In 2023, a lot happened in the background.
The FRACTION Snapshot DAO started, giving every FRACTION Token holder the option to use their fraction of the token to vote.
Also FRACTION is now officially the first pure Superfluid SuperToken that is also a native xERC20 Token, a standard for cross chain compatibility developed by Connext. So basically the first Super-xToken :D
All of this resulted in some transactions of project owned FRACTION. Every major movement required a Snapshot proposal for transparency - and once fulfilled, a Lens Post got created that provided links to each tx.
This post serves as an on-chain log entry, providing a summary of all major transactions and proofs - to stay true to the commitment of as much transparency as possible.
(Note: Due to the shutdown of Connext V1 Router, even tho some Snapshot Proposals were successful, their fulfillment got posponed until the token could be moved between chains again. That is now possble again with the upgrade to an xERC20 Token. To prove their recent fulflllment, their tx are provided down there as well.)
Outcome: No, stay out of it.
Transactions: None.
Outcome: For
Retracting liquidity from the 45% MIVA / 45% FRACTION / 10% WXDAI pool
Adding liquidity to the 40% FRACTION / 40% MIVA / 20% GNO pool
Approve FRACTION > Approve MIVA > Approve GNO > Create Pool > Fund Pool
Relevant link: Balancer 40% FRACTION - 40% MIVA - 20% GNO Pool
Outcome: Split 33%/33%/33% between above
Transactions: None yet (postponed).
Reason: Low current $ARB token price at the moment and it’s better to align the price increase from re-buying with the official v2 launch.
Outcome: For
Move all QuickSwap LP Tokens to the new LP Account at 0xEdC69dF77123BdcCA3993b9fF89B6C09170cB0E3
Retract liquidity from WETH:FRACTION Pool
Approve → Withdrawal
Returning 0.118375044878554378 UNI-V2
for 0.371522640938522009 WETH and 0.038302376163566284 FRACTION
Open FRACTION:WETH Balancer Pool and place withdrawed liquidity
Approve WETH → Approve FRACTION → Create Pool → Fund Pool
Retract liquidity from MIVA:FRACTION Pool
Approve → Withdrawal
Returning 45.825756949558399065 UNI-V2
for 76247.431668602450053032 MIVA and 0.027764720428659435 FRACTION
Open FRACTION:MIVA Balancer Pool and place withdrawed liquidity
Approve MIVA → Approve FRACTION → Create Pool → Fund Pool
Why “partially”?
Because the proposal includes adding liquidity with funds from Snapshot Proposal #3, which has been postponed.
Outcome: For
Transactions: None yet (postponed).
Move SushiSwap v2 LP Token to the new LP Account at 0xEdC69dF77123BdcCA3993b9fF89B6C09170cB0E3 (Proof)
Retract liquidity from ETH:FRACTION Pool
Approve → Withdrawal
Returning 0.038729833462073168 SLP
for 0.146617380962866247 WETH and 0.010245029571800385 FRACTION
Open FRACTION:ETH Balancer Pool and place withdrawed liquidity
Approve FRACTION → Create Pool → Fund Pool
Why “partially”?
Because the proposal includes adding liquidity with funds from Snapshot Proposal #3, which has been postponed.
Outcome: Yes! Move it to the 8 Accounts.
Relevant links: Scavenger Hunt Accounts on GnosisChain
Account #1: 0x9cc7ca352d0e645d0b2ab80b18e776fcaa68ff3d
Account #2: 0x5393493f7a96dc56bd2d65133da3f9137cf29ac1
Account #3: 0xb550a0e056761be7757c11c1b8989b5ec7e0a494
Account #4: 0xf1ea6f648bfa5a04c3a73b09e11a054a884912af
Account #5: 0x30cec741f42acb81ddc91c4c40fe83237921599d
Account #6: 0x787fdd10884a0cfdcf2dd560fce57310b3c80dd6
Account #7: 0x37f3cacccaa02750cd4b08c4b6858441fb8290a7
Account #8: 0xfa777e0d1db92ca693fe0b462318dfa46c952d09
Outcome: For
Retracting Connext v1 Router Liquidtiy
0.182349133187877851 FRACTION on GnosisChain
0.904259012824578260 FRACTION on Polygon
0.978509750500000000 FRACTION on Optimism
0.979739851988406238 FRACTION on Arbitrum One
0.975787757300367690 FRACTION on Avalanche C-Chain 0.979489648236522545 FRACTION on BNB Chain
Auth New Router Liquidtiy: wrap to xxFRACTION on GnosisChain
Note:Due to limitations on the burn functions, burning of FRACTION on the new chains has been postponed until a future Superfluid Upgrade enables the option to do so. Meanwhile the retracted Connext v1 Router Liquidtiy has been added as fast-lane liquidtiy into the Connext Router:
0.978509750500000000 FRACTION on Optimism Approve → Transfer
0.979739851988406238 FRACTION on Arbitrum One Approve → Transfer
0.979489648236522545 FRACTION on BNB Chain Approve → Transfer
0.975787757300367690 FRACTION on Avalanche C-Chain remain in the Parking Account until Avalanche gets supported by Connext.
TBD: Burned
0.182359134637877851 xxFRACTION on GnosisChain
0.904259012824578260 FRACTION on Polygon
0.978509750500000000 FRACTION on Optimism
0.979739851988406238 FRACTION on Arbitrum One
0.975787757300367690 FRACTION on Avalanche C-Chain 0.979489648236522545 FRACTION on BNB Chain
TBD: Move leftover native coins to donate.fractiontoken.eth
Outcome: For
Moved SushiSwap (Optimism) LP Token (SCPLP) to liquidity.fractiontoken.eth
Remove SushiSwap Liquidity:
ETH 0,127628294488252119
FRACTION 0,011786105871192368
Approve SCPLP → Remove Liquidtiy
Create new Balancer FRACTION:ETH Pool:
Approve FRACTION → Create Pool → Fund Pool
Outcome: For
Moved SushiSwap (Avalanche) LP Token (SKO) to liquidity.fractiontoken.eth
Remove SushiSwap Liquidity:
12.5131908485 Wrapped AVAX (WAVAX)
0.0080291835 FRACTION
Approve SLP → Remove Liquidtiy
Create new Balancer FRACTION:AVAX Pool
Approve FRACTION → Create Pool → Fund Pool
Outcome: For
GnosisChain: transferred 22.36067977 UNI-V2 (Honeyswap FRACTION-WXDAI Pool) from fractiontoken.eth to liquidity.fractiontoken.eth
GnosisChain: transferred 11.18033989 UNI-V2 (Honeyswap FRACTION-MIVA Pool) from 0xa2B6c3012A7BeF567CFeF6ebbe9b88bBa940B733
to liquidity.fractiontoken.eth
GnosisChain: transferred 51.93262766 40FRACTION-40MIVA-20GNOfrom fractiontoken.eth to liquidity.fractiontoken.eth
GnosisChain: transferred 34.64101615 50FRACTION-50MIVA from treasury.fractiontoken.eth to liquidtiy.fractiontoken.eth
BNB Chain: transferred 0.1 Cake-LP from fractiontoken.eth to liquidity.fractiontoken.eth
Overview of current LP Tokens holded by the project in:liquidtiy.fractiontoken.eth (0xEdC69dF77123BdcCA3993b9fF89B6C09170cB0E3
22.36067977 UNI-V2 (Honeyswap FRACTION-WXDAI Pool)
11.18033989 UNI-V2 (Honeyswap FRACTION-MIVA Pool)
51.93262766 40FRACTION-40MIVA-20GNO (Balancer Pool)
34.64101615 50FRACTION-50MIVA (Balancer Pool)
0.238254726958243038 50WETH-50FRACTION
91.941400915869895304 50FRACTION-50MIVA
for Balancer Polygon Pools
0.077569081237260934 50WETH-50FRACTION
for Balancer Optimism Pool
0.075744 50FRACTION-50WETH
for Balancer Arbitrum v2 Pool
Avalanche C-Chain
0.6339422859939419 50WAVAX-50FRACTION
for Balancer Avalanche Pool
Relevant links:
Whale/Deployment Account (fractiontoken.eth) 0x388E96Dfe68b30892af93f30F5035602D8d51487
GnosisChain, Polygon, Optimism, Arbitrum One, Avalanche C-Chain, BNB Chain
Liquidity Account (liquidity.fractiontoken.eth) 0xEdC69dF77123BdcCA3993b9fF89B6C09170cB0E3
GnosisChain, Polygon, Optimism, Arbitrum One, Avalanche C-Chain, BNB Chain
Treasury Account (treasury.fractiontoken.eth) 0xd1800707Ba3e34d5e2e2a3C23A260218113DD98f
GnosisChain, Polygon, Optimism, Arbitrum One, Avalanche C-Chain, BNB Chain
Donation Treasury Account (donate.fractiontoken.eth) 0x608d487aAEcF75Eb5501b0f45263da94ee8Bf4C1
GnosisChain, Polygon, Optimism, Arbitrum One, Avalanche C-Chain, BNB Chain
Parking&Burning Account 0x365a55995ba89ecdb1b22e702175c98669329930
GnosisChain, Polygon, Optimism, Arbitrum One, Avalanche C-Chain, BNB Chain
More information: