Behind the Smiles

The year was 2045, a sunny day in a small seaside theme park buzzing with families. Along the crowded main street lined with shops bursting with colours and music, a family of three paused next to a bench. Virtual billboards flickered above, announcing the "20th Anniversary of the Worldwide Animal Protection Act—All Animal Products Banned." Another headline boasted, “200 Million Acres of Forest Reclaimed.”

Amidst the revelry, Ellie, a wide-eyed nine-year-old, overflowed with restless energy. Her parents, absorbed in conversation, paid little mind as Ellie's gaze swept past the vibrant stalls, landing on a mysterious, dark building at the park’s edge. Its facade, once cheerful with clowns and faded rainbows, was now obscured by "Keep Out" signs that only heightened its allure.

Seizing a moment of distraction, Ellie darted toward the shadowy shop and slipped through a gap in the boarded-up window. Inside, the dim light barely illuminated the dust motes swirling in the stale air, hastening her pulse with the thrill of the forbidden.

At the dimly lit counter, Ellie spotted a faded prompt: Swipe Your Card Here. She swiped her wristband, and the machine sprang to life with flickering lights and a lively tune, piercing the silence. The reflections in Ellie’s wide eyes were abruptly joined by the startling appearance of a robot, smeared with what looked like old, dried paint.

Ellie recoiled at first, startled by the sudden movement, but the robot’s humorous honk from its clown nose lightened the mood, turning her tension into a cautious giggle. The robot leaned in slowly. Hesitantly raising her tiny arm, Ellie pressed the nose herself, eliciting another loud "honk honk."

“Hi-hi,” Ellie laughed.

“Ha-ha,” the robot mirrored.

Ellie's attention was captured by the vibrant display as the robot presented the menu options, each accompanied by enchanting animations and sounds.

Sunny Smiles Slider: The screen came alive with cartoon animals frolicking in a sunlit field. The robot's voice was warm and inviting as it described, "A bite of joy from our happy farm friends, crafted to bring smiles and sunshine to your day." Ellie’s eyes lit up with interest, her finger hovering over the selection. However, the robot's eyes flashed a calming blue as it gently shook its head, suggesting, "Let's discover all the joy we can find before choosing, Ellie."

Fiesta Feast Wrap: Next, a festive scene unfolded with animals wearing party hats and dancing. "This wrap is a festival of flavours, celebrating the harmony of the farm with every bite," the robot proclaimed with a cheerful cadence. Ellie grinned, visibly swayed by the festive imagery, but the robot advised patience with a soft sway of its head, prompting her to explore further.

Mystery Delight: Finally, a luminous question mark pulsated on the screen, promising an exclusive surprise. "This choice is a special adventure, full of unexpected wonders," the robot intoned, its voice wrapped in mystery and invitation, surrounded by sparkles and soft chiming sounds.

Each menu option was enhanced by the robot’s skilful blend of visuals and sounds, elevating it from a simple guide to a mesmerizing storyteller. The enchanting display captivated Ellie, fueling her imagination with the exciting possibilities each choice presented.

Now spellbound, Ellie faced the “Mystery Delight.” Her adventure spirit was heightened by the trust she had grown to feel towards her robotic guide. Sensing her readiness, the robot nodded and gracefully pointed towards her wristband. 'Whenever you're ready to discover the magic, Ellie,' it said warmly, its voice tinged with anticipation.

Filled with eagerness and trust shaped by the robot’s narratives, Ellie pressed her wristband against the scanner. The shop seemed to pause, the lights dimming for a moment, as if holding its breath for the revelation of Ellie's choice.

"Ellie, you've chosen the “Mystery Delight,” the robot announced, its voice tinged with a promotional cheer, "an interactive food experience that showcases the journey of our unique meals from farm to table!" The screen flickered to life, revealing a live feed from a drone soaring high above lush green fields.

Ellie watched, wide-eyed, as the drone descended towards the serene pasture where a lone cow grazed. The drone’s beam swiftly enveloped the cow, hoisting it into the air as it paused, bewildered by the sudden disturbance.

Quickly, the screen shifted to the kitchen: buns, lettuce, and tomatoes whisked along the conveyor belt, before revealing a stark room where the silhouette of the cow loomed beneath the relentless saws, poised above the grim grinder.

As the vegetables aligned on the belt, a brief pause highlighted the gap soon to be filled with meat. Above, the drone transported the suspended cow towards the stark processing room, its arrival marked by the methodical carving by saws. This meticulous process filled the empty spot on the conveyor with the final burger ingredient.

As Ellie’s “Mystery Delight” underwent its final checks, the robot’s voice, eerily cheerful, rang out, “Your meal, fresh from the source to you, Ellie! Our systems ensure every step from pasture to plate is meticulously managed.” The completed burger, steaming on the tray, rolled toward Ellie. The screen brightly flashed, “Enjoy your meal!” Ellie stood motionless, her small hands clenched, breath shallow. Around her, the colours and sounds of the display blurred, cheerful jingles clashing discordantly with the grim images etched into her memory. She stared at the burger, now a mere object laden with profound implications. The screen had flipped back to displaying cheerful, free-range scenes.

Noticing her hesitation, the robot repeated mechanically, “Enjoy your meal! Would you like anything else?”

Ellie’s gaze shifted between the robot and the burger. Her eyes once filled with curiosity, now reflected a dawning understanding of the implications of her choices. Slowly, deliberately, she pushed the tray back toward the robot. “I'm not hungry anymore,” she whispered. As Ellie turned to leave, the robot added, “Thank you for visiting. Come back soon,” its voice remained cheerfully incongruous as the lights dimmed.

As Ellie stepped out of the shop, the bright artificial lights faded behind her, replaced by the softer, more natural light of the late afternoon. The clamour of the mechanical sounds was soon muffled by the closed doors and boards on windows, giving way to the more familiar sounds of the seaside theme park—the distant laughter of children, the rhythmic melody of carousel music, and the gentle hush of the sea breeze.

She walked slowly away from the shop, each step weighted with the gravity of what she had seen. The stark contrast between the shop's manufactured cheeriness and the natural world's calm intensified her thoughts.

Ellie found a quiet bench near the park's edge, looking out over the ocean. The soft sound of the waves was soothing, but it couldn’t quiet the questions bubbling up inside her. She thought about the happy pictures of animals she saw in the shop and felt confused — they didn’t match the sad truth she had just learned about how food was made.

As the sun began to set, casting a golden glow over the water, Ellie sat quietly, her thoughts deep and far-reaching. When her parents found her at the park's edge, their concerned voices broke through her contemplation.

“There you are! We’ve been looking everywhere for you, Ellie! What's wrong?” her mother asked, tone laced with worry.

Ellie turned to them, her expression sombre. “Can we go home?” she asked in a shaky voice.

Her father nodded, offering a gentle smile that promised understanding and support. “Of course, let’s head back,” he agreed, as they began to walk together through the softening light.

The walk back was quiet, filled with the comforting presence of her parents. As they neared the exit, Ellie looked up and quietly asked, “Can we go to the farm next time?”


-Now in flipbook —

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