Tornado Cash is a coin mixer that you can use to anonymize your Ethereum transactions. Because of the logic of the blockchain, every transaction is public. If you have some ETH on your account, you cannot transfer it anonymously, because anybody can follow your transaction history on the blockchain. Coin mixers, like Tornado Cash, can solve this privacy problem by breaking the on-chain link between the source and the destination address by using ZKP.
Users deposit the same amount of ETH to the contract.
Actual Process.
Deposit and get the private note.
_commitment the note commitment, which is PedersenHash(nullifier + secret)
Smart contract checks the hash of secret and nullified, if equal it returns true.
It sends 1 ETH back to the user after correctly checked
Actual Process:
Hash function is a one-way function so we can deduce the user who deposited ETH according to the parameters which we can find on-chain.
To solve this problem, Tornado Cash uses Zero Knowledge Proof.
Another problem arises: hackers can withdraw many times if Tornado Cash doesn’t know who is withdrawing.
zk-SNARK prevent this:
When you send proof you also need to send hash of nullifier.
Inside of zk-snark, it would check 2 things:
The purpose of nullifier is to prevent double-spending.
Input data of withdraw funciton:
is a zkSNARK proof data, and input is an array of circuit public inputs
array consists of:
Use Merkle Tree