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Golden Boys

Golden Boys

The blog for the $GOLD on BASE project. Follow the work of the world's richest meme coin dev. https://t.me/goldenboysportal
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$GOLD's Liquid Gold Rush: Gauging the Future of DeFi

Golden Boys
September 07
Dearest Golden Boys and future Golden Boys, remember when we said to keep an eye on $GOLD? Well, if you didn't stack while the Au (look it up on the periodic table if you need to) was hot, you might just miss the golden opportunity now. The world of DeFi is about to be shaken, not stirred, as $GOLD dives deep into the Balancer Gauges. And guess what? We told you so. Humpy, the Midas of meme-coins, is at it again, turning the emergent Base ecosystem into gold.
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Legend of the Golden Egg - Chapter 1

Golden Boys
September 07
Chapter 1 - The Conception of the Egg In the enchanted realm of the Magic Kingdom, two golden geese were the pride of the land. They laid golden eggs, each one a treasure beyond measure. But among these radiant eggs, one stood out—or rather, didn't. His name was Humpy, and his shell was not golden but a dull, unremarkable pink.
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The $GOLD Bible: Tokenomics

Golden Boys
September 05
"Know that Humpy is like a skinflint grandpa who locks his gold tokens in a treasure chest , well hidden, key tucked away."