You can log in by connecting your wallet or creating a visitor wallet. NFT Track enables you to follow top whales and track their sales history after connecting your ETH wallet to it.
We use the Common Content Logging Protocol, EIP-4361, Safe and reliable login,
which you can review here.
Step 1: Click the wallet you use or click “Visitor Login”.
Step 2: Click “Connect“ to connect your wallet. (Please be noticed this is achieved by a third party so that delay might happen. If it doesn’t pop up “Connect“, switch between NFT Track and the wallet APP to try again.)
Step 3: Click “Sign“ to allow NFT Track to sign in with your ETH wallet. It won’t incur any gas fees. (Please be noticed this is achieved by a third party so that delay might happen. If it doesn’t pop up “Connect“, switch between NFT Track and the wallet APP to try again.)
Step 4: Done, Now you can follow top whales and track their sales history!
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