Launch Partner Announcement: Paladin

Liquis is celebrating the second week of its Pre-Launch Program with the news that Timeless Finance governance has approved it to be the first liquid locker of veLIT. With this victory in hand, it’s only timely that we announce our next launch partner, Paladin!

About Paladin

Paladin is a platform of applications that unlock governance power in other DeFi protocols. It provides venues for holders of sought-after governance power to monetize their standing.

Warden Quests

With Quests, users are able to purchase votes in favor of their target liquidity pools in voting-escrow governance systems at a specific price per vote. This ensures that the user does not wind up either overpaying or seeing their subsidies go to waste.

Warden Boosts

With Boosts, soon to be renamed Pledges, liquidity providers gain the ability to rent voting power so as to benefit from boosted emissions. This is a complementary solution to an aggregator like Liquis, which itself could stand to benefit from participating in such markets.


Warlord is an index of governance tokens associated with leading voting-escrow liquid wrappers, like Aura and Convex. Users can mint the WAR token in order to maintain diversified exposure to the price fluctuations and yields of the underlying assets.

Warlord gives users exposure to a basket of leading governance aggregators' governance tokens
Warlord gives users exposure to a basket of leading governance aggregators' governance tokens

You can learn more about Warlord in the below thread.


Dullahan is a rental market specifically for staked AAVE positions. It allows users who want to mint GHO, the stablecoin issued by Aave protocol, to benefit from the spread between staked AAVE fee discounts and Dullahan borrow costs.

You can learn more about Dullahan in the below thread.

Paladin DAO

Paladin is governed by holders of the PAL token, who have the ability to lock it as hPAL (Holy-PAL) for anywhere between three months and two years. hPAL holders may receive boosted PAL emissions where applicable, as well as receive disproportionate voting power. There is a discussion underway to revisit the token design of PAL.

Paladin founder Romain Figuereo recently gave a talk on DeFi voting markets at EthCC[6] that you can view below.

Paladin x Liquis

Liquis has accumulated over 2.4M veLIT-equivalent deposits to date and stands to be the single largest participant in Timeless Finance governance going forward. As Bunni users will seek to attract oLIT emissions to their target pools, it is imperative that a robust marketplace for Liquis-held veLIT forms.

With Paladin, Liquis will have a partner capable of fulfilling this need. Warden quests could provide fixed-price markets for vlLIQ; eventual inclusion of LIQ in the Warlord index would further automate the supply-side of the veLIT market. Paladin has proven itself time and time again as a pioneer in DeFi governance markets and we’re keen for Liquis to grow alongside their work.

Learn More about Paladin

You can follow and learn more about Paladin via the following resources:

The primary Paladin interface can be found here.

The Latest on Liquis

Liquis is currently in the second phase of its Pre-Launch Program. The Pre-Launch Program runs through August 30th, and now with the blessing of Timeless Finance governance, its actual protocol launch is expected for right around that time as well. At that point, all deposits into the Liquis Pre-Launch will be deposited and locked for four years in the Bunni voting-escrow contract.

If you’re new to Liquis, make sure to join us on Twitter and Discord, as well as reading up on our documentation.

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