Draft Script of Alliance Origin Story
Doc Type(書類): Archive(記録)
Date(日付): Jan. 15, 2023
Subject(件名):  t.U.N.A. / UNITED NEKO ALLIANCE Origin
Attn(宛先): Members
Cross Reference : Origin, Scripts
Filing Code : OR118/ssu77R - Post005

(日本語は下記にある。Japanese follows below)

The following came via 0xNyanTaro. It appears to be a draft of a script or storyboard, recounting the origin story of UNITED NEKO ALLIANCE / t.U.N.A. It’s unsigned, but I suspect it might have been written by P-Nyan. It certainly sounds like him a bit.

Anyway, I think it’s an important historical document, and since it’s written as a script, it just begs to be turned into a Manga or Anime one day. Here’s hoping our NEKO community grows to the point of that happening for real!


[Flashback, zoom in on a peaceful dojo in Yamagata]

Our story starts in a dojo, where Sensei is teaching NYANJUTSU, the art of attracting good fortune, to a group of newbies. Among them are 0xNyanTaro, P-Nyan, and NyaNya. Seniors NyanMaro and NyanPon are lending a paw to Sensei in teaching.

[Fast forward, and we're in Tokyo with 0xNyanTaro.]

He's reminiscing about his quiet life in the countryside and the valuable lessons he learned from Sensei. Yearning for a taste of that simple life again, he zips back to Yamagata for a catch-up with Sensei and NyanMaro. The elephant in the room: the dwindling number of active MANEKI NEKO.

Back in the concrete jungle of Tokyo, 0xNyanTaro and NyanMaro are messaging about the problem. It's worse than they thought.

[Sample excerpt of their conversation]

0xNyanTaro: "Yo Maro, back in the urban jungle. City lights never felt so cold. 🏙️❄️"

NyanMaro: “Was good to see you. Slipped back into your wild life yet?"

0xNyanTaro: "You know it. 🥳 But Sensei's words are still echoing in my head. The whole NEKO thing."

NyanMaro: "Same here. That dojo talk got me up all night. The numbers just keep sliding down.”

0xNyanTaro: "IKR! We're talking about a way of life, even NYANJUTSU itself just fading away... 💔 It’s like, are we gonna be the last of the NEKOs? 😨"

NyanMaro: "But sitting around won’t help. We've got to do something, right?"

0xNyanTaro: "Yeah, been thinking the same. Could be tricky. But if anyone can make NYANJUTSU cool again, it's us. 😎"

NyanMaro: "That's the spirit! Let's turn this around. For Sensei, for the dojo, for NEKOs everywhere!"

[Enter P-Nyan and Sam]

P-Nyan has settled into the underground scene of  Akiba, while Sam's traded NYANJUTSU for sushi knives. Along with 0xNyanTaro, they form a power trio to tackle the problem.

Just as they're getting their act together, a perfect storm of pandemic woes and various geopolitical problems are threatening the world economy. Sensei sees this as a golden opportunity. It's time for his students to put their training to the test and save the day by bring NYANJUTSU to the world!

But our heroes are a bit shaky. 0xNyanTaro is worried about the tradition getting lost in translation. Sam, in the big city, is itching to prove herself but isn't sure if she's ready. P-Nyan, meanwhile, is enjoying every minute, deep in the Otaku lifestyle, and wondering if it's worth giving up.

With some pep talk from Sensei and a rallying cry from NyanMaro, they finally find their courage. Inspired by the ancient NEKO manifesto, they have a brainwave: spread the word through NFTs and Web3.

Their idea takes shape as NFT PFPs that exist in both the human and NEKO worlds. They stumble upon some humans, led by 0xSunrock and 0xNeil, who are also trying to showcase Japanese culture and arts to the world through NFTs and Web3. The NEKOs drop some hints about NJANJUTSU, though the humans are a bit slow to catch on.

Finally, the UNITED NEKO ALLIANCE is formed. The humans are excited to introduce NFTs, projects, and creators from Japan to the world. When Mari (part-human, part-NEKO) joins, she introduces a mysterious figure who's got ties with secret societies. On hearing the name of the alliance, the man stops speaking mid-sentence and gets up to leave. As he heads to the door, he tosses something on the table - a box of matches with retro looking art on it and a logo that says ’t.U.N.A.’.

[Jump cut to a secret t.U.N.A. meeting]

They're planning something big: a mint and a recruitment campaign. What's next? Only time will tell!

次の内容は0xNyanTaroから届いたものです。それは、UNITED NEKO ALLIANCE / t.U.N.A.の起源の物語を語る脚本または絵コンテの下書きのようです。署名はありませんが、P-Nyanが書いたものかもしれないと思います。彼らしくもあります。






彼は田舎での静かな生活と先生から学んだ貴重な教えを思い出しています。そのシンプルな生活を再び味わいたくなり、山形に戻って先生やNyanMaroとのキャッチアップに赴きます。その象の部屋には、活動中のMANEKI NEKOの数が減っているという問題があります。



0xNyanTaro: "よぉ、マロ、都会に戻ったよ。街の灯りがこんなに寒く感じるなんて。🏙️❄️"

NyanMaro: “お前と会えて良かった。もう都会生活に戻ったか?"

0xNyanTaro: "そうさ。🥳でも先生の言葉がまだ頭の中に響いてるんだ。全体のNEKOのことだよ。"

NyanMaro: "こっちも同じだよ。道場での話がずっと頭に残ってる。数値がどんどん下がっていくんだ。”

0xNyanTaro: "全くだよ!私たちが話しているのは生き方、それこそNYANJUTSU自体が消えていくことさ... 💔私たちが最後のNEKOになるのかって感じ? 😨"

NyanMaro: "でもただ座っているだけでは何も解決しない。何か行動を起こさないとだろ?"

0xNyanTaro: "うん、そう思ってたんだ。難しくなるかもしれないけど、もしNYANJUTSUを再びクールにすることができるのなら、それは私たちだよ。 😎"
NyanMaro: "その調子!これを立て直そう。先生のために、道場のために、どこにいてもNEKOのために!"






彼らのアイデアは、人間とNEKOの世界の両方で存在するNFT PFPとして形になります。彼らは0xSunrockと0xNeilを中心とする一部の人間に出会います。彼らもまた、NFTとWeb3を通じて日本の文化と芸術を世界に紹介しようとしています。NEKOたちはNJANJUTSUについていくつかのヒントを出しますが、人間たちは少し理解が遅いです。

ついに、UNITED NEKO ALLIANCEが結成されます。人間たちは日本からのNFT、プロジェクト、クリエーターを世界に紹介することに興奮しています。Mari(半人間、半NEKO)が加わると、彼女は秘密結社とつながりがある神秘的な人物を紹介します。アライアンスの名前を聞くと、その人は途中で話をやめ、立ち上がって出て行きます。彼はドアに向かって歩きながらテーブルの上に何かを投げます - レトロ風のアートが描かれたマッチ箱、そして上には’t.U.N.A.’と書かれたロゴ。



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