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Kames Geraghty

Kames Geraghty

Web3 Hacker | CTO District Labs
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Intent Engines - The Web 3.0 Search Engine Equivalent?

Kames Geraghty
January 07
Blockchain APIs are open and accessible by default - spread across execution environments and smart contract addresses. And as a result users today are met with an increasing amount of choices and decision trees in Web3.
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Cost of doing business - The other side of the ETF token.

Kames Geraghty
January 07
I’m not a conspiracy theorist.
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The Future of Smart Wallets

Kames Geraghty
January 03
Have we reached the pinnacle of wallet design?
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Predictions: The Impact of Intents and AI on DeFi Protocols in the Next 3-5 Years

Kames Geraghty
September 15
The integration of intents is set to bring about transformative changes in the DeFi landscape.
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Mastering Safe Transactions: A Developer's Guide to Signing with EOAs and WAGMI

Kames Geraghty
September 15
In the realm of Ethereum, the act of signing transactions is a cornerstone operation.
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TurboETH Core Contributor Template Ideas

Kames Geraghty
September 11
TurboETH is evolving 📈 switching our focus from integrations to templates.
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Become A TurboETH Core Contributor - Monthly OP Token Stipends

Kames Geraghty
September 11
In the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology, the importance of community-driven innovation cannot be overstated.
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⚡️TurboETH - 18,271.88 OP Tokens from Optimism RGF

⚡️TurboETH received 18,271.88 OP tokens from Optimism Retroactive Grant Funding.
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TurboETH - Open Source Web3 Build System

Being exposed to Open Source Software when I was 15 years old changed my world.