Meadows of Discovery and Insight

For a long time, I have been contemplating on a notion of learning. How does one acquire a new knowledge that stems from a practice rather than from traditional approach to education.

Being around creatives at an experimental collective 320colab allowed me to explore the intricate realms of knowledge transcending mere theoretical understanding. Each member with their unique talents and perspectives, sparked a constant exchange of ideas and pushed me to explore uncharted territories.

Rene Descartes once famously declared:

“I think, therefore I am.” ”Cogito, ergo sum.” (Descartes)

This statement captured his belief in the power of contemplation and self-reflection as a pathway to knowledge. Today, experimentation stands as an equally valid means to the same end, and so I follow that Descartes’s famous quote adapting it:

“I do, therefore I learn.” ”Facio, ergo disco.”

This statement comprises the core inspiration behind the thesis that experimentation should be understood as a creative form of learning.


In the realm of human existence, the pursuit of knowledge has been an enduring quest, woven into the fabric of our existence. However, in the realm of creativity and learning, there exists a profound connection between action and understanding.

Descartes' statement highlights the fundamental notion that conscious thinking is a testament to our existence. It underscores the significance of introspection and reason as essential pillars in understanding oneself and the world. Yet, in the context of creativity and learning, mere thinking alone does not suffice. It is through active engagement, through doing, that the depths of our potential are unveiled.

Experimentation, as a creative process, invites us to embrace a different perspective on learning. It encourages us to step out of the confines of abstract contemplation and venture into the realm of action. When we immerse ourselves in experimentation, we embark on a journey of discovery, unearthing knowledge that lies dormant within us.

By actively engaging in experimentation, we break free from conventional wisdom and thinking. We traverse uncharted territories, daring to question preconceived notions and challenging the boundaries of our understanding. In this pursuit, we become both the creators and the observers of our own reality, forging a path where creativity flourishes and new insights blossom.

In the making...
In the making...

In the realm of art and science, experimentation serves as the catalyst for progress. Through trial and error, we learn from our successes and failures, gaining wisdom that cannot be acquired through abstract thought alone. The hands that sculpt, the minds that hypothesize, the voices that dare to sing – they are all agents of change, weaving the tapestry of innovation.

In embracing the notion, "I do, therefore I learn," we acknowledge that learning is not merely a mental exercise; it is a holistic experience that engages our entire being. It transcends the confines of the mind and embraces the full spectrum of human expression. It invites us to step into the realm of action, where mistakes are not setbacks but steppingstones toward growth and understanding.

Ultimately, experimentation becomes a symphony of discovery, where the boundaries of our knowledge expand and evolve. It is through our endeavors that we shape our reality, revealing new insights and propelling the understanding forward.

The Alchemy of Shared Discovery

The notion of "I do, therefore I learn." extends beyond individual pursuits of knowledge and creativity. It invites us to embrace the power of collective creative practice as a catalyst for collaboration, shifting the paradigm from competition to cooperation. In a world where individualism often dominates, fostering a culture of collaboration unlocks boundless potential and pave the way for transformative progress.

When we engage in collective creative practice, we create a fertile ground for ideas to intermingle, for perspectives to converge, and for diverse talents to harmonize. Rather than perceiving others as rivals to be outdone, we recognize the value in collaboration, acknowledging that the collective wisdom and creativity of a group far surpasses that of any individual.

“It is in this collective synergy that innovation thrives, and breakthroughs emerge.”

The shift from competition to collaboration is not a call for uniformity or conformity but an invitation to celebrate the richness of diversity. By valuing and respecting the unique contributions of each individual, we create an environment where ideas can flourish and evolve organically, transcending the limitations of any single perspective.

Collective creative practice allows for the exploration of complex problems that often elude individual comprehension. Collaboration fosters a sense of shared responsibility and ownership, encouraging us to work towards a common goal that is greater than the sum of its parts.

In a collaborative setting, failures and setbacks are not perceived as personal defeats but as shared learning experiences. The collective spirit encourages resilience and fosters an environment where individuals feel supported, empowered, and motivated to persevere through challenges. Mistakes become opportunities for growth, and setbacks become steppingstones towards progress.

In a world grappling with complex issues, such as climate change, social inequality, and technological advancements, the need for collective creative practice becomes even more pressing. These challenges are multifaceted, requiring interdisciplinary collaboration and the pooling of resources and expertise. By transcending the boundaries of disciplines and fostering collaboration, we can tackle these issues holistically, with a sense of shared purpose and collective responsibility.

“Collective dreams bloom, Harmony in collaboration, Unveiling a new dawn.”

Let’s shift the focus from competition to cooperation, recognizing the power of collaborative endeavors in unlocking our collective potential. By valuing diverse perspectives, nurturing empathy, and fostering a shared sense of purpose, we can forge a future where collaboration becomes the cornerstone of progress, paving the way for transformative innovation and collective growth through experimentation.

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