Generating a Keypair

In order to create a keypair for Mainnet or to fully participate in a Mina test network, the first step is to generate a Keypair, which consists of a Public Key and a Private Key. Currently there are two supported tools for generating keypairs mina-generate-keypair and ledger-app-mina. We also have a tool for validating that your private key is created properly.

Note that you may want to generate more than one keypair. For example, if you'd like to run a block producer most securely, you'll want a hot wallet / cold wallet block production setup.



We've created a simple command-line utility called mina-generate-keypair. This is the simplest method and instructions can be found below.

Ledger Hardware Wallet

You can use your Ledger Nano S hardware wallet to securely store your Mina private keys. We are in the process of an independent security audit which currently has found no vulnerabilities, and development is nearly completed. Please see our ledger-app-mina documentation to get started with this tool.

Client SDK

We've also created a client SDK that is able to generate key pairs and sign transactions. Please note that this method is unadvised and should only be used by experienced security professionals. Please use our `mina-generate-keypair tool instead for creating key pairs. See our client SDK documentation for more information.


Never give out your private key and make sure they are stored safely. If you lose your private key or if a malicious actor gains access to your private key, you will lose access to your account and will lose your account funds. Always give out your public keys instead. Mina will never ask you for your private keys.

Using mina-generate-keypair

To simplify the process of creating a keypair, we've created a simple command-line utility called mina-generate-keypair. The mina-generate-keypair tool has easy to use functionality to create your own Keypair to start participating in the Mina network. Please see below to see how to install and use on your local system.


We support several different operating systems for the mina-generate-keypair tool. Follow the instructions below to install the tool onto your system.


If you are using macOS please install Docker and follow the docker based instructions below.

Ubuntu 18.04 / Debian 9

After adding the Mina repo you can simply run the following command.

echo "deb [trusted=yes] stretch stable" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mina.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install mina-generate-keypair=1.2.2-feee67c

Check that keygen tool installed correctly by running mina-generate-keypair -version. The output should read Commit feee67cc2836bf12e792510a2440f28a0275740e on branch master .

Windows / Other Platforms

Install Docker and follow the Docker-based instructions in step 3b. below.


Creating a keypair is simple and is accomplished in a few short steps.

  1. First make sure you have a folder on your system where you can store the key files. We recommend using the ~/keys folder.
mkdir ~/keys
  1. Next, ensure the permissions are set properly this folder, this prevents unwanted processes from accessing these files.
chmod 700 ~/keys
  1. Generate a key using either the instructions in Step 3a on Debian/Ubuntu, or Step 3b in Docker


Make sure to set a new and secure password for the following commands. Mina will never ask you for this password, and you should not share it with anyone.

3a. In Ubuntu/Debian: Generate your keys using the mina-generate-keypair command. When prompted, type in the password you intend to use to secure this key. If is set, the tool will use the password from the CODA_PRIVKEY_PASS environment variable instead of prompting you. Do NOT forget this password.

mina-generate-keypair --privkey-path ~/keys/my-wallet

3b. In Docker on Windows/MacOS/Linux: Generate your keys using the minaprotocol/generate-keypair docker image. When prompted, type in the password you intend to use to secure this key. Do NOT forget this password.

cd ~
docker run  --interactive --tty --rm --volume $(pwd)/keys:/keys minaprotocol/mina-generate-keypair:1.2.2-feee67c --privkey-path /keys/my-wallet

This will create two files on your system, ~/keys/my-wallet which contains the encrypted private key and ~/keys/ which contains the public key in plain text. Please store the private key file and password you used in a secure place, such as a password manager.


Never give out your private key and make sure they are stored safely. If you lose your private key or if a malicious actor gains access to your private key, you will lose access to your account and will lose your account funds. Always give out your public keys instead. Mina will never ask you for your private keys.

  1. Finally, ensure the permissions are set properly for the private key file, this prevents unwanted processes from accessing it.
chmod 600 ~/keys/my-wallet

Validate your private key

Now that you've created your key -- you'll want to validate that it works. It's sufficient to verify that you can sign a transaction. You can verify this using the mina-validate-keypair tool.

On Linux run the following command:

mina-validate-keypair --privkey-path <path-to-the-private-key-file>

If you are using Docker run the following command:

docker run --interactive --tty --rm --volume $(pwd)/keys:/keys minaprotocol/mina-generate-keypair:1.2.2-feee67c --privkey-path /keys/my-wallet

Next steps

Now that we have created our keypair, we can finally connect to the network or share your public key.

Connect to the Network
In this section, we'll connect to the Mainnet network and send our first transaction. Let's first start up the node so that we can begin issuing commands.

Update your software
The first step in connecting to Mainnet is installing the latest daemon version. Follow the instructions for your operating system below.

Ubuntu 18.04 / Debian 9
Follow along below to install the latest Stable Mina Release 1.2.2 or visit the Github Releases Page to discover and install pre-release (Beta) builds.

You can set up the new debian stretch stable respository and install the latest version as follows:

echo "deb [trusted=yes] stretch stable" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mina.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y curl unzip mina-mainnet=1.2.2-feee67c
Check that daemon installed correctly by running mina version. The output should read Commit feee67cc2836bf12e792510a2440f28a0275740e on branch master.

Start up a node
Since this technology is still relatively new, there are a few rare situations where your node can run into some issues. We don't want for your nodes to break and you not realize! So we've made some officially supported auto-restart flows for you. We'll be iterating on these in future releases.

However, first we'll want to make sure everything works by running it manually before starting with the auto-restart flows.

Note: If you are using the Hetzner hosting provider, we are currently experiencing an issue where Hetzner believes our software is being malicious. See the Networking section of the troubleshooting page to learn how to mitigate this before starting a node.

Run the following command to start up a Mina node instance and connect to the live network:

mina daemon --peer-list-url
If you have a key with stake and would like to produce blocks, also provide --block-producer-key ~/keys/my-wallet, replacing ~/keys/my-wallet with the path to your private key if not the default.

The --peer-list argument specified above refer to the seed peer address - this is the initial peer we will connect to on the network. Since Mina is a peer-to-peer protocol, there is no single centralized server we rely on.

See here for common issues when first running a node.

You're not done yet! Now that you've confirmed things are okay by running the standalone process, it is important we start Mina in a manner that will auto-restart itself when it dies.

First kill the existing mina daemon process with Ctrl-C, and then keep reading:

Ubuntu 18.04 / Debian 9
To produce blocks or otherwise customize the configuration for the mina daemon, create a file ~/.mina-env containing the following:

EXTRA_FLAGS=" --block-producer-key <BLOCK_PRODUCER_KEY_PATH>"
Ensure to replace <BLOCK_PRODUCER_KEY_PATH> with the full path to your block producer private key, for example, /home/ubuntu/keys/my-wallet.

If you do not intend to produce blocks then you can keep ~/.mina-env empty for now.

To change how mina is configured, simply specify flags to the mina daemon process with space-separated arguments between the quotes in EXTRA_FLAGS="".

The mina systemd service no longer expects a peers.txt file, it just uses the PEERS_LIST_URL variable to determine where to fetch initial peers from, and the PEERS_LIST_URL for the mainnet package defaults to .

Once your .mina-env is ready, run the following commands to start up a Mina node instance and connect to the live network:

systemctl --user daemon-reload
systemctl --user start mina
systemctl --user enable mina
sudo loginctl enable-linger
These commands will allow the node to continue running after you logout, and restart automatically when the machine reboots.

By default, the node connects to the network using the default external-port of 8302. This can be changed using the -external-port flag, just add that to EXTRA_FLAGS.

You can also look into the mina process itself that's running in the background and auto-restarting.

This command will let you know if mina had any trouble getting started.

systemctl --user status mina
You can stop mina gracefully, and stop automatically-restarting the service:

systemctl --user stop mina
Manually Restart it:

systemctl --user restart mina
And look at logs:

journalctl --user -u mina -n 1000 -f
In some cases in order to view logs you need to run the following command instead:

journalctl --user-unit mina -n 1000 -f
That command will show you the last 1000 lines and follow from there.

When running your daemon using Docker, first ensure that your private key has the correct permissions.

cd ~
chmod 700 ~/keys
chmod 600 ~/keys/my-wallet
mkdir ~/.mina-config
Now simply run the image with your keys and ~/.mina-config mounted:

Send a payment with Mina

In this section, we'll give a brief overview on how to send a transaction with the Mina client and how to get started with interacting with the blockchain.

Using an offline signed-transaction

If you want to send a transaction without running a node yourself, but by delegating to someone else running a node, keep following along here. If you wish to send the transaction directly with a running node, skip to using a connected node.

Using a Ledger device

To generate a signed transaction offline if your private key is on a Ledger device, see Ledger Offline Mode.

Using a keypair generated with the generate-keypair tool

A better tool is coming soon: For now, please use the workaround provided in a comment on that issue.

Using a keypair generated with the offline client-sdk

To generate a signed transaction using the client-sdk, log the signed payment created as shown on the client-sdk readme page.

Send the transaction

You can use a hosted service to broadcast your signed transaction. Sending your signed transaction does not leak your private key.

Transactions signed with the client-sdk can use:

Transactions signed with the ledger can use:

Using a connected node

We are assuming in the rest of section that you have the Mina client installed on your system, if you do not have Mina installed please see the Getting Started.

Import your account

Once our node is synced, we'll need to import our public/private keypair so that we can sign transactions and generate an address to receive payments. For security reasons, we'll want to put the keys under a directory that is harder for attackers to access.

Run the following command to import your previously generated keypair file:

mina accounts import --privkey-path ~/keys/my-wallet

You will be prompted for the password you entered when the account was created.


The public key can be shared freely with anyone, but be very careful with your private key file. Never share this private key with anyone, as it is the equivalent of a password for your funds.

The response from this command will look like this:

😄 Imported account!
Public key: B62qjaA4N9843FKM5FZk1HmeuDiojG42cbCDyZeUDQVjycULte9PFkC

Additionally you can use the mina accounts create command to generate new accounts to send and receive transactions.

Since the public key is quite long and difficult to remember, let's save it as an environment variable. Use the following command but replace <YOUR-PUBLIC-KEY> with the public key output from the previous command:


Now we can access this everywhere as $MINA_PUBLIC_KEY -- check if it saved properly by trying echo $MINA_PUBLIC_KEY.

Note that these environment variables will only be saved for the current shell session, so if you want to save them for future use, you can add them to ~/.profile or ~/.bash_profile.


If you are running the node on a cloud virtual machine, make sure to export and save the key file. You can export the key with:

mina accounts export --public-key <PUBLIC-KEY> --privkey-path <EXPORT-PATH>

Then save it to your local machine, maybe using scp:


Later, when starting up a new VM, you can upload the key and then import it:

mina accounts import --privkey-path <PRIVATE-KEY-FILE>

If you ever forget what keypairs you've already created, you can see them all with:

mina accounts list

Check account balance

We can check the balance of all our accounts using this command:

mina accounts list

You might see Balance: 0 mina for your account. Depending on the traffic in the network, it may take a few blocks before your transaction goes through.


Tip: You can run mina client status to see the current block height updating.

Make a payment

Finally, we get to the good stuff–sending our first transaction! Before you send a payment, you'll need to unlock your account:

mina accounts unlock --public-key $MINA_PUBLIC_KEY

For testing purposes, we will specify your public key as the receiver and sender. This just means that we are sending a transaction to ourselves, you can see your public key by issuing the following command:



If the receiving account has not received any transactions, there will be an additional Account Creation Fee of 1 MINA that will be deducted from the transaction amount.

Let's send some of our Mina to ourselves to see what a payment looks like:

mina client send-payment \
  --amount 1.5 \
  --receiver $MINA_PUBLIC_KEY \
  --fee 0.1 \
  --sender $MINA_PUBLIC_KEY

If you're wondering what we passed in to the commands above:

  • For amount, we're sending a test value of 1.5 mina which is enough to cover the Account Creation Fee
  • The receiver is the public key of the account receiving the transaction, eg. B62qjaA4N9843FKM5FZk...
  • For fee, let's use 0.1 mina
  • The sender is the public key of the account sending the transaction, eg. B62qjaA4N9843FKM5FZk...

If this command is formatted properly, we should get a response that looks like the following:

Dispatched payment with ID 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
Receipt chain hash is now A3gpLyBJGvcpMXny2DsHjvE5GaNFn2bbpLLQqTCHuY3Nd7sqy8vDbM6qHTwHt8tcfqqBkd36LuV4CC6hVH6YsmRqRp4Lzx77WnN9gnRX7ceeXdCQUVB7B2uMo3oCYxfdpU5Q2f2KzJQ46

You may not see the Receipt chain hash on the first transaction from the account, but in following transactions, this will show you the head of the receipt chain hash list.

Staking and Snarking

Once you feel comfortable with the basics of creating an address, and sending & receiving mina, we can move on to the truly unique parts of the Mina network like participating in consensus and helping compress the blockchain.


Sending Many Transactions

Sometimes you may wish to send many transactions: for example, to payout rewards to those delegating to you if you're running a staking pool.

All information here is relevant as of the 1.2.2 build:

Rate limiting

Currently, nodes on the network will rate limit receiving messages from a given node. As of the 1.2.2 build, your node will also follow this rate limit when sending transactions. Specifically, the limit is currently set at 10 transactions every 15 seconds computed over a 5 minute window. If you attempt to send transactions faster than this rate, your node will queue them up and flush them as older transactions expire from the window upon which the rate limit is computed. You do not need to throttle sending these transactions yourself.

Note that older releases of the mina daemon do not perform this rate limiting; if you are running an older version, you should manually limit the number of transactions. Due to overheads from rebroadcasting transactions, we do not recommend sending more than 50 transactions every 5 minutes if you need to manually rate limit.

My node crashed or disconnected before I could finish sending transactions

The Mina daemon does not currently persist the transaction pool. This means that the transactions that your node will be unaware of any transactions that you've sent so far if your node crashes in the middle of this process. As of the 1.2.2 build, you can resend all transactions (exactly in the same manner as before) and they will be rebroadcasted on the network.

If you believe you were temporarily disconnected from the network, but your node stayed online (i.e. the gossip network may have missed one or more of your transactions), as of the 1.2.2 build, you can resend any of the transactions locally and they will be broadcasted again to the network even if your node thinks they've already been shared.

Cancelling a transaction and setting a new fee

To cancel a transaction, you'll need to have all the transactions that haven't been committed to the chain yet before in your local transaction mempool. This means if your node crashed (see above) you'll need to resend those earlier transactions. Finally, to cancel a transaction, all you need to do is send a transaction with the same nonce of the one you want to cancel with a larger fee. There is no minimum increment, it just needs to be slightly larger (and large enough such that a block producer will choose your transaction).

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Staking & Snarking

Let's turn our attention to the other ways we can interact with the Mina network - namely, participating in consensus, and helping compress data by generating zk-SNARKs. By operating a node that helps secure the network, you can receive mina for your efforts.

Participating in Consensus

The Mina network is secured by Proof-of-Stake consensus. With this model of consensus, you don't need to have complex equipment like in Bitcoin mining. By simply having mina in our wallet, we can choose to either stake it ourselves, or delegate it to another node. Let's first see how to stake mina ourselves:


To properly remain synced to the network and participate in consensus, it is important that your server is running some form of a clock synchronization protocol. We recommend using NTP, which is relatively easy to setup and comes already installed as a default service on many popular linux distros.

Staking mina

We can try out staking with our mina by issuing the following command:

mina client set-staking --public-key $MINA_PUBLIC_KEY

Alternatively, you can restart the daemon with the -block-producer-pubkey flag:

mina daemon \
    -peer-list ~/peers.txt \
    -block-producer-pubkey $MINA_PUBLIC_KEY

We can always check which accounts we're currently staking with, by using the mina client status command:

mina client status

Mina daemon status

Global number of accounts:  372
Block height:               20
Max observed block length:  20
Local uptime:               1m48s
Ledger Merkle root:         ...
Protocol state hash:        ...
Staged Hash:                ...
Git SHA-1:                  ...
Configuration directory:    ...
Peers:                      5 (...)
User_commands sent:         0
SNARK worker:               None
SNARK work fee:             1
Sync status:                Synced
Block producers running:    1 (...)
Best tip consensus time:    epoch=0, slot=133
Next proposal:              None this epoch… checking at in 5.284h
Consensus time now:         epoch=0, slot=134
Consensus mechanism:        proof_of_stake
Consensus configuration:    ...
Addresses and ports:        ...
Libp2p PeerID:              ...

The Block producers running field in the response above returns the number of accounts currently staking, with the associated key.


Keep in mind that if you are staking independently with funds in a account, you'll need to remain connected to the network at all times to successfully produce blocks. If you need to go offline frequently, it may be better to delegate your stake.

If you'd like to send your coinbase to an account other than the one that is staking, you can use the -coinbase-receiver flag when you start your daemon. You can even point the coinbase at a cold wallet!

Delegating mina

Delegating mina is an alternative option to staking it directly, with the benefit of not having to maintain a node that is always connected to the network.

First make sure you've unlocked your account:

mina account unlock --public-key $MINA_PUBLIC_KEY

And then run this command to delegate your stake:

mina client delegate-stake \
    --receiver <DELEGATE-PUBLIC-KEY> \
    --sender $MINA_PUBLIC_KEY \
    --fee 0.1

The fields in this command:

  • The receiver flag is the public key of the receiver of your stake delegation
  • sender is the public key of the account from which you want to delegate
  • fee is the cost to send your transaction. It is paid to the network’s block producers.
  • Note there is no amount parameter. Your full Mina balance will be delegated automatically.

You'll notice that this command looks suspiciously like a payment transaction. That's because a stake delegation is also a transaction! This is why we have to pay a small transaction fee in order to change this setting.

Delegating your stake might be useful if you're interested in:

  • Running your own staking node that uses funds from a "cold wallet"
  • Delegating to a "staking pool" which will provide token payouts periodically
  • Or if you don't have enough tokens to make managing a block producer full-time worthwhile


There is a latency period of a 2-4 weeks before your new stake delegation comes into effect

Compressing data in the Mina network

The Mina protocol is unique in that it doesn't require nodes to maintain the full history of the blockchain like other cryptocurrency protocols. By recursively using cryptographic proofs, the Mina protocol effectively compresses the blockchain to constant size. We call this compression, because it reduces terabytes of data to a few kilobytes.

However, this isn't data encoding or compression in the traditional sense - rather nodes "compress" data in the network by generating cryptographic proofs. Node operators play a crucial role in this process by designating themselves as "snark-workers" that generate zk-SNARKs for transactions that have been added to blocks.

You can start a snark-worker using these commands:

mina client set-snark-work-fee <FEE>
mina client set-snark-worker --address $MINA_PUBLIC_KEY

Alternatively, you can restart the daemon with these flags:

mina daemon \
    -peer-list ~/peers.txt \
    -run-snark-worker $MINA_PUBLIC_KEY \
    -snark-worker-fee <fee>

As a snark worker, you get to share some of the block reward for each block your compressed transactions make it in to. The block producer is responsible for gathering compressed transactions before including them into a block, and will be incentivized by the protocol to reward snark-workers.

Snark workers can be fairly compute intensive, so if you need to limit their CPU usage, you can specify the number of threads snark workers use with the -snark-worker-parallelism flag. This can be especially useful if you're trying to run a block producer and snark worker on the same machine and having issues producing blocks in time.

That about covers the roles and responsibilities as a Mina node operator. Since Mina is a permissionless peer-to-peer network, everything is managed and run in a decentralized manner by nodes all over the world. Similarly, the Mina project is also distributed and permissionless to join. The code is all open source, and there is much work to be done, both technical and non-technical. To learn more about how you can get involved with Mina, please check out the Contributing to Mina section.

Using daemon.json to configure your mina daemon

By creating a file at ~/.mina-config/daemon.json, you can configure your mina daemon without needing to provide options on the commandline. This can be useful for running mina as a service as well as just for avoiding repetitive typing!

Most of the options that can be passed to mina daemon on the commandline can also be provided as options in the config file. See mina daemon -help for more documentation of the options. Below is an example of usage of all the usable configuration parameters (in your file, you only need to specify the ones you want to change):

  "daemon": {
    "client-port": 1000,
    "external-port": 1001,
    "rest-port": 1002,
    "block-producer-key": "/path/to/privkey-file",
    "block-producer-password": "mypassword",
    "block-producer-pubkey": "<MY PUBLICKEY>",
    "coinbase-receiver": "<MY PUBLICKEY>",
    "log-block-creation": false,
    "log-received-blocks": false,
    "log-snark-work-gossip": false,
    "log-txn-pool-gossip": false,
    "peers": ["", ""],
    "run-snark-worker": "<MY PUBLICKEY>",
    "snark-worker-fee": 10,
    "snark-worker-parallelism": 1,
    "work-reassignment-wait": 420000,
    "work-selection": "seq"

CLI Reference

The Mina CLI (command-line interface) is the primary way for users to interact with the Mina network. It provides standard client functionality to create accounts, send transactions, and participate in consensus. There are also advanced client and daemon commands for power users.

The CLI is installed when you install Mina.


Mina APIs are still under construction, so these commands will likely change. See mina help for the most up-to-date version.

Mina Accounts

$ mina accounts help

Client commands concerning account management

  mina accounts SUBCOMMAND

=== subcommands ===

  list    List all owned accounts
  create  Create new account
  import  Import a password protected private key to be tracked by the daemon.
          Set CODA_PRIVKEY_PASS environment variable to use non-interactively
          (key will be imported using the same password).
  export  Export a tracked account so that it can be saved or transferred
          between machines.
          Set CODA_PRIVKEY_PASS environment variable to use non-interactively
          (key will be exported using the same password).
  unlock  Unlock a tracked account
  lock    Lock a tracked account
  help    explain a given subcommand (perhaps recursively)

Mina Client

$ mina client help

Lightweight client commands

  mina client SUBCOMMAND

=== subcommands ===

  get-balance           Get balance associated with a public key
  get-tokens            Get all token IDs that a public key has accounts for
  send-payment          Send payment to an address
  delegate-stake        Delegate your stake to another public key
  create-token          Create a new token
  create-token-account  Create a new account for a token
  mint-tokens           Mint more of a token owned by the command's sender
  cancel-transaction    Cancel a transaction -- this submits a replacement
                        transaction with a fee larger than the cancelled
  set-staking           Start producing blocks
  set-snark-worker      Set key you wish to snark work with or disable snark
  set-snark-work-fee    Set fee reward for doing transaction snark work
  export-logs           Export daemon logs to tar archive
  export-local-logs     Export local logs (no daemon) to tar archive
  stop-daemon           Stop the daemon
  status                Get running daemon status
  help                  explain a given subcommand (perhaps recursively)

Mina Daemon

$ mina daemon -help

Mina daemon

  mina daemon

=== flags ===

  [--all-peers-seen-metric true|false]                whether to track the set
                                                      of all peers ever seen for
                                                      the all_peers metric
                                                      (default: false)
  [--archive-address HOST:PORT/LOCALHOST-PORT]        Daemon to archive process
                                                      communication. If HOST is
                                                      omitted, then localhost is
                                                      assumed to be HOST.
                                                      (examples: 3086,
  [--archive-rocksdb]                                 Stores all the blocks
                                                      heard in RocksDB
  [--background]                                      Run process on the
  [--bind-ip IP]                                      IP of network interface to
                                                      use for peer connections
  [--block-producer-key KEYFILE]                      Private key file for the
                                                      block producer. You cannot
                                                      provide both
                                                      `block-producer-key` and
                                                      (default: don't produce
  [--block-producer-password PASSWORD]                Password associated with
                                                      the block-producer key.
                                                      Setting this is equivalent
                                                      to setting the
                                                      environment variable. Be
                                                      careful when setting it in
                                                      the commandline as it will
                                                      likely get tracked in your
                                                      history. Mainly to be used
                                                      from the daemon.json
                                                      config file
  [--block-producer-pubkey PUBLICKEY]                 Public key for the
                                                      associated private key
                                                      that is being tracked by
                                                      this daemon. You cannot
                                                      provide both
                                                      `block-producer-key` and
                                                      (default: don't produce
  [--client-port PORT]                                local RPC-server for
                                                      clients to interact with
                                                      the daemon (default: 8301)
  [--coinbase-receiver PUBLICKEY]                     Address to send coinbase
                                                      rewards to (if this node
                                                      is producing blocks). If
                                                      not provided, coinbase
                                                      rewards will be sent to
                                                      the producer of a block.
  [--config-directory DIR]                            Configuration directory
  [--config-file PATH]                                Path to a configuration
                                                      file (overrides
                                                      CODA_CONFIG_FILE, default:
                                                      Pass multiple times to
                                                      override fields from
                                                      earlier config files
  [--current-protocol-version NN.NN.NN]               Current protocol version,
                                                      only blocks with the same
                                                      version accepted
  [--demo-mode]                                       Run the daemon in
                                                      demo-mode -- assume we're
                                                      "synced" to the network
  [--direct-peer /ip4/IPADDR/tcp/PORT/p2p/PEERID]     Peers to always send new
                                                      messages to/from. These
                                                      peers should also have you
                                                      configured as a direct
                                                      peer, the relationship is
                                                      intended to be symmetric
  [--disable-node-status]                             Disable reporting node
                                                      status to other nodes
                                                      (default: enabled)
  [--discovery-keypair KEYFILE]                       Keypair (generated from
                                                      `mina advanced
                                                      to use with libp2p
                                                      discovery (default:
                                                      generate per-run temporary
  [--enable-flooding true|false]                      Publish our own
                                                      blocks/transactions to
                                                      every peer we can find
                                                      (default: false)
  [--enable-mina-peer-exchange true|false]            Help keep the mesh
                                                      connected when closing
                                                      connections (default:
  [--enable-peer-exchange true|false]                 Help keep the mesh
                                                      connected when closing
                                                      connections (default:
  [--external-ip IP]                                  External IP address for
                                                      other nodes to connect to.
                                                      You only need to set this
                                                      if auto-discovery fails
                                                      for some reason.
  [--external-port PORT]                              Port to use for all libp2p
                                                      communications (gossip and
                                                      RPC) (default: 8302)
  [--file-log-level LEVEL]                            Set log level for the log
                                                      default: Trace)
  [--gc-stat-interval INTERVAL]                       in mins for collecting GC
                                                      stats for metrics
                                                      (Default: 15.000000)
  [--generate-genesis-proof true|false]               Deprecated. Passing this
                                                      flag has no effect
  [--genesis-ledger-dir DIR]                          Directory that contains
                                                      the genesis ledger and the
                                                      genesis blockchain proof
                                                      (default: <config-dir>)
  [--insecure-rest-server]                            Have REST server listen on
                                                      all addresses, not just
                                                      localhost (this is
                                                      INSECURE, make sure your
                                                      firewall is configured
  [--isolate-network true|false]                      Only allow connections to
                                                      the peers passed on the
                                                      command line or configured
                                                      through GraphQL. (default:
  [--libp2p-metrics-port PORT]                        libp2p metrics server for
                                                      scraping via Prometheus
                                                      (default no
  [--limited-graphql-port PORT]                       GraphQL-server for limited
                                                      daemon interaction
  [--log-block-creation true|false]                   Log the steps involved in
                                                      including transactions and
                                                      snark work in a block
                                                      (default: true)
  [--log-json]                                        Print log output as JSON
                                                      (default: plain text)
  [--log-level LEVEL]                                 Set log level
                                                      default: Info)
  [--log-precomputed-blocks true|false]               Include precomputed blocks
                                                      in the log (default:
  [--log-snark-work-gossip true|false]                Log snark-pool diff
                                                      received from peers
                                                      (default: false)
  [--log-txn-pool-gossip true|false]                  Log transaction-pool diff
                                                      received from peers
                                                      (default: false)
  [--max-connections NN]                              max number of connections
                                                      that this peer will have
                                                      to neighbors in the gossip
                                                      network. Tuning this
                                                      higher will strengthen
                                                      your connection to the
                                                      network in exchange for
                                                      using more RAM (default:
  [--metrics-port PORT]                               metrics server for
                                                      scraping via Prometheus
                                                      (default no
  [--minimum-block-reward AMOUNT]                     Minimum reward a block
                                                      produced by the node
                                                      should have. Empty blocks
                                                      are created if the rewards
                                                      are lower than the
                                                      specified threshold
                                                      (default: No threshold,
                                                      transactions and coinbase
                                                      will be included as long
                                                      as the required snark work
                                                      is available and can be
                                                      paid for)
  [--no-super-catchup]                                Don't use super-catchup
  [--open-limited-graphql-port]                       Have the limited GraphQL
                                                      server listen on all
                                                      addresses, not just
                                                      localhost (this is
                                                      INSECURE, make sure your
                                                      firewall is configured
  [--peer /ip4/IPADDR/tcp/PORT/p2p/PEERID]            initial "bootstrap" peers
                                                      for discovery
  [--peer-list-file /ip4/IPADDR/tcp/PORT/p2p/PEERID]  initial "bootstrap" peers
                                                      for discovery inside a
                                                      file delimited by
                                                      new-lines (\n)
  [--peer-list-url URL]                               URL of seed peer list
                                                      file. Will be polled
  [--precomputed-blocks-file PATH]                    Path to write precomputed
                                                      blocks to, for replay or
  [--proof-level]                                     full|check|none
  [--proposed-protocol-version NN.NN.NN]              Proposed protocol version
                                                      to signal other nodes
  [--rest-port PORT]                                  local REST-server for
                                                      daemon interaction
                                                      (default: 3085)
  [--run-snark-coordinator PUBLICKEY]                 Run a SNARK coordinator
                                                      with this public key
                                                      (ignored if the
                                                      run-snark-worker is set)
  [--run-snark-worker PUBLICKEY]                      Run the SNARK worker with
                                                      this public key
  [--seed]                                            Start the node as a seed
  [--snark-worker-fee FEE]                            Amount a worker wants to
                                                      get compensated for
                                                      generating a snark proof
                                                      (default: 100000000)
  [--snark-worker-parallelism NUM]                    Run the SNARK worker using
                                                      this many threads.
                                                      Equivalent to setting
                                                      OMP_NUM_THREADS, but
                                                      doesn't affect block
  [--stop-time UPTIME]                                in hours after which the
                                                      daemon stops itself (only
                                                      if there were no slots won
                                                      within an hour after the
                                                      stop time) (Default: 24)
  [--tracing]                                         Trace into
  [--upload-blocks-to-gcloud true|false]              upload blocks to gcloud
                                                      storage. Requires the
                                                      environment variables
                                                      NETWORK_NAME, and
  [--uptime-submitter-key KEYFILE]                    Private key file for the
                                                      uptime submitter. You
                                                      cannot provide both
                                                      `uptime-submitter-key` and
  [--uptime-submitter-pubkey PUBLICKEY]               Public key of the
                                                      submitter to the Mina
                                                      delegation program, for
                                                      the associated private key
                                                      that is being tracked by
                                                      this daemon. You cannot
                                                      provide both
                                                      `uptime-submitter-key` and
  [--uptime-url URL]                                  URL of the uptime service
                                                      of the Mina delegation
  [--validation-queue-size NN]                        size of the validation
                                                      queue in the p2p network
                                                      used to buffer messages
                                                      (like blocks and
                                                      transactions received on
                                                      the gossip network) while
                                                      validation is pending. If
                                                      a transaction, for
                                                      example, is invalid, we
                                                      don't forward the message
                                                      on the gossip net. If this
                                                      queue is too small, we
                                                      will drop messages without
                                                      validating them. If it is
                                                      too large, we are
                                                      susceptible to DoS attacks
                                                      on memory. (default: 150)
  [--work-reassignment-wait WAIT-TIME]                in ms before a snark-work
                                                      is reassigned (default:
  [--work-selection seq|rand]                         Choose work sequentially
                                                      (seq) or randomly (rand)
                                                      (default: rand)
  [--working-dir PATH]                                path to chdir into before
                                                      starting (useful for
                                                      background mode, defaults
                                                      to cwd, or / if
  [-help]                                             print this help text and
                                                      (alias: -?)

Mina Advanced

$ mina advanced help

Advanced client commands

  mina advanced SUBCOMMAND

=== subcommands ===

  add-peers                   Add peers to the daemon
                              Addresses take the format
  archive-blocks              Archive a block from a file.
                              If an archive address is given, this process will
                              communicate with the archive node directly;
                              otherwise it will communicate through the daemon
                              over the rest-server
  batch-send-payments         Send multiple payments from a file
  chain-id-inputs             Print the inputs that yield the current chain id
  client-trustlist            Client trustlist management
  compile-time-constants      Print a JSON map of the compile-time consensus
  compute-receipt-chain-hash  Compute the next receipt chain hash from the
                              previous hash and transaction ID
  constraint-system-digests   Print MD5 digest of each SNARK constraint
  dump-keypair                Print out a keypair from a private key file
  generate-keypair            Generate a new public, private keypair
  generate-libp2p-keypair     Generate a new libp2p keypair and print out the
                              peer ID
  get-nonce                   Get the current nonce for an account
  get-peers                   List the peers currently connected to the daemon
  get-public-keys             Get public keys
  get-trust-status            Get the trust status associated with an IP address
  get-trust-status-all        Get trust statuses for all peers known to the
                              trust system
  hash-transaction            Compute the hash of a transaction from its
                              transaction ID
  next-available-token        The next token ID that has not been allocated.
                              Token IDs are allocated sequentially, so all lower
                              token IDs have been allocated
  node-status                 Get node statuses for a set of peers
  object-lifetime-statistics  Dump internal object lifetime statistics to JSON
  pending-snark-work          List of snark works in JSON format that are not
                              available in the pool yet
  pooled-user-commands        Retrieve all the user commands that are pending
  reset-trust-status          Reset the trust status associated with an IP
  send-rosetta-transactions   Dispatch one or more transactions, provided to
                              stdin in rosetta format
  set-coinbase-receiver       Set the coinbase receiver
  snark-job-list              List of snark jobs in JSON format that are yet to
                              be included in the blocks
  snark-pool-list             List of snark works in the snark pool in JSON
  start-tracing               Start async tracing to
  status-clear-hist           Clear histograms reported in status
  stop-tracing                Stop async tracing
  time-offset                 Get the time offset in seconds used by the daemon
                              to convert real time into blockchain time
  validate-keypair            Validate a public, private keypair
  validate-transaction        Validate the signature on one or more
                              transactions, provided to stdin in rosetta format
  verify-receipt              Verify a receipt of a sent payment
  visualization               Visualize data structures special to Mina
  vrf                         Commands for vrf evaluations
  wrap-key                    Wrap a private key into a private key file
  help                        explain a given subcommand (perhaps recursively)


docker run --name mina -d -p 8302:8302 --restart=always --mount "type=bind,source=pwd/keys,dst=/keys,readonly" --mount "type=bind,source=pwd/.mina-config,dst=/root/.mina-config" -e CODA_PRIVKEY_PASS="My_V3ry_S3cure_Password" minaprotocol/mina-daemon:1.2.2-feee67c-mainnet daemon --block-producer-key /keys/my-wallet --peer-list-url
Run docker logs -f mina to follow the logs, and if it crashes save the log output to a file with docker logs mina > mina-log.txt and post the output to the #mentor-nodes channel or attach the full ~/.mina-config/mina.log to a github issue and link the issue in discord.

Run docker exec -it mina mina client status to monitor connectivity to the network, you should quickly find at least 10 peers and watch the block height / max observed block height climb.


If you encounter [Warn] Shutdown before Mina instance was created, not saving a visualization when attempting to run your Docker container, increase the resources that the Docker container is allowed to use.

Checking connectivity
Now that we've started up a node and are running the Mina daemon, open up another shell and run the following command:

mina client status

It may take up to a minute before mina client status connects to the daemon when first starting up. So if you see Error: daemon not running. See mina daemon, just a wait a bit and try again.

Most likely we will see a response that include the fields below:

Peers: Total: 4 (...)
Sync Status: Bootstrap
If you see Sync Status: Bootstrap, this means that the node is bootstrapping and needs to sync with the rest of the network. You may need to be patient here as this step might take some time for the node to get all the data it needs.

After a while, your node should connect to more peers and then should move into Sync Status: Catchup, which means we're gathering the most recent blocks and state trying to catch up the the highest block.

When sync status reaches Synced and the node is connected to 1 or more peers, we will have successfully connected to the network. We will also see a corresponding daemon log once we've synced: [Info] Mina daemon is now synced.

If you the Bootstrap state persists for more than an hour, there may be an issue with your port configuration.

Stepping up your game
Now that we have a fully synced node, we can learn about some of the more advanced features of the daemon such as Sending a payment and Staking & Delegating. And if you want to earn more tokens, check out the Foundation Delegation Program.

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