I was getting this error on a custom cluster with the geth node
Error: network does not support ENS (operation="getResolver", network="unknown", code=UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION, version=providers/5.7.2)
Although the code worked locally somehow ethers js was looking for an ENS remotely.
You must convert the address passed from wherever you have it.
Official docs ethers.io getAddress. conversion - ethers.utils.getAddress( address ) converts the string address to the address required for the smart contract to understand and then compile.
The first code I had was and this worked fine on local hardhat network
await execute('TestToken', { from: deployer }, 'transfer', account, amount);
but only when I converted to this did things start to work remotely also without errors.
await execute('TestToken', { from: deployer }, 'transfer', ethers.utils.getAddress(account), amount);