Hey everyone, Bit here! I decided to put the Handle Handler updates I just made in a blog post instead of a Tweet since it would be too long for me to explain everything.
Now if you give no handle or a handle with special handling, then the page that appears is no longer monochrome and in a serif font.
The Handle Handler will now handle certain handles differently than others.
Twitter (X), Instagram: No @ will be in the URL that is redirected to.
Reddit: The URL is "reddit.com/user/[username]."
Hey: The URL is "hey.xyz/u/[username]."
lens.xyz (Lens Protocol setup page): This will redirect to Hey.
Orb Social: Orb has no fully-functional web app. If the user is on a desktop, the user will be prompted about this and be told to go to Hey instead since Orb uses the Lens Protocol.