Welcome to the Future,Β Now.

Our good friends at @Zora put it best.



There are two goals here:

  1. Accelerate onchain discovery, adoption, and usability

  2. Incubate creative sovereignty, acumen, and potential


A world where creators own their equity. A life where visual artists go on tour. One where virtual get-togethers provide dining tables for the global communities.

Onchain is young, and therefore defenseless. Don’t click a link you don’t know is the epitome of this defenselessness.

Simultaneously it is ripe with potential. It can not be nurtured without a hands-on approach.

FUTURENOW* *is currently a solo project that will hopefully grow beyond me. It will start as a place to aesthetically contextualize the distillation of my first hand experiences onchain, and the wisdom I have bled, perspired, and grieved to earn; in hopes that it accelerates the efforts of the adoption wave and budding potentials.


Creatives are a curious bunch. I know because I am one. The difference in many cases is that I have a love for the market side of things. I see it as a creative endeavor as well.

From the 2.5yrs of daily networking with other creatives onchain, I see that I have something many are looking for. I will bring that to FUTURENOW. It is my hope that it energizes them the way my digital sensei @jackbutcher did for me in 2020.

Beyond that I hope to attract other talent interested in the good fight. It will be my pleasure to welcome them in and scale this thing into an onchain-native superpower.

Some of the things long-term that interest me here are:

  • curation daos

  • onchain media

  • onchain creative consultation/edu-packages

and more.


The first project to this new brand will be the ebook of my essay series A Non-Technical & Highly Speculative Look at Memes: Parts 1-7. It will go onchain of course.

After that I have a surprise aesthetic gift for a certain curator in the space. With their blessing I will also be releasing that onchain.

The meme here is access. Access to acceleration and incubation. Any onchain creative that wants it can come get it. There will be free components to most things and I will do my best to make them of good enough value that purchasable items are more for supporting the brand and bonus content.

Welcome to FUTURENOW

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