#Linea #Testnet Voyage - Bridge Week  ⚡

#Linea #Testnet Voyage - Bridge WeekTotal 11

Task for 1st Week : > #Celer BNB Bridger>Celer BUSD Bridger>#Connext MATIC Bridger>#Hop GETH Bridger>Hop DAI Bridger Hop>HOP Bridger>Hop USDC Bridger
>Multichain EUROEe Bridger
> Multichain TUSD Bridger

#LineaBuild Twitter Follower
LineaBuild Twitter RetweeterClaim #Galxe Point: Complete task & Verify :

Goerli Faucet : You Can Buy : https://testnetbridge.com

  1. BNB Faucet : https://testnet.bnbchain.org/faucet-smart

  2. BUSD Faucet : https://dev-cbridge-v2.netlify.app/97/59140/BNB

  3. Matic Faucet : https://faucet.polygon.technology

  4. Avax & EUROe Faucet : https://faucet.avax.network

  5. TUSD Faucet : https://faucet.goerli.linea.build

  6. Buy Goerli USDC From : https://app.uniswap.org

Usdc sc : 0x07865c6e87b9f70255377e024ace6630c1eaa37f
7. HOP, USDT, DAI, UNI Faucet :

  1. Campaign link :

  2. Task :

A. Celer Taks :

D. Multichain Tasks :

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