Notcoin has created a new paradigm for mass-appeal Telegram apps, attracting audiences in the millions—something rarely seen in Web3 before. This has established a novel advertising-focused business model, while subsequent Telegram apps discovered the power of gamification, successfully incorporating mobile gaming mechanics and monetization strategies.
This is an unprecedented use case for crypto that few in Web3 anticipated. Still, the true potential of the Telegram ecosystem remains significantly undervalued in the Web3 space. Consider this: apps with millions of users command market caps in the hundreds of millions—far less than many Web3 applications with mere thousands of users. A colossal market inefficiency at display!
MemeFi has emerged as one of Telegram's most successful applications, achieving:
User reach of 50+ million
Revenue exceeding $30M
We’ve developed of an exemplary gamified platform incorporating best practices from high-revenue mobile gaming projects and created one of the highest-grossing ad networks in the Telegram ecosystem
Telegram is the gateway for crypto mass consumer apps.
Here we take the lead.
Crypto is finance. There are no crypto apps, but merely apps that use crypto.
We use crypto when it’s needed — not merely added for hype.
MemeFi is evolving into an ecosystem of mass-appeal Telegram consumer applications, with two key initiatives in development:
Implementation of one of mobile gaming's highest-performing revenue models on Telegram
Creation of a Telegram prediction market featuring simple UX, original user-friendly design, and high engagement mechanics
We're responding to genuine market demand — not attempting to manufacture it.
Mass-appeal consumer apps require robust scalability and reliable transaction processing. This is the primary reason why we selected Sui for the migration. Sui's unique architectural design and technical capabilities make it possible to accommodate millions of users from the MemeFi ecosystem effectively.
This is what we need to build further.
MemeFi is the ONLY Telegram app with an original memecoin brand.
The universe has been created by a design team that knows how to deliver striking, unique and attractive imagery and narrative. Combined with its memecoin nature, this makes it ideal for viral growth.
Strong IPs resonate naturally with users. A distinctive identity and coherent world-building WILL fire the “WOW” neurons. A strong brand is a growth hack that’s overlooked by too many.
We’re incredibly excited to grow and develop as a brand and work with other brands together. Two of our closest partners are Simon’s Cat and Baby Shark, one of the strongest brands in crypto.
Expanding to other media is our top priority. We’re already exploring video content via YouTube and are planning to leverage our strengths as a brand for YouTube growth.
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We’re a Web3 project first. We recognize blockchain's unprecedented opportunities for financial freedom, operations, and use cases.
Still, the current UI solutions often fall short. Leveraging the power of Sui, we are creating the UX that Web3 users deserve.
Our vision for Telegram consumer apps is seamless UX rather than the unescapable clunkiness of Web3 browser wallet.
Sadly, the UX is just not there yet.
Via account abstraction, we're developing solutions that would provide the experience as simple and nice as that of the top tier mobile banking apps.
This would be the foundation that would allow for crypto consumer apps of immense scale. And we’re getting there.