Following your dreams won’t make you happy

Have you ever noticed that any time you accomplish a goal, the satisfaction doesn’t last and you’re already chasing after a new goal?

What happens if you achieve all of your dreams?

Then what do you do?

Have you ever set a goal that seems like, if achieved, it would be the ultimate accomplishment that solves all of your problems?
And then as soon as you achieve that goal, you’re already looking ahead to see what’s next?

What makes us think that the next accomplishment will be any more fulfilling than the last?

There will always be a new goal to strive for. Always more money to earn, and always someone who has what you don't. We probably won’t ever reach a point where we’ve achieved every single dream.

But even if you did, then what do you do?

So I got this little UFO puzzle for Christmas last year, and it’s been a little frustrating because I can’t figure it out, but at the same time, it got me thinking.

I could easily google the solution to this puzzle right now and figure out how to take this apart, but the only reason that this puzzle exists is so that you can try to figure it out.

As soon as I figure out how to take it apart, and know how it works, it becomes pointless. It becomes a hunk of metal that won’t be entertaining or of any value to me anymore.

The only reason that this brings any satisfaction at all, is for the process of trying to solve it.

I guess this came to mind particularly right now amongst all of the lockdown and covid stuff and all of the ways that life is changing. It’s really easy for my mind to wander into thinking “as soon as this is over, as soon as things are back to normal, then I’ll be happy, then I’ll feel better, then I’ll be okey”

It’s the same thing with festivals/nightlife for me, or music, or marketing, or my projects, any of it. We always seem to think that if we just achieve a certain goal or a certain number of followers or a certain amount in our bank, that then we’ll be happy.

It’s perfectly natural especially in a time like this, to wish for things to be different and to think about the future. Setting goals is great, and fighting for a better future is a beautiful thing, but I think it all comes down to perspective.

While we’re setting goals and fighting for a better future, rather than always dwelling on what things could look like, why not try to find as many ways as possible to enjoy this weird intricate puzzle that we all find ourselves a part of right now?

At the end of the day, this moment is really all that we have.

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