Bird, 1 Stone

  • MODE Points (2x / 3x)
  1. Use the protocol

    For each Gwei that is spent on transaction fees interacting with SupSwap you receive points (2x)

  2. Provide Liquidity

    For each block that liquidity is in a pool you earn points multiplied by the liquidity you provided (3x)

iZUMi Finance

A multi-chain DeFi protocol providing one-stop DEX-as-a-Service (DaaS).

2 Birds, 1 Stone

  • MODE Points (2x)

  • Layer3 CUBE

  1. Use the protocol - Swap on mode to be eligible for Layer3 cube.

    For each Gwei that is spent on transaction fees interacting with izumi you receive points

  2. Provide Liquidity

    For each block that liquidity is in a pool you earn points multiplied by the liquidity you provided

  3. Mint Layer3 Cube

    Head to Layer3 and mint your CUBE.


2 Birds, 1 Stone

  • MODE Points (2x)

  • Layer3 CUBE

  1. Use the protocol - Swap on mode to be eligible for Layer3 cube.

    For each Gwei that is spent on transaction fees interacting with izumi you receive points

  2. Provide Liquidity

    For each block that liquidity is in a pool you earn points multiplied by the liquidity you provided

  3. Mint Layer3 Cube

    Head to Layer3 and mint your CUBE.


Complete any remaining MODE tasks on Layer3 to boost your on-chain engagement.

To carry on with the Layer3 $L3 Airdrop, check out our complete guide.

To help you navigate this exciting journey, we have meticulously scoured Layer3 and compiled a comprehensive checklist of all the CUBE tasks, organized by blockchain. This approach allows you to efficiently manage your activities and minimize gas fees by moving funds in a lump sum between chains as you progress through the list. Most importantly, this is going to save you so much time, you have no idea.

DISCLAIMER: Please be aware that there is inherent risk associated with endeavors like this. Factors such as exploit vulnerabilities, rugpulls, contract risks, and liquidation events are always present. While we provide information, it is crucial to understand that any actions you take based on this information are entirely your own decision. We assume no responsibility if outcomes do not align with your expectations. Proceed with caution and conduct thorough research. Additionally, keep in mind that the cryptocurrency market is highly volatile, and prices can fluctuate rapidly.

AFFILIATES: This article may contain our affiliate links, and we would greatly appreciate it if you use them to show support for the time and effort we’ve put into gathering information and creating these articles. Your support means a lot to us! 😊🙌

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