FOAM at ETHDenver
January 31st, 2022

We are happy to announce that FOAM is a proud in person sponsor of ETHDenver and invite hackers passionate about hardware and sensors to create novel Ethereum transactions over radio (LoRa). We look forward to supporting hackers at the event and virtually to build cutting-edge Web3 applications where hardware and radio intersect for the Ethereum of Things!

The FOAM protocol is primarily a radio based network to providing location services that operate independent of GPS for web3 applications. Stay tuned!  Exciting updates on FOAM location will be announced soon! Our goal for ETHDenver is to connect with and recruit developers interested in beta testing this technology, as well as drive interest in Ethereum smart contract applications that are run over the air with radio transactions and sensors to further connect blockchains to the physical world.

For hackers we have developed FOAM Lite, a general purpose Ethereum radio relay node that anyone can build today and accelerate use cases in IoT. The hardware is accessible with low cost off the shelf components and the framework is flexible to use any configuration of tokens and smart contract applications. More information in our past post linked below.

We will be running a FOAM Lite relay node at ETHDenver and will be providing hackers a limited number of sensors that are 'Web3 ready transmitter' platforms for development.

The team hopes to meet many developers during the event. Find us at our booth at to ask questions, get help and brainstorm use cases. Do not miss our amazing limited swag giveaways!

Get onboarded with the FOAM Lite platform and learn how to bring your ideas to life! We will be hosting a FOAM Lite Developer workshop February 16th, 9-11am, at Mirus Loft (2nd Floor) *1144 Broadway, Denver, CO 80203, USA *part of BuidlWeek. This is an opportunity to get your hands on hardware and go in depth with our lead developer, Ilya Ostrovskiy.

We believe FOAM Lite is necessary infrastructure for all Ethereum and smart contract applications that unlocks new potential and powerful new use cases for the physical world. This ranges from environmental sensors that can open new forms of data markets to a people counter sensors that effects the attributes of an NFT on chain or unlock a drop when a certain number of people show up at a location.

Look out for the FOAM Lite hackathon bounties announcements and user guides on February 11th. Can't wait to see you there! Join us in the #foam channel to discuss in the ETHDenver Discord.

FOAM Lite compatible Radio Transmitter that will be given out at the hackathon  to help developers quickly get started developing the Ethereum of Things!
FOAM Lite compatible Radio Transmitter that will be given out at the hackathon to help developers quickly get started developing the Ethereum of Things!

PS.  Don't miss an informative panel at Schelling Point Feb 17th where we will contribute to the discussion on freedom, constraint and boundaries as we buidl public goods!

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