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Building Towards A Decentralized Learning Community with NFT Credentials

November 23
In this article we will explore how NFT Credentials can benefit Decentralized Learning Community and ways to implement it.
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How to use Discord to manage a DAO

October 21
Discord is a communications platform, similar in ways to Slack, but originally designed for gamers. Beyond foundational functionalities like text, video call, voice call, it has tools and bots which make it effective for managing communities. Users can join public or private servers, and within these servers, there are channels (general chat, memes, events, giveaways) grouped in categories (e.g. welcome, main city, voice channels). Permissions can also be set to what different individuals can or cannot see. This makes organization of information and discussions a lot more manageable.
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That introduction to Web3 wallets you wish you had read earlier

October 18
Did you know that a Web3 wallet in no way resembles a physical wallet? In this article, we will unpeel the layers on how a Web3 wallet exactly works.