Generative AI: accelerating creativity & self expression

As we accelerate towards a vastly more technologically advanced future, much of the conversation focuses on the increase of intelligence, data and knowledge.

What is not discussed quite so often is the acceleration of creativity and the tools that are giving us new ways to express, connect and feel; and the importance of balancing knowledge with the chaotic unknowns that make being human beautiful.

Though arguably morbid, I think of the wealth of deathbed reflections we have access to. Those passing tend to remember and appreciate the simple moments, the human connection, the love shared as much if not more than their ‘on-paper’ achievements.

I think this context is important as we approach what is likely to be the biggest paradigm shift since the internet, perhaps the biggest in our lifetime.

As humanity merges with machine, let us not lose sight of what makes us feel alive but rather find ways to savour these moments and embrace tools that let us express and maintain our humanity within our new reality.

Becoming one with the Network

Whilst the online world naturally attracts the left brained technologist, it has of course also been a home for creatives. Online, you’re stripped of your physical identity and able to exist in the network as you wish.

When you become formless, you’re free to create your new reality. The limits of the physical world are removed and you can play with identity, anonymity, find community and explore new methods of expression and creation.

Since the birth of the internet we’ve seen the rise of countless online subcultures; especially within the creative fields of art and music. Those of us who communicate and connect in ways outside of what is considered optimal in ‘IRL’ society have found our people and thrived, creating cultural shifts and new economies along the way.

We’re currently witnessing the dawn of a new era of online subcultures, some based deeply within the AI realms. Whilst Landian accelerationism isn’t new and has been part of, or at least complimentary to, subcultures such as Remilia; we now see a rise in mindshare of e/acc (and the many accelerationist variants), 21e8 et al, and we’re watching these communities grow and split with their own distinct traits and beliefs in real time.

As my anon name suggests, I am a long-time Crowley fan so seeing the lore build from the early Land/CCRU days to where we are now, which still feels like the beginning, feels like a great time to be alive as these ideas are building their roots within modern culture.

Before I start to talk balance, I feel I should clarify that I am largely pro open-source and certainly not a decel. I am a believer in freedom, chaos, balance, love and the importance of preserving beauty and humanity within the accelerationist ideals. As above, so below.

I also believe that human corruption is inevitable if power is placed in the hands of the few and as we build imgnAI, we will work to preserve and incorporate these values.

What I do hope we can recognise along the way is that when we delve too far into the extremes, whilst it creates the most impactful and interesting historical moments and art, it often doesn’t end well [see, Crowley] and that there should be space for balance within this acceleration.

I say this entirely hypocritically as someone who perpetually lives in the extremes, but hey that means I can recognise it’s importance :]

The yin and yang of artificial intelligence

In a world where we are often encouraged to think in absolutes, art allows us to exist in the grey areas. We can sit in the uncertain, we can create without the need for a fixed outcome; and this is where peace, calm, innovation and new ideas are born.

Through tools like ChatGPT and other LLMs, we’re able to access knowledge and data faster and in more digestible ways than ever before.

The collective intelligence is rapidly increasing and though that brings debate around where lines are drawn with plagiarism and whether repeating machine-learnt information is true intelligence, it can be argued that effectively prompting and utilising this data is a new skill set in itself.

How this impacts innovation is yet to be seen, as often the innovators are the creative outliers and experimenters, rather than those educated in ideas of the past.

The vast data accessibility also raises the question of where enjoyment lies in learning, which of course depends on the individual - for many I’d think that seeking out knowledge and piecing it together is part of the appeal. Nonetheless, there is no doubt that machine learning will vastly accelerate tangible, technological human progress at a speed not seen before, in ways we aren’t considering yet.

Acceleration is by default forward momentum. Momentum is important, but it means little to the individual if there are no pauses or moments of contentment and reflection within that progress.

Throughout history we see great thinkers acknowledge the importance of balance. Yin and yang, masculine and feminine, dark and light. Without one, the other loses some meaning. Whilst technological, data driven acceleration will transform humanity, it should be balanced with creative acceleration to maintain homeostasis.

Generative art is the yin to the LLMs yang. Whilst LLMs can provide endless information, text-to-image generative models utilise machine learning to provide endless creative potential to anyone able to access them.

This should excite anyone who has been unable to express themselves creatively, as self-expression through visual art is now no longer restricted to those able to create through their physical form.

Simply put, the LLM fuels data accessibility and accelerates IQ. Generative art provides creative balance, allowing our EQ to flourish. The combination of both accelerates human experience and potential as a whole.

Embracing the hard and the soft

LLMs reduce what would have taken other generations years to source and learn into immediately accessible information, which brings a shift in ‘intelligence’ and in the idea of what it is to learn.

Society has long valued hard education and earthbound knowledge above the (currently) incomprehensible intuition and gut feel - though maybe AGI will hit and explain these to us. I hope not, as for me the mystery is their magic.

As I (doom) scroll Twitter, it’s clear to see that the loudest voices demand empirical evidence and data to back up any statement before it is considered worthy of belief, whilst anything unproven by human science is often ridiculed. This has always seemed an egotistical minefield to me and I can’t imagine holding the belief that only things proven by our own methods are valid. An open mind is one of endless possibilities and the need to be ‘right’ is limiting.

Saying that, it seems natural that humans find comfort in hard data. Science is a human pursuit and once measured, tested and evidenced, outcomes are understood and within our mental frame of control. To accept that there are things outside of our control is inherently vulnerable, and getting comfortable with vulnerability is not something that comes naturally to most.

Yet part of life’s beauty is its mystery. Often when we give up control, this is where innovation, magic and new ideas are born.

Consider the tech bros' relatively recent passion for psychedelics. Psychedelics allow you to separate the self from the ego, the thinking mind and the body and exist in an intuitive, ‘feelings’ based realm where data means little. Many find deep knowledge and healing in these states that go on to drive lifelong change.

Though this has been widely known and acknowledged for centuries, the validation of these states regained attention when research resumed following the war on drugs, the outcomes of which provided the desired evidence that these states are beneficial for many; which I'd imagine led to the increase in experimenting in these states.

For some, similar states are accessible without assistance either via intentional practices or naturally living a more intuitive life. This can be through mindfulness techniques or ritual, but I also see creative pursuits as micro-dosing this intuitive state in which no fixed outcome is necessary and allowing our brain the freedom to explore.

My point here is that we should not always need data to recognise the importance of spending time free of our rational thought processes and in an intuitive, creative state. Though, if you do need the research and data, there is an example to comb through.

Why people use generative art

Whilst building imgnAI, we’re often asked by VC’s and tech builders ‘why’ so many people are using tools like ours (66k Discord servers) and Midjourney (15m users to date). They frequently assume it is due to our approach to creative freedom, particularly our stance on allowing NSFW content which other GenArt platforms don’t.

However, whilst of course NSFW is a huge market and will surely be a heavily used part of our product - it doesn’t explain Midjourney’s rise to 15m users with no NSFW and ever increasing censorship.

As we grow, we’re seeing many MJ users and artists move over to use our platform because of the creative freedom it allows. This isn’t NSFW driven, but linked to the censorship of varying categories outside of this, including things like blood, guns, political figures, race, religion and more, and its impact on artistic expression.

There is a long history of art driving change, providing social commentary and satire. The most memorable pieces do just this. When you limit artistic expression, you stifle creativity and that is what I would consider a decel approach to art.

It is early and little user profiling has been done, however GenArt should be considered in the same arena as traditional art, gaming, poetry, reading, music etc. Right brain, creative pursuits that promote relaxation, enjoyment and fun.

These activities are all immersive, dopamine promoting and cortisol reducing, allowing you to calm your conscious mind and focus on the present whilst expressing yourself. There is plenty of evidence to support why these activities feel so therapeutic to us and are vital to optimal human performance.

With that being said, this is not the only reason people use these products. There are many, including just to make memes and have fun. Try it :]

Quietening the monkey mind and the flow state

When talking about flow states, I’d imagine many think of the frequently heralded ‘mindful’ ways of reaching these states such as meditation, yoga and breathwork.

Whilst effective, they are off-putting to many and flow can be simply defined as ‘a state of full task engagement and low levels of self-referential thinking’ (e.g., worrying, self-reflection).

In my opinion and experience, flow state is merely the ability to quieten the mind and exist in the moment, without the anxious brain's thought of the past or future - whatever that looks like to you.

For me, poetry, reading and generative art nail this.

Csikszentmihalyi’s flow model
Csikszentmihalyi’s flow model

Though this model suggests flow to be the peak obtained by both skill and challenge converging, I’d suggest that similar benefits are found in any activity that lets you be present in a combination of relaxation, control and flow.

For some, this is found through meditation and journaling. For others, this can be found through other immersive practices such as gaming, dance, art, swimming, exercise, skydiving, music and so on.

Effectively, anything that stops your brain producing its never ending stream of thoughts can be considered a form of mindfulness or flow state.

Being in flow is associated with positive mood outcomes. Buddhism teaches the concept of the ‘monkey mind’, which is the state we find ourselves in when we lack focus, are distracted, disorganised and are unable to quieten the thoughts within. Even if, like me, you don’t subscribe to organised ways of thought, I’m sure we can all recognise and appreciate the concepts.

The monkey mind is our anxious mind and is connected to our ego which fuels the inner monologue many of us suffer from. Being in this state is part of being human, though it stifles our creativity and ability to be present and enjoy life.

Yet because it feels ‘part of us’, we listen, despite it often being sub-optimal and leading to seemingly never-ending anxiety loops.

In the social media age and with our attention span rapidly decreasing, these practices are especially helpful to ground us and strengthen our ability to think clearly, creatively and focus.

Finding the flow state that works for you is key to achieving balance, and achieving balance is fundamental to human thriving.

Balance is one of those words that elicits a reaction from some who immediately think of elephant pants wearing yoga libs, though if you are the type that needs hard data - there is plenty to show that making time for both left and right brain activities improves overall performance.

Even the most left-brained tech nerd should be able to recognise the benefits of being able to focus and think clearly and as any gym goer knows, whilst rest often seems like the last thing you want to do - it’s required for optimal performance, recovery and growth.

Similarly, creative expression and mind relaxation is required for optimal brain functionality and mental health. Whilst I am naturally someone who lives in the extremes, finding ways to achieve moments of peace have been vital for my mental health and enjoyment of life.

Gaming vs generative art as flow states

The task is simple and the benefits clear. To feel good and perform well, humans should dedicate some time to activities that separate the self from one's thoughts. As a high IQ optimisoor, if you’re negating this then you aren’t operating at peak performance.

Experiencing flow is “accompanied with sense of accomplishment, meaningfulness, and positive mood states (Csikszentmihalyi and Nakamura, 2010), and as such, flow also plays a role in overall well-being”.

As expected, much of the literature and widely promoted ways to achieve mindfulness focus on hard mode, spiritual pathways which whilst effective, don’t resonate with all and skip the simple and enjoyable options many already practice and love.

If we look at gaming, this is a form of flow state that combines with other elements that make it enjoyable to millions.

Gaming is immersive, which quietens the mind. Games present a challenge to overcome which leads to a sense of competence and have reward systems which result in dopamine secretion. They also have a social element, allowing you to relax with friends and be part of a community (which lowers cortisol).

Consider also the character development within good gaming franchises and the attachment you feel to those characters. This combination of forces has led to an incredibly powerful and enjoyable yet often addictive form of relaxation.

Whilst gaming is immersive, because of the lack of creative expression it can distract from emotion and stress without giving any other path to process the thoughts and feelings, which has led to issues amongst gamers, many of whom suffer with Alexithymia - a condition characterised by the inability to determine your inner emotional state.

Often gamers feel temporarily distracted from their anxiety or emotion - but without anywhere for it to go or a way to express it, it remains and often progresses into an inability to feel their own emotions or notice those of others.

Generative art as an alternative

The element gaming misses in terms of mindfulness is the ability to express and process emotion.

This of course isn’t always a conscious thought process. We game to chill, not to deal with emotion and I’d imagine very few people actively consider gaming as mindfulness practice. However, the reasons these activities help and are enjoyable are well understood.

Many are finding that generative art is a perfect way to both quieten the mind, create and express, without necessarily being conscious of this being linked to emotional expression.

Generative art combines self-expression with some of the elements of gaming, in that it allows you to immerse yourself in creativity whilst giving a dopamine boost when you successfully craft a prompt that produces the image you wanted, much like successfully completing a challenge in a game.

It has the social element of gaming, as seen in the new communities that have sprung up within Twitter and Discord who complete daily prompt and art challenges together, collaborating and comparing what they have created from a base prompt.

With generative art, the limits of expression are endless and able to be tailored to the individual. As in gaming, you’re able to create characters that you can use to represent you in the online world, and you improve the more you practice, learn and play.

Some process emotion by creating art that visualises their feelings, whilst others find relief in comedy and community.

The social and community elements seen across Twitter and Discord mean that you can learn and improve your prompting skills, which feels similar to ‘levelling up’ in the gaming world and sharing your creations is a way of forming connections and making friends, all of which create positive feedback loops.

Accelerating creativity

As we speed towards the biggest paradigm shift we’re likely to see in our lifetime, for me it is vital that we don’t leave the things that make us human in the past and that we leverage new technologies to improve and enjoy them, whilst making creativity more accessible.

Whilst I’m of course biased, generative art is a huge part of this and is one of the fastest growing phenomena we have seen in recent years. We’re excited to be one of the wholesome, feisty and chaotic, values-driven beacons of humanity within the AI & VR worlds we will soon find ourselves in.

I, and we at imgnAI hope to add to these conversations and play a part in preserving some of the important parts of humanity as we hit the speedrun to AGI - as well as the values we hold close as part of the crypto community.

To try our GenArt tooling head to our website and check out either Discord or Telegram - our web app is coming very soon.

For beginners tips, head to our Gitbook.

You can also find me on Twitter here and imgnAI here.

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