🚩 Challenge 3: 🎲 Dice Game

Intinya Gitu

Buka Speedrun ,GitPod, edit2 sampe App.jsx

Edit File Contract

  • Buka packages/hardhat/contracts ada 2 file disana, ganti isinya pake code di Github . Ngga usah di edit2 lagi
  • Edit file packages/hardhat/deploy/01_deploy_riggedRoll.js

    Hapus tanda */ di baris 12 & 18 hapus // di 20 , sesuai gambar harus persis

Generate Deploy

  • Generate wallet kaya yang sebelum2nya , isi 0.05 GoerliETH

    yarn run generate
  • Terus deploy

    yarn run deploy --reset
  • Cek SC RiggedRoll di explorer

  • Verify
    Ganti API KEY jangan lupa

    yarn verify --network goerli

Build → Surge

yarn build
yarn surge


Coba DApp nya, kalo dh berhasil langsung submit


Submit menggunakan link DApp & link SC RiggedRoll

Kirim link profile Speedrun mu ke discord


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