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Mehmet Köl Tiğin

Mehmet Köl Tiğin

🔬 Dr. Biologist 🐆 Co-founder of @AnatolianTeam ⚙️ Validator 👥 C.M. 🌐 http://AnatolianTeam.com
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Büyük Migrasyon — $KUJI Stake & Migrasyon Rehberi - Mehmet Köl Tiğin - Medium

Note: This article has been translated into Turkish by simplifying from the Team Kujira official announcement.
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Bifrost and its Ecosystem

Bifrost’s first incentivized testnet started on October 17, 2022 and ended on November 11, 2022. I can say that it is the best testnet ever made. Because the organization was very good, also the user panel and leaderboard where testnet users follow their awards were very well thought out.