Light The God Candle For Your Brand

For creatives and entrepreneurs ready to elevate network connections with fast organic growth

A well-crafted media kit is an essential tool for an individual or brand looking to attract potential partners. By including the key elements outlined in this article, you can build a media kit that communicates the reach and interests of your brand making you stand out in a crowded market by making it easy for investors, sponsors and partners to see how partnering with you is a win-win.

by Maxximillian.eth

Curious about the title? A "god candle" is a term used in the cryptocurrency trading culture to describe a particularly strong and decisive bullish (positive) movement on a price chart. The term is often used to describe a ‘candle’ that breaks through a significant resistance level or forms a large, green candle on the chart.

A god candle is created when there is a sudden surge in buying pressure, which causes the price of the cryptocurrency to rapidly increase. This buying pressure can be caused by a variety of factors, such as positive news about the project, a large influx of new buyers, or even just a general bullish sentiment in the market.

For traders, a god candle is an auspicious signal, as it suggests a strong trend reversal and the potential for significant profits. Traders will often look for signs of a god candle forming on a chart as a signal to enter or exit a trade.

I use the paradigm here to say ‘lighting a god candle’ for yourself and your brand is to deliberately engineer the conditions in which a sudden surge in interest in your offerings can most easily manifest and spike into god candle-ness with the same intentional confidence that you activate a flame to light a candle. You don’t wonder if the fire you have is good enough to light the wick; you know it is, and you know that candlelight will happen—and so go about the business of getting that candle lit in the full confidence that you’ll soon be basking in the warm glow of your satisfying efforts.

A great media kit is a crucial tool for any artist or organization looking to gain exposure and attract potential partners. It serves as a one-stop-shop for all the information that media outlets, influencers, and other stakeholders need to understand your brand and its reach. In this article, I’ll walk you through the key elements of a what you might include in your media kit, and provide tips on how to create one that will help your brand stand out.

Make it easy for partners to see that working with you is a win-win by highlighting topics and interests that align with your brand.

The first thing to include in your media kit is an infographic on a full screen slide that provides a visual representation of your brand's key metrics. This could include information on unique media views per month, number of media channels where you have a presence, and audience demographics. It's also a good idea to include information on the topics that your brand covers, such as NFT music, visual arts, decentralized finance, performing arts, food, and travel.

Think of these as categories of interest within your audience that you cover. Overlap is fine and good. For example, being able to show that your audience has interest in both travel and decentralized finance will let a web3 conference planning their event in Tulum that your audience is primed for their offer—and they’d do well to partner with you.

On the next slide, include statistics about your audience that demonstrate the reach and influence of your brand. For example, you could mention how many of your audience members log in with a crypto wallet, or what percentage of your audience is made up of a certain demographic as it relates to your ideal media or retail partners.

Unleashing the Power of Your Online Audience by Detailing Your Social Media Presence in a Media Kit To Help You Attract Potential Partners

It's helpful to include information on your social media presence, such as the number of subscribers to your most popular channel. This will give potential partners a sense of the scale of your online reach and the engagement levels of your audience.

Another key element of a media kit is information on the unique views per month that your collective channels have globally. This will give potential partners an idea of the scale of your audience and the potential reach of a collaboration.

There’s power in smaller highly engaged highly targeted audiences. A small audience already educated to appreciate an offer is more valuable than a large audience without the sufficient education and preparedness to take advantage of partnership offerings.

For example, for an NFT token offer, in order to take advantage of a token sale, the audience must already possess a cryptocurrency trading account, and the appropriate cryptocurrency wallet, have the liquidity and budget to collect and the education to see the value in ownership of that token—an extremely low percentage of the population is qualified to claim this offer. So, an audience of 400 people who are 100% qualified is more valuable than an audience of 14K of any mixed bag audience.

*According to a recent estimate by, as of 2023, an average of 4.2% of the global population owns cryptocurrency, which means there are over 420 million crypto users worldwide. That's a pretty big number, let's put it in perspective of growth. Just two years ago, in 2021, reported that only 36.5 million Americans were using cryptocurrency, and globally, the number was around 300 million users. The percentage of growth in the number of crypto users between 2021 and 2023 is (420 million - 300 million) / 300 million * 100 = 40%. This means that the number of crypto users has grown by 40% in just two years. It's a remarkable growth and it's important to highlight that cryptocurrency is becoming more and more mainstream, and it's definitely the renaissance of finance. *

On the next slide, with an accompanying graphic, mention the media partners that you have already worked with, and any growth that your brand has experienced since its inception. This will demonstrate your brand's track record of success and its ability to attract high-profile partners.

Media kit infographics should add additional perspective and insights to the text copy, and be visually pleasing and easy to read. Use high-quality images that align with your brand's aesthetic and tone.

A great media kit is not only a collection of statistics to put forward your brand’s interests (Visual Arts, Food, Travel, DeFi) and those of your audience and a visual representation of your brand's key metrics. Each slide in the media kit should be accompanied by a graphic image that offers further insights and adds additional perspective, and your brand logo. The graphics in a media kit should not just repeat the information in the text copy but rather provide a visual representation of the data, making it easier for the reader to understand and retain the information.

When it comes to creating graphic images for a media kit, there are a few guidelines to keep in mind. Firstly, it's important to use high-quality images that are visually pleasing and easy to read. This could include charts, graphs, and diagrams that clearly present data in a way that is easy to understand.

Secondly, it's important to use colors and design elements that align with your brand's aesthetic. This will help to create a cohesive visual identity and make it easy for readers to identify your brand.

Thirdly, avoid using text heavy images, or images that are overly busy, hard to read or not aligned with the overall design of the media kit.

Audience makeup, engagement rates, repeat visitors, demographics, and audience loyalty are all useful metrics—even for emerging brands who are still building their audiences because instead of head-counts, these metrics focus on interactions and value propositions. These metrics, along with a pie chart or other graphic representation, can be used to provide a visual representation of your audience and demonstrate the strength of your brand to potential investors and media partners.

When it comes to describing your audience, a pie chart or other graphic is a great way to provide a visual representation of the makeup of your audience. This could include information on demographics, interests, or behaviors that are relevant to your brand. For example, a pie chart could show that ⅔ of your audience are women who use cryptocurrency wallets. This information is not only interesting but also meaningful to investors and media partners, as it demonstrates the potential reach of your brand among a specific target audience.

Other useful metrics that emerging brands can use to demonstrate the strength of their audience include:

Engagement rates: This could include information on the average number of likes, comments, or shares that your content receives. High engagement rates demonstrate that your audience is actively engaged with your brand.

Repeat visitors: This metric measures the number of people who visit your website or social media channels multiple times. High repeat visitor numbers indicate that your audience is coming back to your brand, which demonstrates that your content is resonating with them.

Demographics: This could include information on the age, gender, location, and other characteristics of your audience. This information can help potential partners understand the makeup of your audience and whether it aligns with their target audience.

Audience loyalty: This metric measures the percentage of your audience that has been with your brand for a certain period of time. High audience loyalty indicates that your audience is loyal to your brand and demonstrates the strength of your brand.

There are more metrics and infographics we can include to show prospective partners and sponsors how a partnership with you and your brand can add value with your unique audiences, and we’ll get into that on a later post.

For now, let’s get into how to improve the statistics we’ve already mentioned. In my opinion, the number one signal of a good investment is GROWTH.

Habits to engineer and optimize organic meaningful brand-awareness and organic growth

In addition to these specific ways I’ll outline below for specific media outlets, in general you can also increase engagement and views by creating valuable, interesting, or entertaining short-form content and leveraging symbiotic marketing by running contests or giveaways.

Compose stand-alone replies

On Twitter and any social network: Engaging with your audience by responding to comments and messages in a timely manner using full sentences so that your comment will have value to someone reading it who hasn’t seen the comment to which you’re replying will immediately boost the value you provide with only a few extra seconds of effort.

Weak sauce Tweet reply: Awesome, bro.

Hot sauce Tweet reply: Congratulations on selling out of your digital fashion collection of graffiti-themed streetwear! I picked up 2 pairs for myself!

Leverage your power on the most underrated social network to increase your visibility and show your viability by sharing your best work in a organically relevant professional context

LinkedIn's livestream feature is a powerful tool that can help you grow your brand and attract new followers. By hosting webinars and panel discussions, being consistent, and providing high-value content, you can establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry and build a loyal following. I believe with consistency and a bit of algorithm whispering to refine your programming to optimize exposure, anyone can position themselves to become a favorite go-to expert in their chosen fields.

Especially in web3, the world’s fastest growing industry, the ability to connect with others and share ideas has never been more important. And when it comes to building a brand, LinkedIn's livestream feature is a powerful tool that can help you grow your audience and attract new followers.

One of the most effective ways to use LinkedIn's livestream feature is by hosting a webinar or panel discussion on a topic related to your brand. By inviting a guest who you personally want to learn from, you'll be able to come up with meaningful questions and conversation points that will shine through during the livestream. This, combined with high-value guests, will increase viewership on your brand's LinkedIn page and attract new followers.

But it's not just about having a one-off livestream and hoping for the best. To truly make the most of this feature, you need to be consistent. Even doing a livestream once a month can yield a wealth of smaller clips of your audio/video that you can publish throughout the month until your next broadcast. This will help you to develop a following and keep your audience engaged.

Another key to success when using LinkedIn's livestream feature is to make sure that the content you're providing is of high value. This means providing insights, advice, and information that will be of genuine benefit to your audience. By doing this, you'll be able to establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry and attract a loyal following.

Create a front-facing online community hub for community members to share their insights and expertise between live streams

When it comes to hosting a successful Reddit AMA, there are a few key things to keep in mind, even if you don't yet have a following on the platform. Here are five tips to help you make the most of this opportunity:

Choose the right subreddit. Before you even start planning your AMA, it's important to choose the right subreddit for your topic. This means finding a subreddit that's focused on the subject you're an expert in, and that has a large and active community.

Be prepared. Before you start your AMA, it's important to be prepared. This means having a list of questions that you're likely to be asked, and having answers ready. It also means being ready to engage with the community and answer any follow-up questions that may come up.

Be transparent. When hosting an AMA, it's important to be transparent. This means being honest about who you are, what you do, and what you're hoping to accomplish with the AMA. By being transparent, you'll be able to build trust with the community, and they'll be more likely to engage with you.

Be authentic. When hosting an AMA, it's important to be authentic. This means being yourself and not trying to be something you're not. By being authentic, you'll be able to connect with the community on a deeper level, and they'll be more likely to engage with you.

Follow-up. After your AMA, it's important to follow-up with the community. This means responding to any comments or questions that may have come up during the AMA, and thanking the community for their participation. By following-up, you'll be able to keep the conversation going and build a deeper relationship with the community.

r/ Ask Me Anything

Now that you have these tips in mind, here is a cliff notes roadmap you can follow to host your successful AMA:

  1. Research the right subreddit for your topic and audience

  2. Plan your AMA by preparing list of questions and answers.

  3. Create a post announcing the AMA and include all the details like date, time, and a short bio of yourself. Get the invitation out there well. Invite people personally in direct messages, via email and by phone. Let people you invite know why you’re inviting them in particular. If you’d like to have them as a panelist on the stage, let them know and generously highlight their presence on your upcoming AMA if they say they’ll be there. Share the cool graphic you made to promote the event—hint hint—and ask people help you get the word out by sharing it.

  4. Be transparent, authentic, and engage with the community during the AMA

  5. Follow-up with the community after the AMA and continue the conversation.

Starting with these guidelines, you'll be able to host a successful AMA and build a relationship with the community on Reddit, even if you don't yet have a following on the platform. Be creative and experimental.

Try going live at different times and on different days and see where you get the most juice—remember head-counts aren’t always the most meaningful metrics. Maybe you notice that your evening spaces draw a more intellectual crowd and better conversations; if your priority is high quality, that would be a preferable slot to an earlier slot where you have a higher head-count but less qualified or less engaged speakers.

Remember, building a following takes time, but by being consistent and providing value, you'll be able to establish yourself as a thought leader in your field and grow your brand.

Streaming Your Way to Success: How to Create Compelling Content on YouTube as an Emerging Artist or Brand in the Web3 Community

As an emerging artist or brand in the web3 community, creating compelling content on YouTube can be a challenge, but it doesn't have to be. One way to organically generate interesting and informative content is by livestreaming some aspect of what you already do for your brand. This can be anything from a behind-the-scenes look at your product development process, to a Q&A session with your team, to a panel discussion on a relevant industry topic.

Building Your Brand Through Livestreams: A Roadmap for Emerging Artists and Brands in the Web3 Community

To get started, it's important to develop a programming strategy that aligns with your brand's mission and values. For example, if you're a decentralized platform for buying and selling digital assets, you might want to focus on livestreams that educate your audience on the benefits of blockchain technology, or that showcase the unique features of your platform.

Once you have a programming strategy in place, it's time to start reaching out to potential guests. You don't have to have a huge following on YouTube to attract interesting guests - what's more important is that you have a clear vision for the content you want to create, and that you can communicate that vision effectively.

Creating Connections: How to Attract Interesting Guests and Build an Audience as an Emerging Artist or Brand in the Web3 Community

When reaching out to potential guests, it's important to be clear and direct. Explain who you are, what your brand is all about, and what kind of content you're looking to create. Provide examples of previous livestreams you've done, if you have any, and let them know what kind of audience you're trying to reach.

It's also important to be flexible. If a guest is unable to participate in a livestream, ask if they would be willing to participate in a pre-recorded Q&A session or if you could interview them on your blog, podcast, or other platform.

Once you have a guest, it's important to market the livestream well in advance. Use various social media platforms to promote it and make sure to target the right audience. You could also try reaching out to web3-related media outlets and see if they would be interested in promoting the livestream on their platforms.

Lastly, consistency is key. Even if you're just starting out and don't have a huge following yet, it's important to keep live streaming and creating content on a regular basis in order to build an audience and establish your brand as a trusted source of information and entertainment within the web3 community.

Overcoming the Challenges of Twitter's Algorithm

It’s no secret that Twitter users have been long suffers of an algorithm that leaves many genuinely worthwhile tweets underexposed to their audiences but even with Twitter’s awful algorithm, it’s still possible to organically grow your twitter following.

Building an organic following on Twitter can be a daunting task, but with the right strategy and approach, it's definitely achievable. Here are a few tips to help you grow your following on the platform:

It's important to remember that building a strong presence on Twitter and any other platform takes time and effort, but by being consistent, engaging and providing value to your followers, you'll be on the right track to building a strong, loyal following despite the inadequacies of the platform by understanding its features, and pitfalls.

Tips for Organic Growth on Twitter

Define your target audience: The first step in building an organic following on Twitter is to know who you're trying to reach. Define your target audience by considering factors such as their interests, demographics, and pain points. Once you know who you're trying to reach, you can tailor your content to appeal to them.

Create valuable content: The key to building an organic following on Twitter is to provide value to your audience. Share content that is informative, educational, or entertaining. This could include blog posts, infographics, videos, or other types of media that your audience would find useful.

Engage with your audience: Twitter is a two-way conversation, so it's important to engage with your audience. Respond to comments and messages, ask questions, and encourage your followers to share their thoughts. By engaging with your audience, you'll be able to build stronger relationships with them.

Use hashtags: Hashtags are a great way to reach a wider audience on Twitter. When you use hashtags, your tweets will be more visible to people who are searching for those topics. Be sure to use relevant hashtags that are relevant to your brand and industry.

Collaborate with other brands: Collaborating with other brands can help you expand your reach on Twitter. For example, you can partner with another brand to host a Twitter chat, or you can guest post on each other's blogs. By collaborating with other brands, you'll be able to reach a wider audience and gain new followers.

Building a Strong, Loyal Following on Twitter

Post Consistently: It's important to be consistent with your content, so your followers know when to expect new content from you. Schedule your tweets at the same time every day and make sure you are regularly posting new content.

Optimize your Profile: Your profile is the first thing people will see when they come across your account. Make sure it's visually appealing and includes all the information that people need to know about your brand.

Use Twitter Ads: Twitter Ads can be a great way to get your message in front of a larger audience, and can be a great way to get a boost on your following

Use Twitter Lists: Combat the algorithm by curating your own lists of Twitter users and inviting other people to follow your lists. Instead of looking at your timeline, which is curated by Twitter to server their purposes and not yours, when you log on - skip the timeline, and start with your own curated lists where you’ll see all the tweets of the profiles you’ve added there and can support and stay abreast of the updates that matter most to you.

Track your progress: Keep track of your progress by monitoring your follower count, engagement rates, and other metrics. This will help you see what's working and what's not so you can make adjustments as needed.

5 Habits to avoid on Twitter

Spamming: Avoid sending out too many retweets in a short period of time, as this will only annoy your followers and lead to them unfollowing you for flooding their timeline with tweets of people they don’t follow.

Ignoring engagement: When someone takes the time to respond to your tweets, make sure you respond back to them. Ignoring engagement can lead to a poor reputation and lack of interest from your followers.

Not being authentic: If you wouldn’t say it to someone’s face if they stood before you in person, don’t type it to them on Twitter. Be authentic and true to yourself, and your followers will appreciate you the most.

Not being timely: Twitter is a real-time platform, so it's important to be timely with your tweets. Make sure you're sharing content that is relevant and timely .

Being ratty: Nobody logs on to Twitter to be insulted or judged, condescended to, or made to feel bad. If you don’t have something insightful, helpful, or kind to contribute—or you can’t find a positive way to frame it—don’t comment; just keep scrolling. Twitter has a heart and not a thumb-down response button to tap on tweets you don’t like for a reason. If you don’t like what a person has to say and can’t express yourself in a respectful manner, consider unfollowing. If you ever feel like all you have to share are prescriptive hot takes, maybe it’s time to log off and touch grass. We all get angry and we all get grouchy. Self-mastery is knowing when it’s time to take a Twitter break.

It is my hope these insights I’ve shared on how to begin creating a media kit for your brand, and how to organically grow your following on various social media channels like LinkedIn, Reddit, YouTube, Twitter to increase your brand’s perceived value to prospective partners inspire you to take action today to fortify your brand with a media kit, and how distilling these suggestions into actual slides with infographics can give prospective partners the clarity on what you can offer to reach out to you, or to choose you.

We've covered a lot, from how to use infographics to showcase your unique views per month in the most exciting way, to the makeup of your audience and the statistics that demonstrate their engagement with your brand. We've talked about the importance of consistency in hosting webinars, panel discussions, and AMAs on Reddit, and how to create compelling programming for your viewers on YouTube with daily short form and scheduled thoughtful long form content—both favored by viewers at the time of this writing.

But we're not done yet. In future posts, we'll dive even deeper into how to share the vision, verticals, and benefits of partnering with your brand to prospective partners.

To make the most of this information, I highly recommend keeping a social media growth log, where you can jot down insights and strategies that work well for you. This will help you stay focused and motivated as you continue to build your brand.

And remember, we all start from zero. There's no shame in being small, only in not trying. So don't let your current statistics hold you back. Gather the statistics you have now and put your media kit together today.

As one of my faves—inspirational coach—Lisa Nichols says, “When your clarity meets your conviction and you apply action to the equation, your world will begin to transform before your eyes.”

And I want nothing but extraordinary positive transformations for you, so I invite you to follow me on LinkedIn for even more valuable insights and strategies on building your own brand in the web3 space.

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