Transforming Text Analysis with Extended LLM Token Limits

In the field of document analysis, the evolution from manual review to automated methods has marked a significant turning point. Humans excel in grasping nuances and context, yet are vulnerable to fatigue and cognitive overload, leading to potential errors. Conversely, automated systems offer consistent processing without tiring, but they may falter in deciphering ambiguities and implicit meanings, which are intuitive to humans.

This divergence in error profiles—human errors stemming from fatigue or overload, and machine errors arising from a lack of contextual understanding—highlights the inherent limitations of both approaches.

However, advancements like GPT-4 are bridging these gaps. With well-designed prompts and aligned training data, many machine-related errors can be mitigated, making GPT-4 a powerful tool for initial analyses and draft preparations, which can then be refined through human review.

Proof of Concept

I present a proof of concept utilizing the GPT-4-1106 model with its 128k token limit, demonstrating its effective application in a Python program for processing and summarizing documents.

An approximate calculation suggests that 128k tokens could equate to roughly 32,000 words, assuming an average of 4 tokens per word. Given that a typical PDF document contains about 250-300 words per page, this translates to approximately 107-128 pages. This estimate offers a general guideline, although the actual number may vary depending on specific text content and formatting.

The Python-driven application interacts with OpenAI's GPT-4 API to carry out its document analysis tasks. For processing various document types, the application employs libraries such as PyPDFLoader for PDFs, the csv module for CSV files, and python-docx for DOCX files, each extracting data as plaintext that serves as input for the GPT-4 request.

>/ demo - summarizing a market research document
>/ demo - summarizing a market research document

Analysis Process

Upon the user's selection of analysis type, the application proceeds with the chosen method:

Plaintext Analysis (128,000 token limit)

  1. The user's document is converted into a continuous string of text.

  2. The user provides a prompt that guides the AI's analysis.

  3. This prompt is appended to the document's text, forming a full input for GPT-4.

  4. The application sends this input to GPT-4-1106-preview, which then generates a response based on the combined text and prompt.

Vector Analysis (4,097 token limit)

  1. The document's text is vectorized using OpenAIEmbeddings.

  2. These vectors are stored in a Chroma vectorstore, creating a searchable database of the document's content based on semantic similarities.

  3. The Langchain agent, powered by standard GPT-4 and equipped with toolkit functions, awaits user prompts.

  4. When prompted, the agent uses the vectorstore to perform semantic searches and analyses, returning nuanced insights.


For those looking to deploy and use the document analysis tool, the following steps outline the process:

  1. Environment Setup: Ensure you have Python 3.10.2 or higher installed on your system.

  2. Repository Cloning: Start by cloning the GitHub repository to your local machine using the following command:

    git clone
  3. Dependency Installation: Navigate to the directory where the repository was cloned and install the required Python packages with:

    cd GPT-128kDocAnalyzer
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. API Key Configuration: Create a .env file in the root directory of the project. Add your OpenAI API key in the following format:


    Make sure to replace your_key_here with the actual API key provided by OpenAI.

  5. Document Preparation: Verify that your target document is in one of the supported formats: .pdf, .txt, .csv, or .docx.

  6. Prompt Crafting: Based on your document analysis needs, craft a clear and directive prompt that will instruct the model on the type of insights or summaries you are seeking.

  7. Mode Selection: Choose between plaintext or vector mode. The plaintext mode is suitable for comprehensive document analysis, while the vector mode is optimal for shorter documents that require a nuanced approach.

  8. Tool Execution: In the command line, run the script and follow the interactive prompts to input the document path and select the analysis type:

  9. Analysis Execution and Output Review: Provide your custom prompt when instructed by the program. The tool will process your document and output the analysis.

    For more technical details, visit the project’s GitHub Page.

Looking Ahead

Looking ahead, the potential integration of models like GPT-V (Vision) into document analysis tools could significantly enhance the current capabilities of text extraction from scanned documents and images. This advancement would move beyond the limitations of OCR (optical character recognition), which is traditionally used for converting images of text into analyzable data. GPT-V could interpret visual information directly, thereby streamlining the analysis of documents with embedded images or intricate formatting.

Such improvements would not only refine the accuracy of text extraction across various formats but also enable the automated review of a wider array of documents, including those featuring non-textual elements like charts, graphs, and other visuals. It would allow the AI to understand and contextualize information presented graphically, which is often an integral part of data analysis, business reports, and scientific papers. Currently, these elements are not within the purview of text-only AI models.

Moreover, future advancements in expanding context windows would greatly enhance document size readability, allowing for the processing of even lengthier documents or multiple documents in a single request. This would open up possibilities for more intricate and connected insights across documents.

As we embrace these technological strides, we edge closer to a future where the convergence of AI's textual and visual comprehension will redefine the boundaries of document analysis and knowledge synthesis. As these AI advancements unfold, we envision a new horizon where data transcends the page, shaping knowledge into limitless forms for human understanding.

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