Clarification of wallet 5A25-- 关于Imaginary Ones巨鲸地址的澄清

这几天有人造谣 @Imaginary_Ones 持有地址第一的鲸鱼 0xe16CBB857388575Cf80C23c058ddAE2f73785A25 与跑路项目Squigglies有关。开局一张图,剩下全靠编,能拿出证据证明这个地址和Squigglies有关吗?

These days there are rumors that Imaginary_Ones’s whale address 0xe16CBB857388575Cf80C23c058ddAE2f73785A25 is related to the rug project Squigglies. When you doubt others, please show evidence first. Can Soho show some evidence that this address is related to Squigglies?


气球人持有地址榜一是我的一位大佬朋友,钱包使用了2年多了,最近才开始玩NFT。他的钱包里除了Imaginary_ones, 还有CryptoPunks, Ali, Bunny等NFT。我钱包里的一只Ali还有bunny都是他送我的,下面我会贴上转账记录和hash。

The top holder of Imaginary_ones is my friend and he is using this wallet for more than 2 years. Recently, he started to buy NFT. Except Imaginary_ones, he has many different NFTs in his bag including CryptoPunks, Ali, Bunny. He sent one Ali NFT and one Bunny Buddies to me 2 months ago. I will attach the transaction hash below.

Transfer 1 Ali NFT to my address 0x915E3B03C0f8CC34b75A9a4115a4D9bf1705DB98
Transfer 1 Ali NFT to my address 0x915E3B03C0f8CC34b75A9a4115a4D9bf1705DB98
Transfer 1 Bunny to my address 0x915E3B03C0f8CC34b75A9a4115a4D9bf1705DB98
Transfer 1 Bunny to my address 0x915E3B03C0f8CC34b75A9a4115a4D9bf1705DB98


Previously, he also gave away some Bunnybuddies to in Ali discord community. I will attach the chat record and transaction below.

Chat record in Ali Discord
Chat record in Ali Discord

Transaction hash:




Transaction record#1
Transaction record#1
Transaction record#2
Transaction record#2

昨天Keenz.eth还发推特怀疑气球人巨鲸持有地址是Mayo,仅仅因为看到海外KOL Soho 的推特。链上数据都是公开透明的,先去查查链上数据再来发言。在这个圈子如果都相信KOL说的话,你早就亏的血本无归了。接下来我会推翻这些所谓的石锤证据。

Yesterday Keenz.eth tweeted a suspicion that the top holder of Imagainary_ones belongs to Mayo, because he saw Soho ‘s tweet. Blockchain data is open and transparent. When you doubt others, please show evidence first. In blockchain, if you only believe what KOL says, you will lost all you money soon.

I will hit these so-called “evidence” .

1. Someone named G @GavinMayo6 said he is the top holder of Imaginary_ones and minted over 100. 一个叫G的人说自己铸造了超过100个气球人。

Fake Info#1
Fake Info#1


Truth: My friend only minted 2 Imaginary_ones during pre-sale (because he bought genesis piece of Imaginary_ones and he has the OG role). The rest of 266 are bought from Opensea.

Genesis piece of Imaginary_Ones
Genesis piece of Imaginary_Ones
Mint Info
Mint Info

2. Keenz.eth怀疑气球人鲸鱼持有者是Mayo,要求验证钱包。我朋友也按照他的要求验证了自己持有这个钱包。

Keenz.eth suspect the owner of this whale wallet and ask my friend to verify the ownership. As he requested, my friend also verified that he holds this wallet 0xe16CBB857388575Cf80C23c058ddAE2f73785A25.


KeenZ.eth send 0.002eth to this address and ask my friend to send back 0.001eth to prove the ownership of wallet. Below is the transcation record.

Transaction record
Transaction record

Transaction Hash:



Due to a few words from so called KOL, my friend's wallet was rumored as a scam address and someone even sent him a message via etherscan. It's fine to discuss a project on Twitter, but please don't just make up rumors that someone's wallet address is related to scams. If anyone else continues to seek proof, feel free to come to Imaginary_one’s discord.

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