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fēlix.eth (🇦🇷,🦇,🔊)

fēlix.eth (🇦🇷,🦇,🔊)

The Cat of Ethereum | Economist and web3 researcher
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A Take on Web3 Communities and Permissionless Marketing

Decentralized communities are changing the face of marketing. See how they differ from web2 alternatives and the implications for both brands and users.
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Royalties in NFTs: Yes, no, and why?

The NFT market has sparked a debate over royalty payments. Should creators receive ongoing royalties for resales, or just the initial sale?
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Royalties en NFTs: ¿Si, no, y por qué?

El mercado de los NFTs generó un debate sobre las royalties ¿Deberían los creadores recibir royalties por reventas, o solo por la venta inicial?
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Analysis on the success of the PFP collections

PFP collections were the hottest trend in NFTs, with much of them being sold for millions. Read on to explore their history, success and value.
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Análisis sobre el éxito de las colecciones PFP

Las colecciones PFP fueron la mayor moda dentro de los NFTs, con muchas obras valiendo millones. Seguí leyendo para saber todo sobre su historia, su éxito y su valor.