MetaBox | User Manual

I.Log in

Click the "Log In With II" button to log in

After successful login, you need to transfer a certain amount of ICP to your corresponding address to create Boxes

You can also see your MetaBox Principal ID


1.Create DataBox

Click the "Create Box" button to create the DataBoxEnter the corresponding parameters, the transferred ICP will be converted into Cycles for DataBox Canister to use "isPrivate" button

  • turned on : Other users cannot access this DataBox from your homepage
  • turned off : Other users can access this DataBox from your homepage

2.DataBox -- Upload Plain Files

Click the "DataBox" button above to enter the DataBox pageClick the "Plain Files" button to enter the Plaintext File Upload page

  • Plain File : The file will not be encrypted, and if this DataBox is made public, other users can directly view the corresponding file

Click the "Upload" button to upload the corresponding file (you can also directly drag the file into this page)

Right-click the file to DownLoad, Share or see Details

  • DownLoad : Download files directly
  • Share : Share filesCopy and share the link with friends, paste the link in the browser to search the file directly
  • Detail : View file details

3.DataBox --Upload Encrypted Files

Click the "DataBox" button above to enter the DataBox PageClick the "Encrypted Files" button to enter the Encrypted File Upload Page

  • Encrypted Files : The file is encrypted. If the DataBox is public, other users cannot directly access it, and it can be shared privately

Click the "Upload" button to upload the corresponding file (you can also directly drag the file into this page)

Enter the password, and declare the password survival time (the time until the next password is entered)

Right-click the file to DownLoad, Share or see Details

  • DownLoad : Download files directly
  • Share : Enter your friend's Principal in MetaBox, and your friend will be able to get the files you shareIf you delete or stop sharing the corresponding file, your friends will no longer have access to the file you shared. Share the obtained "URL" with friends, and add this URL in the "Shared With Me" section to view the file

You can also view your shared files in "My shared" section

  • Detail : View file details​

4.Manage the DataBox Canister in the Manange page

  • Stop : Stop the Box Canister from running to prevent the consumption of Cycles
  • Upgrade : Upgrade the Canister
  • UpdateInfo : Modify DataBox setting information
  • Top up : Top up Cycles to Box CanisterYou can use the user's ICP balance in MetaBox to convert Cycles to topupYou can also topup Cycles directly with XTC(XTC topup is more affordable -> Get XTC)


1.Set Domain

Click the "Domain" button and enter the domain name you want to set

2.Access other user's Box via domain name

Access in this format :

Click the corresponding Box (the corresponding small cube that rotates along the circle and rotates) to enter the corresponding Profile or DataBox

MetaBox provides DataBoxes based on Box Protocol, for personal data storage. We also develop ISP (IC Storage Protocol), providing ToB storage services. Please stay tuned!

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