Bridging Fashion & Alignment
December 6th, 2021

The clothes you wear are a representation of yourself, your experiences, and your beliefs. Where ever you go, one of the first ways of identification is your attire. No matter whats your fashion style, it will always leave a mark behind right next to your personality. Even if someone doesn’t personally speak to you, your outfit along with you attitude is how they recognize and assume.

If a woman walked in the room with all back leather from head to toe, shades, and tall boots, usually the first assumption is “she’s a boss & does’t play.” If a man walked in the room with a suit, briefcase, and shinny shoes, you would assume he’s about his business right?

See, IRL, the first judgment made is by the way we look and how we carry ourself. Unfortunately what most miss is that the clothes we wear also hold energy that represents how we feel in them. The intensions set behind the clothes we wear are just as important as how fashionable they are. The only thing about this is that sometimes the garments we buy we really don’t know where they came from especially if they were manufactured and not hand-crafted or from an indie designer.

Manufacturing can be from ethical companies with good intensions or outsourced companies treating their employees unfair which lead to your garments holding unwanted negativity.

From day one Keeping Distance stressed the importance of cleansed, high vibrational garments from the fabrics to the trims and would always use natural methods such as full moon sessions, present healing properties, and using our 3 core vibrational fundaments (Colors, Frequencies, & Sacred Geometry) in order to create our garments. This is why our Chakra Pants went viral.

We see decentralization in web3 as a bunch of vibrations connecting together in order to make smart contracts and DAOs of such. With coding being a form of vibrations, when bridging fashion and alignment in Keeping Distance Realm, we aim to continue the fleet and show you how these vibrations show out through our fashion garment NFTs and wear to earn will be more effective with the intentions set behind it.

Alignment also comes with protection. Tribes & cultures of all sorts have traditional dressing that represent a certain status. When they wear them they are recognized and respected. When you think about it, if you see any old footage of tribes, cultures, or even the military they usually have garments that have intentions and weapons of protection.

Keeping Distance Realm is going back to the source and starting at the roots to broaden the horizon of alignment in fashion. Our protection will be come in forms of crystals, stones, rocks, and chemical elements. Our fashion garments will represent a vortex experience of how we see ourselves in the metaverse and in the metaverse you choose your identity.

Just remember, Alignment is the most expensive luxury.


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