Design Process

An internal guide into protocols and best practices for Graphic Designer in Mundo Lingo

Google Drive ➡️ Telegram

  • Source files on Drive, published files in Telegram Embassy

  • Source files never leave Google Drive, do not save copies on your desktop.


Templates are built in Illustrator or Inkscape and the exported files are sent to the Studio Group on Telegram. When a team orders a design we go into the template of the same name on Google Drive (such as ‘Event Header.AI’, open it, edit the details, swap the background photo if necessary and export as a graphic (JPEG, PNG, GIF, PDF).

  1. Request is made on the website selecting the “Design Pack”

  2. In the request all info and any photos required must be included

  3. If the team fails to include necessary info we reply within 48hs asking them to include it. Burden of work is on the team side. We do not lose time finding missing details ourselves.

  4. From the moment the complete request received we have the amount of time shown in the EOM guide “Design Requests” to publish the graphic.

Organising Drive

We use one template per publication type and named accordingly:

  • Poster.Ai

  • FB Group Header.Ai

  • Promo Card.Ai

    🚫 Do not create files with names like “Poster NYC 2nd Special Blue.Ai”

    → When small changes are requested they are applied within the existing template

Inside the files

Each file acts as a ‘Factory’ providing the structure and template for all of our graphics.

Each time the template is used to create a new graphic we save the relevant details if it’s likely we’ll need them again. For example, event headers need venue details and the CM will likely wish to have new Event Headers for the same venue in the future but with new background photos, so we save those.


To keep templates flexible we convert elements into vectors where possible so we can quickly manipulate dimensions and colours to fit the design around them.

This allows our designs to be quickly re-used by changing colours, sizes, border styles, texture colours etc etc

Export for Online

  • JPEG format

  • Event/Group/Page headers must be below 100KB

  • Mode 8 bit color channel. (not 16 or more)

Export for Offline

  • All graphics exported from minimum 250 DPI to 400 DPI

👨‍🎨 Colours and Branding Guide


Bold, Warm, Alternative, Bohemian, Urban, Genuine


No black. No primary colours.

Bright and vibrant colours.

Logo and all texts always solid white.

Logo and texts always over a solid, low contrast, or faded background.

No ‘flat’ gradients. Textured gradients carefully chosen.

No glowing effects, chrome, shine, plastic etc.


We use clear, clean, fonts sometimes with connotations of graffiti or hand paint.

Our fonts are:

  • Harabara (Logo only)

  • Nanami HM

  • BeVietnam Pro

  • Source Sans Pro

Icons and Graphics

Use “flat” iconography and graphics in our designs. This means:

  • No flares or glaze,

  • No shiny edges, gold trim, gimmicks

  • No shadows, special effects.

Clean and De-cluttered

  • Ensure peoples faces are not covered by design elements

  • Low contrast images work better. No bright faces over dark backgrounds

  • Avoid signs in the background

  • Avoid busy clothing, such as with printed logos or words

Sizes and Dimensions

Headers & backgrounds fitted according to the SM platform we’re using.

Writing and posting as Mundo Lingo:

→ Full details in Online Representaiton

Photography by Mundo Lingo:

→ Full details in Photographers Guide

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