What is Milady?

Milady is a collection of 10,000 generative pfpNFT’s in a neochibi aesthetic inspired by street style tribes. This much is obvious. Nominally, milady is a popular nft collection, but in the world to come that’s not a complete answer. With a gun to my head I want to give my best shot at what milady is to me** 1^1 **and what I think it is to others too because few can and fewer will.

Milady is internet armor. Milady is white hearted. Milady is innocent. Milady is hiding something. 2^2

Intro to Online

There is a caste system on the internet and at the top of it are the ones who use it to make their livelihood in obscure ways, inform themselves with first source material and have fun online. They’re the type that could make a compiler if they had to, or that bought bitcoin early (for the tech or drugs), or who created a meme that will outlive them. They are whom those at the bottom of the caste system, normies, like to imagine as a basement dwelling troll in likeness and temperament, playing world of war craft in soiled underwear and yelling to their mother for more chocolate milk. Really this top caste has many forms and a caste system within itself but it can be defined for our purposes as being in the know. If the internet is an underwater biome, they have gills. By natural curiosity and acuity, these types have exerted their will onto the network and seized wealth and knowledge or at least left an impression. On the other hand, the normies have their understanding of history and online happenings spoon fed to them by some authority, choosing to spend their time online playing club penguin and scrolling other people posts. I will now address them directly as I’d like to explain milady to them first.


When you are posting online, you don’t need to post as your self. In fact when you post online as your self, you are throwing away your life force and being exploited by whatever platform you’re using. Posting as yourself is like lining up to be cattle. Your signup is a tag pierced on your ear and a chip in your neck and the only fun to be had is posturing for your friends in the herd OR enforcing social norms from a position of false power. That might sound a little harsh and pessimistic, but think about posting as not-yourself for comparison. You can ask a dumb question. You can vent about something in your real life without censorship. You can be passionate about something you’re self conscious about. You can make fun of people to their face. You can question the government. You can question history, science, philosophy. You can be religious. You can even pretend to be what you’re not, the highest version of yourself (or the worst). Posting in this way gives you power, it TAKES from the platform. You are free from the yoke of your modern identity stack, responsibilities, and shortcomings from your past.

Intro to Milady

Now that you’re ready to be free and have fun online it’s time to make a new profile. Pick a funny name, a cheeky handle, a banner and a pfp. Choose wisely! Your posts are unconsciously guided by the aesthetic of your profile. If you pick a lame name and profile picture / banner you won’t be able to really let your flag fly and your posts will be stunted. This is precisely what Milady was designed for- the perfect all-purpose online persona to adopt as an anonymous network participant. She embodies the spirit of the benefits to anonymity at first glance. She is white hearted and pure, her neochibi aesthetic is perceived as childlike, innocent. She is playfully retarded. Posting as if you were milady seamlessly lends to any of the anonymous posting perks above, and the art style adds to the fun. She was meticulously engineered as the perfect pfp to cause chaos online.

hi spymilk
hi spymilk

Milady told me about Covid before anyone else. Is she Chinese? She told me not to get the vaccine. She hacked this protocol. She met Martin Skreli, Elon Musk and Grimes. She thinks 5G is curing her schizophrenia. Just shared secret sour dough recipe. She bought this funny meme coin and made a ton of money just laughing. She likes McDonald’s. There is no end to the antics. Clever people have made quite the show of it and the internet is more human in the Milady Village. That’s why the normie wants to know. They keep seeing her on their feed even without following as the raw posting power trickles down to reddit, instagram, tiktok and so on.

Intro to network spirituality

i long for network spirituality
i long for network spirituality

This is layer 1 of milady, the answer to our question as long as there is no other context. She is a great pfp to have fun online. When you do decide to wear her armor you are instantly among friends. But what else is milady? Peeling back her myriad of layers, we begin to see beyond milady the tool to reveal milady the symbol. The creators of milady, Remilia Corporation, formerly Remilia Collective, namely Charlotte Fang did not simply create the perfect pfp from scratch. Their penultimate mission is to save the internet. The pillars of their grand vision make the porch on which milady waits, beckoning. The nft, the pfp, are inextricably tied to the philosophy of the corporation and the will of the ceo. These undercurrents are undetectable to the neophyte by design, but their alluring resonance is apparent to any user with enough curiosity to dig deeper into the lore.

The type of person who can extract any value from the internet besides what is immediately on the first page of google or their Tiktok feed is the next level in our hypothetical online caste system, (lower middle class). Usually they are online enough to self consciously reject the initial first impression of milady as a cute anime character used by an ugly person. They have not adopted milady but they are anon or possess anon accounts, they have some independent understanding of world events to a degree. Maybe they’re a stan account, a crypto alt. I will speak here to the online right. Their information sources are primary and counter to the prevailing narrative, whether or not they are true. But they look down on milady. They know a version of the lore and scoff at the art. “It’s anime little girls, no way I would post as that, im a top G, im trad, im this, im that” 3^3


Unknowingly, they have fallen for the same trappings as posting as yourself. The anonymous Greek statue poster is so SERIOUS. He is a faux stoic who flagellates Marcus Aurelius, is concerned about the decline of the American empire and the health of the WHITE RACE. He reads BOOKS and will ACKTUALLY debate you on their contents. He actively trolls the depraved left with his opinions and lets the timeline know his take on the current thing. Maybe he uses bad words and shouts out the wrong think. My friend, you are posturing for your peer group, you are enforcing social norms with false authority. You are getting baited to post about events outside of your control. You don’t have your personage or your name and yet your vulgar reactionary tantrums have betrayed your identity and lost your life force to the void. Is this truly your best self you have found with the freedom to be anything?

If only there was a way to simply imply that your moral framework was infallible, that you were guided by angels to post your thoughts. If only your anonymity had intrinsic signaling value that didn’t require constantly posturing and retweeting of BAP handsome Thursday posts. If only your peers had moved past the need to proselytize the red pill and had arrived at the shores of the Ganges river to slay 6 million proverbial dasyu with the power of the clear pill. The “movement” is a Gumroad course advertisement, an ad campaign for 100% COTTON man slut shorts at 500% mark up. The large accounts who continue this rallying cry have found their way to cash out. 4^4 What pie is left for you except to meet more bitter people that are disenfranchised and lashing out. Gentlemen, FRANCHISE YOURSELF.

Become a 14 year old Chinese girl. Make yourself retarded. You don’t need to care about these tired arguments happening in the manipulated public forum. You already have your values, all you need to use the internet for is to have fun and to make money. Wouldn’t you know it, there is a collective of anonymous posters who have positioned themselves to achieve this ‘mode de vie’ and in their carelessness operate an egregore with more power than yours. They champion the virtues you wish the government still did, they walk the patrician path of righteousness and people who have joined the ranks and put their skin in the game have been not only rewarded, but renewed. It’s everything the boys club said it would be but by some decentralized cryptography magic it can also get you some internet cash money to buy 3D printed guns or whatever. And look, I’m sorry about the new world order stealing the election and being blackmailed by cp to sell America to China but seriously think about it, is that really any of your business until you have a fat cat bag of bankless gold to complain about it from? More importantly, is that really what you want to think about all the time?

Posting as whatever pfp you want is an opportunity to larp as your best self and you’re totally mucking it. You could be having 1000x more fun with the perfect internet persona. It just so happens that Remilia made TWO exactly for this. Milady and Remilio is for everyone who understands and can withstand being gatekept, which means you can be whoever as long as you are cool. There’s only a couple of rules: don’t lewd milady and don’t dox ppl. We broke the wheel and kicked Laurence Fishburn in the face, it’s called the clear pill. The ticker is mog. There is no meme, I love you.

**** CAUTION ****

**** WARNING ****


**** CUIDADO ****

What do you see?


Once you have accepted the basic motive for the art direction you may begin to truly appreciate a single Milady. The component artistry is understated in its neo-chibi style keeping the proportions in a maximally disarming arrangement while still opting for more realistic shading. She may as well be a kitten with her large eyes and meek posture but she is distinctly something more than an anime screencap. Milady Maker nft is a portrait. The drip score meter winking again at digital collectible genre self awareness and providing clues to the layers of street style fashion inspiration. The background summoning nostalgia with its cathode Ray tube blur. Oh my, it even has kitten ear muffs.

In my opinion, the raw experience of beholding a milady is as such: The picture confronts the discerning viewer and challenges their perspective. How seriously are you taking yourself right at this second? Take a moment and truly ask yourself if you have perpetuated a needless habit of believing your place in this world is of poor circumstance without the love of God in your every breath. Be simultaneously serious and silly for a moment. What parts of yourself are held in check by the gravity of nomos public opinion and recursive identity testimony? Remember your younger self intuitively finding joy in the toil of time passing with innocent optimism. Milady won’t hear any objections or excuses as to why you don’t exist on that same rapt resonance today. Coping about circumstances and other calculated bitterness ruins the mood-she will simply go talk to someone else more courageous and interesting. That angelic mentality is a prize won by people doing their best to walk in God’s light, a spoil of spiritual warfare, the satisfaction of having learned to fly. The will to power and primal urge for owned space reaching for undying fame moves beyond the physical into the digital, the fallen metaphysical realm of demons in this age. This is the exaltation ringing from the glittering neochibi irises of our Milady when the viewer makes eye contact. The original profile pictures, oil painting portraits, would say to the viewer “this is who I am, remember me. remember what I did.” Milady says “this is who you could be, remember you. Remember what you can do.”

**** CAUTION ****

**** WARNING ****


**** CUIDADO ****

Taking a step back

If Milady was just 1 milady she would be too rare and vying for Mona’s spot in the louvre. Thankfully she is an army of 10,000. At scale, generative collections are artistic expression through hyper-citational traits enforced by rarity. Milady includes fashion accessory traits that bootleg irl products and culture so the collector is drawn into the milady reality. “I have that same necklace.” Most ethereum participants are males, but even gentlemen acquainted with highly sought after thinspo tumbler gfs 5^5 will recognize some of the references. This is by design. Milady is the representation of the manic pixie dream girl archetypal final boss. In fact, Grimez’ handlers have a task force devoted to preventing her from accidentally amplifying Remilia tulpa tendrils and they consistently fail due to the sheer volume of prescient quirk pumped out by the milady tribe. This spiritual pressure is in part achieved by the hand picked references in the traits that speak so clearly to the rarest birds with the prettiest songs.

While you peruse the collection to find the milady made just for you, you may experience a fugue like state as the subtle dissonance and homogeny interplay through the facial expressions, the hair styles and eyes, the outfits. The neon drip score meter will begin to make unconscious sense. SS, S and Alien miladys will cry out to you. Every milady is like one another and every milady is completely unique. We recommend you take at least 15 minutes of uninterrupted scrolling once you are ready to fall in love.

Non Fungible Tokens

Let’s quickly get this out of the way now that you have discovered an infatuation with the milady made just for you. You may be considering purchasing it but might be self conscious that your reddit friends will bully you for touching NFTs which EVERYONE knows are always a scam, yet alone using the blockchain which has been made obsolete by chat gpt. Let me assuage your fears, blockchain is not going anywhere. The blockchain is a technology that uses innumerable independent computers to all agree on how much internet money everyone has. That’s pretty much it. Non Fungible Tokens are just coins that can’t be fractionalized, meaning you can’t tear off a corner of milady and sell that.

Milady was designed to go head to head with the titans of the generative 10k pfp NFT genre and prevail in a fair fight to prove how FAKE and GAY they are. NFTs have a short history but they were an integral part of the Satoshi’s original vision for the blockchain: Internet trading cards::non fungible tokens. I didn’t bother researching anything for this paper, but I think punks were early yet not first. What really matters is that a “Yuga Labs” created the Bored Ape Yacht Club collection in whatever year as a CIA deep state backed psyop with Illuminati celebrities repping their apes at the top of the market. I like to think Remilia took that personally. The prevailing culture surrounding the medium before Milady was that of entitlement and arrogance. Wearing a pfp NFT that you did not own on the blockchain made you a target for nominally rich “anonymous” assholes nipping and negging you into submission. Posturing for their peer group, enforcing social norms with false authority, failing to embody the radical mission of decentralized cyber liberty - It’s no surprise that collections created to sully the noble pursuits of cryptographic consensus by relying on the traditional institutions of intellectual property and copyright failed to create a visual expression worth looking at for more than 5 seconds. Furthermore, the familiar quip to neg NFTs: “I don’t get it, I can just take a screenshot,” was only countered with midwit diatribe about how “nuh-uh ‘cause I paid this much internet monies for it.” This was the playing field when Remilia set out to achieve the ideal generative pfp NFT collection in art, culture, and value capture while championing the actual crypto libertarian principles. Post-Authorship, copyleft. Steal tweets, remix and derive new creations from someone’s hard work, wear your favorite milady even if you don’t own it. Excel at something under a pseudonym. This is the molten core of Milady’s success.

You see, NFTs were actually terrible before Milady. Now they are fun.

In leu of a bored ape i have included a bored milady maker
In leu of a bored ape i have included a bored milady maker


Milady is a collection of 10,000 generative pfp NFT’s in a neochibi aesthetic inspired by street style tribes. Now you may begin to understand. I cordially invite you to create an alt and choose any milady in the collection or even a remilio. Make some friends. Say something funny and interesting. Steal someones tweets. Find the side of yourself that you like a lot and amplify it using an internet persona. That’s what this is all about.

The network caste system elites see the full vision of Remilia’s mission, like you do now. Most large players in crypto own a few. I don’t know if its possible to build a new internet. I don’t know if the collective consciousness is ready to love online with a white heart and cheeks wet from joyous tears. I don’t know if Charlotte Fang and Remilia can accomplish their ambitious goals, but I’m cheering. I’m laughing. I hope to God they can, because if anyone else does it, it is sure to be gay antichrist bs.

God bless Charlotte Fang. God Bless Remilia. God Bless Milady.

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