
I've always hated resumes with a passion. Writing a resume always feels like a chore and more of an exercise in one's ability to articulate their work experience on paper.

Resumes require constant manual updating.

We have so many tools these days to beautify resumes, create online portfolios, and templates for resume formats. However, one thing they all have in common is that you still need to provide the initial input. You must type in the job title, job description, achievements, and employment period every time you apply for a new position.

Resumes are not stored securely.

Congratulations! You just got hired for that job you've been vying for. A year in, and like anyone in the workforce these days, it's time to move on to something bigger and better. But, unfortunately, your outdated resume got deleted when you did a factory reset on your ten-year-old MacBook Pro, and now you have to rewrite your entire resume from scratch. It's happened to you before, and it won't be the last time it happens.

Resumes require third-party verification.

The worst part is, no matter what you write, there is nothing in your resume that irrevocably guarantees the authenticity of your work experience. Your resume is basically as good as your bio on a social media platform because every resume needs to be vetted.

How do we disrupt something so embedded into employment culture despite its glaring flaws?

Enter Experience Badges.

Experience Badges (EB) are tokenized work experiences permanently attached to your digital identity. Experience Badges are essentially Soul-Bound Tokens (SBT) and, unlike traditional resumes, are immutable, non-fungible, and non-transferable tokens securely stored on the blockchain and fully owned by you.

EBs are verified upon minting, making them a reliable way to document your career progression and saving your potential employer time and cost during the vetting process.

Consider this, we're tokenizing JPEGs, real-world assets, art, and more. So, why not your work experience? After all, your work experience precedes your reputation in the workforce.

Future-proof your work history

We've designed EBs with the decentralized economy in mind. The token standard for EBs is compatible with any Ethereum-built dApp (with future plans to implement cross-chain compatibility). This opens up the potential for external ecosystems to support EBs. Imagine a decentralized social app that grants gated community access based on your EBs or a DAO with EB-gated access for a specific group of professionals. Picture a DeFi lending platform that uses EBs to qualify you for better interest rates. The possibilities are endless.

Taking ownership of your work experience.

Why should you care about having ownership over your work experience? Because your personal data is the most valuable asset you don't own. Large corporations have monetized your personal data, including your work experience, with the promise of a "free-to-use" platform. With EBs, you retain full control over the monetization of your work experience data.

Democratising employment data.

Most importantly, tokenizing your work experience creates a permanent data entry on the blockchain, making it a decentralized identifier (DID) and contributing to the democratization of employment data. You may not care too much about this, but it will greatly impact the future workforce by making employment more equitable and inclusive of underserved talents across the globe.

Experience Badges are going live this August during the Geegs mainnet launch. Sign-up for early access mint here

Yours truly, Dobby.

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