LayerZero: Airdrop guide


LayerZero is an omnichain interoperability protocol designed for lightweight message passing across chains. It currently is used on the backend of a lot of protocols, but currently has no tokens. The protocols that use it however do, most popular of which is Stargate ($STG). Stargate was created by the LayerZero team so that’s why it’s so heavily emphasized in this guide.

Getting Started

LayerZero Ecosystem courtesy of Layerzero.Corner
LayerZero Ecosystem courtesy of Layerzero.Corner

Things to do once

  1. Testnet Bridge

    1. “BRIDGE” page, move $ETH from arbitrum or main net into Goerli

    2. Next head over to “LIQUIDITY & WRAPS”, add liquidity on any chain. You can LP with the Omnichain CA: 0xdD69DB25F6D620A7baD3023c5d32761D353D3De9 (Purchase on Uniswap)

  2. Join the Stargate discord and complete the guild quests:

    1. Stake STG (25 veSTG) Make sure you vote on every possible proposal on Snapshot

    2. Hold 100 STG on any chain

    3. (HIGHLY RECCOMEND) You need to deposit 1000+ stablecoins (BUSD/USDC/USDT) to a pool on any chains (except Metis) you get 1000+ LPT then farm them to get the 1K LP Farmer role. Deposit stables into Pool tab first THEN deposit the the LP token into Farming Tab.

    4. Then go to discord, and join guild in the # 🙏︱guild-join channel.

  3. USDC Demo Bridge: Request testnet usdc and gas from the links below the bridge and move USDC from Goerli to Fuji and back.

  4. Cross Chain NFT

    1. Head over to Holograph,

    2. Create a collection, fill out the details and press save

    3. Press Create NFT, Upload Media and fill out the details and press save. Make sure you Mint it.

    4. Deploy the Contract on one contract, then head back to your collections and redeploy to another chain. (I used Polygon and Avax)

    5. Now head over to the bridge tab, Select your collection and NFT, and bridge from chain to the other.

  5. Aptos things

    1. Bridge over to aptos using Layerzero powered bridge.

    2. Or use the liquid swap bridge (also powered by Layerzero)

Things to do on a regular basis

  1. Make a cross chain swap on Woo FI

  2. Merkly

    1. Mint an NFT and bridge it across multiple chains

    2. Mint Merkly Token and bridge it

    3. Use the Gas tab to get gas on multiple chains

  3. Make a cross chain swap on


    1. Swap to agEUR

    2. Bridge agEUR to multiple chains

  5. Core Dao

    1. Use the Gas tab on Merkly to get gas on core (From Polygon)

    2. Bridge to CORE

  6. Use cashmere to bridge and swap your goETH to different testnet tokens

  7. BTC.b

    1. Purchase BTC.b

    2. Bridge it here

  8. Bridge to Harmony here

  9. Bridge to Aptos here

  10. Level Finance

    1. Purchase Level

    2. Bridge it here

  11. ZKNS Domains

    1. Register a Name of your choice

    2. Click on "My Profile", Click on the domain you registered and CrossChain to Polygon

  12. Use l2Marathon to mint and bridge your runner between chains, make sure to use the gas function if you don’t have gas on that chain

  13. Make cross chain swaps on Hashflow

  14. Submit cross-chain sushi transactions

  15. Interact with Rage Trade: Deposit some money and create some longs and shorts over time.

  16. Vote on every $STG proposal, you can setup notifications thru snapshot bot on discord.

  17. Keep your $veSTG over 25. (This decreases over time so make sure you are continuously either extending your stake or add more)

  18. Use Stargate bridge every time you want to bridge.

  19. Keep an eye out on this guide. I will update it with steps as they come.

Omnichain NFTS

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