Carving Out Our Decentralized Destiny: The Journey from NšŸŸ£NBeta toĀ NšŸŸ£Nnation


Plunge headfirst with us into the enthralling world of the $NON economy and the intricacies of NšŸŸ£Ngov. In our previous piece, ā€œDeflationary Yield. The $NONĀ Economyā€ we pulled back the curtain on the ultimate objective of the $NON economy - to create a deflationary yield for its holders underpinned by DAšŸŸ£ earnings and a myriad of financial instruments.

Our past exposition, despite being awash in theory, spurred an overwhelming response from the intellectually curious NšŸŸ£Ncitizens, who inundated us with fascinating questions and thought-provoking ideas. Now, weā€™re set to complete this economic and governance voyage, offering our readers a comprehensive preview of the intriguing developments that lie ahead. Stay tuned as we connect the dots, tie up loose ends, and provide an enriching 360Ā° overview of the $NON sphere.

NšŸŸ£Nnation is not an update; It's a whole new protocol

Power to the people! If you're one of our NšŸŸ£Nbeta citizens (current holders of the $NON), you'll have the liberty to guide and shape the evolution of the NONbeta ecosystem. Our functions - ITEMs V2, Entities, Covenants, and FoF - are fully decentralized, and they bear no direct ownership link to NON Labs. What does this entail? It means that as long as Ethereum endures, and if NšŸŸ£Nbeta citizens wish to propel its development forward - be it through crafting interfaces for the FoF, forging new Entities, and more - they retain absolute control. And all this without the need for any intervention from the NšŸŸ£N Labs team.

But that's not all. Upon the launch of the NšŸŸ£Nnation by NšŸŸ£N Labs, we'll seal off the Root Layer of the NšŸŸ£N Beta, bestowing its citizens with a fully uncensorable economy and a suite of tools ripe for evolution and expansion. As a citizen, you'll have the capacity to administer the entire economic landscape through Delegations and the Treasury Splitter. Seize the day, and usher in a new era of decentralized growth and innovation!

Far from signaling its end, the release of NšŸŸ£Nnation breathes new life into the NšŸŸ£Nbeta realm. It paves the way for a fresh beginning steered entirely by its citizens, creating a robust and vibrant community unlike any other. Uniquely, this model offers zero chances of anyone pulling the rug out from under the community, ensuring trust and collaboration at all levels. Consequently, NšŸŸ£Nbeta is set to emerge as a riveting social experiment - an uncensorable, citizen-driven economy that's uncharted territory waiting to be explored and understood. Venture with us on this extraordinary journey as we reshape what economic governance can mean!

NšŸŸ£NBeta citizens! The shift to NšŸŸ£Nnation won't entail a forced token switch. Instead, following an on-chain snapshot, $NON holders will be eligible to claim the new $NON, all without relinquishing any of their influence within the NšŸŸ£Nbeta realm. This puts you in the driver's seat, letting you make a considered choice about whether to dive into the NšŸŸ£Nnation experience, maintain your active citizenship in NšŸŸ£NBeta, or seize the best of both worlds. The choice is yours - power and flexibility in your hands!

The new NšŸŸ£N claim will be available for 5 months, giving all citizens ample time to claim the new $NON.

We are deeply committed to the idea that NšŸŸ£NBeta, powered by the efforts of the delegations system, can flourish as a standout product within the space. As we edge closer to the launch of NšŸŸ£Nnation, it would be exciting to engage in Research & Development for a new name for the DAšŸŸ£ and the Token, with direction driven by our dynamic community.

Even as NšŸŸ£N Labs shifts its full attention towards the development and enhancement of NšŸŸ£Nnation, we will continue to closely monitor the evolution of NšŸŸ£NBeta. Just as Uniswap V2 and Uniswap V3 serve as potent tools in their own right, NšŸŸ£NBeta too possesses substantial value. The advent of our new venture doesn't detract from the inherent worth of our original ecosystem. Onwards and upwards, as we venture forward into uncharted territories together!

NšŸŸ£Nnation economy

The economy of the NšŸŸ£Nnation $NON is powered buy a complex system of inflation and deflation (we strongly suggest to read ā€œDeflationary Yield. The $NONĀ Economyā€ and ā€œThe Grand Bazaar: Enter the Yield Era of Decentralized Exchangesā€ to better understand the $NON economy).

Part 1 the $NON token

The $NON token is a super powered token (the first of itā€™s kind) built on top of our ERC-20 factory, that introduce in the space a very powerful economics tools and a granular ownership from all of them.

The $NON token can support 3 different native transfer fees:

  • šŸ”„Burn Fee: $NON holders can set a burn fee on each token transfer, the burn fee is voted via a SubDAO and the initial setup is 1%.

  • šŸŒ€Reflection Fee: $NON holders can set a reflection fee on each token transfer, the reflection fee redistribute tokens to holders and is voted via a SubDAO and the initial setup is 0%.

  • šŸ“ˆLP Fee: $NON holders can set a LP fee on each token transfer, the LP fee send tokens to the LP seasonal rewards, as an insurance to increase incentives for LP providers in the long term. The LP fee is voted via a SubDAO and the initial setup is 0%.

Every project within the NšŸŸ£Nnation will be able to manipulate these token tools in a detailed and precise manner, thereby empowering holders to control these fees. Just like with $NON, they can manage these tools through various wallet owners, renounce ownership to make changes, or even choose not to use them.

The $NON will have also Bazaar royalties active, making the LP fee at 1% and sending the earnings from trades to the DAšŸŸ£. For more info about how Bazaar royalties works donā€™t miss this article: ā€œThe Grand Bazaar: Enter the Yield Era of Decentralized Exchangesā€

Part 2 Delegate

These innovative economic options serve as a potent tool for the ecosystem to navigate diverse economic scenarios. However, to grasp their workings, we need to delve deeper into a vital aspect of NšŸŸ£N economics - the delegations system.

Under the new economic structure, $NON holders are incentivised to actively participate in decision-making, particularly concerning which delegations they wish to support. They can do this by wrapping their $NON to the delegation tokens (always maintaining a 1:1 ratio). With delegation tokens, users aren't subject to any transfer fees, and the Bazaar in the background has the capability to recognise these tokens. This allows users to buy and sell them using the original $NON liquidity, meaning that users can buy $NON and delegate in a single transaction. This streamlined process not only simplifies interactions but also fosters a sense of community and shared responsibility. Also Delegations token holders maintain the full earnings from the reflection as their original tokens, if active, earnings a very comfortable yield to hold.

Part 3 Voting powers

Within the vibrant ecosystem of NšŸŸ£Nnation, each DAšŸŸ£ is intimately tied to a token. By offering a comprehensive suite of features, we've introduced an enticing incentive for holders to delegate and add liquidity.

The Bazaar plays a pivotal role in this dynamic as it brings a fresh concept to Liquidity Providing (LP). It blends LP with farming, thereby positioning LP providers as farmers. As a result, farming rewards now have a plethora of economic strategies to boost returns, be it via trading volume, inflation, or any potential income source from a simple transfer. This not only creates a sustainable stream of rewards but also instills a sense of security among users regarding the long-term liquidity of their held assets. In essence, NšŸŸ£Nnation is pioneering a novel approach to liquidity and reward management, poised to revolutionize the way we interact with decentralized economies.

Any DAšŸŸ£ in the core of their voting system can manage different voting powers for Delegation holders, LP holders and just token holders, this open a new era of post-democratic voting system based on how much users put their stake into risk and how theyā€™re active in the ecosystem.

In the NšŸŸ£Ngov DAšŸŸ£ every voting rules will give more voting powers to Delegation tokens holders and LP holders with a new system of power based on REAL meritocracy.

Part 4 Business Model

NšŸŸ£Nnation business model, will be 100% connected to the bazaar, we created a new model that not only will make tons of earnings with few risks for the DAšŸŸ£ but also, all of them are connected to inceltivize projects to lock a base liquidity in the bazaar for ever. This system ensure users of different assets to always have liquidity and long term earnings for the DAšŸŸ£ based on more liquidity = more trades = more DAšŸŸ£ fees.

How does it works?

All of the tools provided by the NšŸŸ£Nnation (DAšŸŸ£, DeFi tools, ICO / NFT drop makers and tokens / NFT creation are 100% free from fees. Instead of fees the protocol ask to users to lock liquidity in the Bazaar. Lets deep dive into it:

  • DAšŸŸ£ creation: Forging a new DAšŸŸ£ is a breeze within NšŸŸ£Nnation. The only requirement is for the DAšŸŸ£ token to have a minimum of 1 ETH and token locked into the Bazaar. With this, users gain access to the most advanced financial governance system available, all without incurring any additional fees.

  • ICO / NFT drop Maker: NšŸŸ£Nnation provides new projects with a comprehensive toolkit to facilitate ICOs or NFT drops. This includes everything from token creation to influencers pool to the sales model, metadata management, and even a secure framework for managing investor-startup relations. If the ICO or NFT drop hits the minimum cap, 5% of the ETH and tokens/NFTs will be securely locked into the Bazaar.

  • Registry: Leveraging our sophisticated on-chain stack for handling collections and token metadata information, NšŸŸ£Nnation is positioned to be the fastest, most cost-effective platform for delivering information on any new existing tokens. For the first time, forget about listing fees or centralized requests. Instead, it will be the token owner who pushes updated info. This will make NšŸŸ£Nnation the go-to destination for users seeking the latest token information faster than ever before. For tokens not minted by our factories, the only requirement will be to add a certain amount of Liquidity Provider (LP) locked in the Bazaar.

  • Token / NFT creation: Creating tokens or NFTs within NšŸŸ£Nnation incurs no fees. The only requirement is for a certain amount of liquidity to be locked in the Bazaar. This ensures a healthy, liquid, and dynamic environment for all participants. We're all about empowering you, the user, to create, interact, and prosper in this ever-evolving digital space!

FYI: The final amount of Locked liquidity needed is still in an economic finalisation, these numbers chan slightly change in the deployed version.

Part 5 DAšŸŸ£ earnings

The NšŸŸ£Ngov DAšŸŸ£ has a lot of earnings points:

  • $NON Inflation: as the NšŸŸ£Nbeta the $NON inflation will be ruled via a SUBDAO and still will be divided in farming rewards and fixed inflation for $ETH

  • Investment Fund: the NšŸŸ£Ngov will have an updated Investment fund with the same tools as the NšŸŸ£Nbeta one, giving long term earnings for the DAšŸŸ£

  • Bazaar: the 0.1% of every trades from $ETH will go to the DAšŸŸ£

Part 6 DAšŸŸ£ new splitter

The NšŸŸ£Ngov will have new tools designed to increase its growth and updated version of the old one

  • Investment Fund + $NON burn: as mentioned in the Part 5 some earnings will go to the investment fund and 20% of them will buy back $NON and Burn as is happening in the NšŸŸ£Nbeta governance

  • Dividends: A new sophisticated $ETH farming from earnings in the Bazaar

  • Lottery: To incentivise trading $NON holders can choose an amount of LPs that will reward traders randomly for fixed trades by 10 to 50x (example: 10 wallets that buy 0.01 of voted LP will get 0.1 each)

  • Startup Lock: To incentivise LP lock, the DAšŸŸ£ will donate to some tokens creators a small portion of ETH to lock the liquidity in the Bazaar.

  • Delegations: A new super powered delegations grant system who promote constant participation. Delegations in this protocols can use all of the Bazaar tools, to via voting add LP, get rewards, Manage orders and trades, without needs of centralised transfers in the middle.

  • Evolved Treasury: The new treasury can sustain infinite amount of DeFi Bazaar based actions, in a secure way with 0 assumptions of voters rug pull.

  • L2 to L1: L2 will have a specific Colony DAšŸŸ£ to manage L2 decisions, rewards and send to the Main DAšŸŸ£ most of the earnings (Day one Deploy, Mainnet + Optimism).


NšŸŸ£Nnation stands tall as the most sophisticated toolkit ecosystem ever devised in our industry. It's meticulously designed to address and overcome the challenges and uncertainties plaguing the current landscape, allowing projects to transition from precarious ventures to sustainable on-chain earners. No longer will there be a need for heavy financial or legal interventions.

At NšŸŸ£NLabs, we've undertaken the intricate task of tackling not just economic challenges, but also those rooted in human behavior, to forge an ecosystem where the risk of rug pulls is virtually eliminated, even through voting.

Stay tuned for next week when we unveil our vision for the industry and its evolution. We're confident that the launch of NšŸŸ£N will herald a seismic shift in the crypto landscape, dividing it into pre-NšŸŸ£N and post-NšŸŸ£N eras. We're on the brink of something revolutionary, and we're thrilled to have you join us on this transformative journey!

Long story short, the economics of the first Ethereum Nation, as a trustable on-chain Binanceā€¦

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