
Joaquim Verges

Joaquim Verges

Principal Engineer @ thirdweb
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Permissionless infrastructure deployments on 900+ EVM chains

Joaquim Verges
September 05
At thirdweb we work hard to make our tools EVM chain agnostic, including our smart contract infrastructure. Today, anyone can deploy thirdweb contracts for a fraction of the gas cost of a regular deployment, on 900+ EVM chains.
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Why web3? Is it really just million dollar monkeys?

I get asked a lot what attracted me to work full time in web3. I'm not an investor, I'm not a NFT flipper, and I certainly don't own a million dollar monkey.
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Self-verifiable contracts using solc and IPFS

Joaquim Verges
January 03
Interacting with deployed contracts using web3 libraries like ethers.js requires having a copy of the contract ABI somewhere in your code, and keeping it up to date is a manual and error prone process. Using the thirdweb SDKs, ABIs are automatically inferred from any deployed contracts. All you need is the contract address. No ABI copy pasting, or maintenance required.
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Building Ethrone using Chainlink Keepers on Polygon

Joaquim Verges
December 20
“Let’s build a blockchain game!” I said.