Boost Your Visibility in the Stargaze Community

Ideas for building a following

Discord Community Engagement Boost Ideas

Think about all the chats you can contribute to that will boost visibility and create value within the community, not only #💭hodler-chat. It’s helpful to engage in #general #project-promotion #🎨creators, and others as well.

Make your own ads to showcase your creativity and talent. And share them! We want to get to know your brand. That being said, don't over share or spam the channels. Make sure you’re getting them out there semi-frequently. We have people on Discord from all over the world in different time zones who want to see your shares. In general, most people won't go through the effort to scroll up and read old messages.

If you are up for community vote, you could make a creative ad video to share in #general with a short caption that says something like, "the vote is still out on this week's curated mint collections and i want to share _______ with everyone". Even if the grammar and spelling, etc. isn't perfect people will appreciate that you're trying to reach them.

We love knowing the creators. Sharing little easy pieces of yourself in the chats helps us to do that. Remember people don't read much, so you only need to write one or two sentences. Write them in your own words and be selective with them.

The call to action is important - something to think about ✨

People love games and competitions/giveaways. Consider offering NFTs to loyal community members or start whitelists for your OG followers and fans.

You can keep the focus on your art and helping people in the community through assisting and answering questions. Memes go a long way in the NFT community. Bring comedy to anything that you can.

Promote yourself now - don't wait ✨

Never DM anyone that you don't already have a relationship with. DMs are kind of a no-no. If you're not gaining the following as quickly as you'd like you can get more involved in Stargaze community. Learn the docs, answer questions, help people in Discord, pretty much become a familiar part of the community.

Star.ty is a great example of this. They learned the tools, spent tons of time helping people in the server, and ultimately sold out their collection in minutes. Several weeks after selling out, they still pop in to engage and assist people. This helps to lay a great foundation for future sold-out collections.

Give the people what they want… lots of laughs! Making memes that support your brand and Stargaze is an easy way to engage and entertain.

Collection Specs and Details

You probably need to have meta data for your collection. If your project isn’t generative, you can pick around 7 traits that are inherit in each piece, and assign them values. Mix in some rare ones.

Does it make sense to add titles your collection pieces? Especially if it’s a smaller set, naming can add value.

"Gamifying" a collection of traditional art pieces seems to work well. Make each piece unique, rank-able, and a part of a bigger thing to help marketing and encourage collection.

An example of this is what 25-nights did. Their collection of photographs were broken down into shards, so you could collect them all to get the complete image. This creates engagement and further investment from your collectors.

Is your collection a digital rendition of physical art? If so, consider the options you have for the physical components. Here are a few:

  1. The two pieces live independently of each other.

  2. One goes with the other. Minted as a set. No control after selling.

  3. The physical pieces are considered process work, sketches or drafts, and don’t get sold.

  4. Destroy the physical piece so only the digital remains. Destruction of the piece can be part of the art. See an example here:

  5. The physical piece is not the final form. For example, you can take a still image and animate it.

Other Social Media Platforms

Twitter is a big part of NFTs. A strong following is a good thing to have, if you are planning to launch a collection. You can use the Stargaze Discord to promote yourself by posting tweets you wrote containing images of your works and/or funny memes. This is a visual space, so make sure to use images in everything you can. Less words, more visuals is the way to go.

Consistency in posting on all platforms is key.

Other platforms such as TikTok and Instagram play a role too. If you can add to them, it will help build your presence, and works as an easy way to display your portfolio.

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