Introducing Fluent Public Devnet: Building Wasm and EVM-based Blended Apps

If you’ve been following the Fluent journey, you know that Private Devnet V1 was shipped about six months ago and Private Devnet V2 was shipped about four months ago.

Wasm-based contracts were delivered first, EVM-compatibility was then enabled, and now for public devnet Wasm and EVM-based contracts can call each other directly. For the first time, blended applications composed of Solidity, Rust and Vyper contracts can be built on Fluent.

The First Blended Devnet

Fluent Public Devnet is an L2 execution environment where Wasm and EVM-based smart contracts can directly interact with each other. Specifically, one portion of an application can be written in Rust, and another in Solidity or Vyper, with real-time composability between them.

The first demo app on Fluent showcasing composable contracts across VM targets is a chess game. The game combines logic written in Rust, using the Shakmaty rust crate, with a Solidity smart contract designed to manage game interactions.

The chess game library, written in Rust, verifies the correctness of the player’s actions. Upon verification, it directly calls a Solidity token contract to increment the player’s rewards based on the outcomes of their in-game actions.

Developers are invited to experiment with composing Rust and EVM-based contracts on devnet. Fluent is in early stages of development and feedback is welcome to help iterate and improve the network. You can also reach out to share what you plan to build and explore ideas and implementations.

Deploy on Fluent

Fluent Public Devnet is now available and permissionless for developers. To deploy on Fluent, head to the Fluent docs for instructions to connect to the network, and view quickstart guides and blended app examples.

The developer channel on Discord is also available! Join to chat with initial contributors and the Fluent community.

This devnet provides a developer preview of the Fluent L2 execution environment, serving as an early sandbox for experimenting with blended execution of Wasm and EVM-based contracts.

The purpose of the Fluent public devnet is simple: get feedback from developers and help them build novel applications. Blended execution networks are powerful and new, but may exhibit some rough edges in the early days (and it goes without saying, the devnet isn’t meant for production!).

Rapid iteration on developer experience is key. Which language SDKs do you want to see? Which VM targets should be supported next? What tools or abstractions make dev’s lives easier? Share your thoughts to help shape Fluent as a home for expressive execution and novel apps.

This milestone is exciting, but it’s still early days with much work ahead. Stay tuned for upcoming developments:

  • Rollup and zk functionalities

  • Support for additional languages (Python, Typescript, etc.)

  • Support for additional VM targets (the SVM, etc.)

  • Apps and infra protocols joining the network

Why Blend?

Before blended execution, developers had to pick between the benefits of the EVM (users, tooling, integrations, etc.) and the benefits of next-gen VMs like Wasm, the SVM or MoveVM (web2 library support, efficiency, parallelization, formal verification, etc.). These single execution networks restrict programming environments and make it harder for developers to build compelling apps. Developers are forced into one-size-fits-all tooling.

With blended execution, developers no longer have to compromise. Blended execution networks are maximally expressive. Web2 apps reached the masses because developers could easily pick the best tool for each task and create unique app experiences. The blended execution vision is to replicate that ability in web3 environments.

So come give it a try! Look through the hundreds of thousands of Rust crates that have been built over the years. Build a DEX in Rust that uses ERC-20 tokens, enhance a social feed with Rust algorithms, play with generative art, or pursue any other project you can imagine.

Developers can test deploying blended apps using Rust, Solidity, and Vyper contracts on the Fluent public devnet today. Reach out on Discord to talk about what you’re building and how you found the experience.

Other Ways to Get Involved

If you’re not a developer but want to get involved in other aspects of Fluent’s journey, the Fluent community is growing. You can;

gblend everyone!

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