Research: Post.Tech

Research: Post.Tech


In the rapidly evolving landscape of Social Networks and Decentralized Finance Applications (DeFi), Post.Tech emerges as a dynamic newcomer that challenges traditional paradigms. Launched on Arbitrum in late August, Post.Tech embodies the evolution of SocialFi, offering users unprecedented opportunities to earn rewards in cryptocurrency while retaining ownership of their content and data. In this comprehensive research report, we will delve into the revolutionary features of Post.Tech, exploring how it reimagines the concept of social media profiles, introduces innovative trading opportunities, facilitates exclusive crypto discussions, and teases upcoming features that promise to disrupt the industry. Through our analysis, you will gain a deeper understanding of Post.Tech's vision, its potential to turn social interactions into financial opportunities, and how it empowers users to transform their content into valuable assets.

Where Social Networks Meet Decentralization and Profitability

In the world of SocialFi, where social networks seamlessly merge with decentralized finance (DeFi) applications, selecting the right technological foundation is pivotal. Both Friend.Tech (the current leader of the SocialFi market) and Post.Tech recognized the necessity for scalability and cost-effective transactions. Friend.Tech chose Base as its Layer 2 (L2) solution, while Post.Tech strategically leveraged Arbitrum as its L2 solution of choice. These decisions align with the increasing demand for efficient and cost-effective blockchain solutions capable of accommodating the growing user base and trading activity in the crypto space.

Post.Tech has quickly become a major player in SocialFi, offering unique features and a visionary approach. Here are the key elements that define Post.Tech's value:

  1. Chat with KOL: Post.Tech enables users to access private channel messages with any platform user by acquiring their shares.

  2. Profitable Interactions: Post.Tech transforms social connections into profitable opportunities. Users can buy and sell shares of profiles, adding extra value to their social interactions.

  3. Rewarding Active Participants: Post.Tech incentivizes active engagement, ensuring that users who actively participate in the platform are generously compensated. This approach allows users to maximize their rewards as they become more involved in the Post.Tech ecosystem.

  4. Future Gazing - Tradable Posts: Post.Tech teases an upcoming feature: tradable posts. This revolutionary concept lets users turn their posts into potential financial assets, making content creation a source of profit within the DeFi space.

In summary, Post.Tech transcends the conventional DeFi platform. It creates an ecosystem where profiles become valuable assets, interactions yield profits, and every user can influence the financial landscape.

Unique Factors of Post.Tech

To set itself apart, Post.Tech boasts several key distinctions primarily centered around its diverse revenue stream mechanisms:

  • Buy and Sell Posts: Post.Tech introduces the unique ability to buy and sell individual posts, adding liquidity and value to user-generated content.

  • 5% of Trading Fees Earned to Shareholders: Post.Tech incentivizes early contributors and community engagement by sharing 5% of total trading fees with shareholders.

  • 5% Fees Earned to Share Owners: Post.Tech offers an innovative revenue-sharing model, encouraging traders to hold shares and participate in the 5% of trading fees generated by the shares they trade.

In conclusion, Post.Tech stands as a pioneering force in SocialFi, offering a wider range of revenue streams compared to Friend.Tech. It introduces new features that leverage the scalability of Arbitrum while empowering users to transform their social interactions into profitable opportunities. In the following sections, we will delve deeper into the data of Post.Tech, providing a comprehensive analysis of its potential impact on the SocialFi landscape

Meteoric Rise: An On-Chain Analysis

The meteoric rise of Post.Tech within the last few days has left the crypto community astounded. An on-chain analysis reveals the magnitude and evolution of this remarkable platform, painting a picture of its impressive growth and impact on the decentralized finance (DeFi) and SocialFi landscape.

Transaction Surge: 300K Cumulative Transactions

Transaction Volume - Post.Tech
Transaction Volume - Post.Tech

Post.Tech has experienced an extraordinary surge in transaction activity over the past three days, totaling over 300,000 transactions. What's even more remarkable is that approximately half of these transactions occurred within the last 24 hours alone. This surge in activity not only underscores the growing interest and engagement within the Post.Tech ecosystem but also contributes to the platform's impressive trading volume.

In the last 24 hours alone, the trading activity on Post.Tech has recorded almost 2,000 Ethereum in trade volume. This substantial trading volume signifies that Post.Tech has transformed into a thriving hub for users seeking to buy and sell profiles and engage in various DeFi activities. It also serves as a testament to the liquidity and inherent value that the platform has injected into the SocialFi space.

A Growing Community: 27K Unique Users

User Base - Post.Tech
User Base - Post.Tech

Post.Tech's user base has rapidly expanded, with a remarkable 27,300 unique users actively participating in the platform. This growing community not only reflects the appeal of Post.Tech but also indicates its potential to become a significant player in the DeFi and SocialFi sectors.

Total Value Locked (TVL): Soaring to Nearly $1 Million

Total Value Lock - Post.Tech
Total Value Lock - Post.Tech

Perhaps one of the most striking indicators of Post.Tech's impact is the Total Value Locked (TVL) on the platform. On September 19th, the TVL stood at a modest $28,000. However, in just a matter of days, it has skyrocketed to almost $1 million. This exponential growth in TVL illustrates the confidence and trust that users are placing in Post.Tech as a valuable protocol.

Impressive Revenue Generation: $200K and Counting

Revenue - Post.Tech
Revenue - Post.Tech

In an incredibly short span, Post.Tech's protocol has already generated an impressive $200,000 in revenue. This substantial income stream demonstrates the platform's ability to create value for its users while solidifying its position in the DeFi and SocialFi sectors.

The on-chain data paints a compelling picture of Post.Tech's rapid evolution and growing significance in the crypto landscape. Its transaction activity, trading volume, user base, TVL, and revenue generation all contribute to its status as a standout platform. As we dive deeper into the intricacies of Post.Tech, we will explore the factors behind this exceptional growth and analyze its potential to shape the future of SocialFi and decentralized finance.

The Airdrop Campaign Demystified

It’s important to know the leader of the market, Friend.Tech, received a $50 million Series A round funding from Paradigm with the valuation pitch bringing in token warrants. Post.Tech already has confirmed a token and they are running right now an Airdrop Campain, here's a breakdown of how it works:

The campaign's success is underpinned by a user-friendly and comprehensive points accumulation system, which encourages active participation and interaction on both the Post.Tech platform and Twitter(X). Here's how points can be earned:

  1. Post.Tech Posts: Users can create meaningful posts on Post.Tech, with their point earnings directly tied to the number of views their posts receive. This incentivizes users to create engaging and valuable content.

  2. Post.Tech Replies: Engaging with replies on Post.Tech not only contributes to the platform's community but also earns users points, fostering interaction and dialogue.

  3. Invite Friends: Users are encouraged to invite friends to join Post.Tech. Each successful invitation results in a substantial point reward, and there is no limit to the number of friends users can invite.

  4. Profile Shares: Users can sell their profile shares on Post.Tech, with the number of points earned scaling with the volume of shares sold. This introduces a dynamic element to the point accumulation system.

  5. Shares Holding: Acquiring and holding shares on Post.Tech also contributes to point accumulation, with the number of points increasing based on the quantity of shares owned.

  6. Buy/Sell Shares: Active traders can earn points by participating in the trading of profiles on Post.Tech. The more trades executed, the more points users can accumulate.

The Airdrop Process:

The Post.Tech Airdrop Campaign operates in a structured manner:

  1. Earn Points: Users engage with Post.Tech and Twitter(X) to accrue points during each active epoch. This encourages active participation and interaction within the Post.Tech community.

  2. Point Calculations: At the conclusion of each epoch, users' point counts are finalized, reflecting all their interactions and activities.

  3. Token Calculations: After the airdrop campaign concludes, the accumulated epoch-wise points are used to determine each user's entitlement to Post.Tech's tokens.

  4. Earn Tokens: Following the campaign, users can claim their tokens based on the points they've accumulated throughout the campaign. This provides a tangible incentive for participation.

Campaign Impact: Balancing Growth and Bot Activity

The Airdrop Campaign was strategically implemented by Post.Tech, has indeed achieved several commendable outcomes, including driving community growth, enhancing user engagement, and broadening the platform's outreach. It provides an enticing opportunity for users to receive rewards for their active involvement and contributions within the Post.Tech ecosystem.

Driving Community Growth: The Airdrop Campaign serves as a magnet for new users, attracting them to the Post.Tech platform. The promise of earning points and accessing exclusive airdrop tokens incentivizes individuals to explore and engage with the platform actively. This influx of new participants contributes to the expansion of the Post.Tech community.

Increasing User Engagement: With a points-based system that encourages users to create content, engage in discussions, and invite friends, the campaign stimulates higher levels of user engagement. Users are not only drawn to Post.Tech but are also motivated to participate actively to maximize their point accumulation. This heightened engagement enriches the overall experience for users and strengthens the platform's sense of community.

Expanding Platform Reach: The Airdrop Campaign acts as an effective marketing strategy, increasing awareness of Post.Tech and its unique offerings. As participants share their experiences with friends and followers on various social media platforms, the campaign facilitates organic growth and widens the platform's reach. This expansion contributes to Post.Tech's potential to become a significant player in the SocialFi landscape.

Addressing Bot Activity: While the Airdrop Campaign has undeniably driven growth and engagement, it also brings challenges, particularly concerning the presence of bots within the platform that are farming points. Nova Research conducted an analysis to identify and quantify bot activity on Post.Tech.

Bot Identification Criteria: To identify bots, Nova Research focused on users who purchased the first shares (specifically, shares numbered 2, 3, 4, and 5) within 10 minutes of registering as a new user. While this metric may not guarantee 100% accuracy, it provides a reasonable indicator of potential bot activity.

Bot Dominance - Post.Tech
Bot Dominance - Post.Tech

Bot Identification Results: Nova Research's analysis revealed that approximately 1,300 bots were identified in the last 24 hours on Post.Tech. These bots accounted for nearly 13% of the daily active users during that period.

Challenges and Implications: The presence of bots raises challenges related to the integrity of user engagement metrics and the potential for distortions in the platform's growth trajectory. It's essential for Post.Tech to proactively address bot activity to ensure that the platform's growth remains organic and sustainable.

Spotlight on Top Performers

Certainly, there are users who have demonstrated exceptional prowess in generating substantial value within the platform.

We've meticulously pinpointed the most prominent users on the Post.Tech platform. For an investor seeking exposure to this project, the most prudent approach would likely involve acquiring shares from the platform's leading accounts.

Leaderboard - Post.Tech
Leaderboard - Post.Tech

Competition with Friend.Tech: Navigating the SocialFi Landscape

While the magnitude of Post.Tech's project currently differs from that of Friend.Tech, which has established itself as a leader in the field, the competition between these two platforms is a notable dynamic in the evolving landscape of SocialFi.

Post.Tech vs Friend.Tech: User Base
Post.Tech vs Friend.Tech: User Base

A pivotal moment for Post.Tech occurred on September 21st when it boasted more active users than Friend.Tech, with almost 19,000 users compared to Friend.Tech's 14,000. Additionally, Post.Tech recorded nearly the same number of transactions as Friend.Tech on that day. However, while the transaction counts were similar, the transaction volume on Friend.Tech was nearly double that of Post.Tech.

This data suggests that while Post.Tech is gaining ground in terms of user adoption, there is still room for growth in transaction volume. The competition between these two platforms highlights the dynamic nature of the SocialFi landscape, where leadership positions can evolve and challengers like Post.Tech continue to push boundaries.

As Post.Tech seeks to solidify its position and carve out its niche within the SocialFi realm, closely monitoring its competition with Friend.Tech will provide valuable insights into the trajectory and potential of both platforms in the future.


In assessing Post.Tech as a player in the emerging SocialFi landscape, we find a mix of promising attributes and notable challenges. Here, we summarize the key strengths (pros) and weaknesses (cons) of the project:


  1. Strong Market Interest: The data demonstrates a significant surge in interest for SocialFi, underscoring the validity of this segment. It has already proven its potential to generate substantial revenue.

  2. Differentiation with Desktop Focus: Post.Tech's desktop-first approach sets it apart, enabling desktop users to readily join the SocialFi wave. This differentiation can be a strategic advantage in capturing a broader user base.

  3. Groundbreaking Functionality: The project's roadmap includes a groundbreaking feature - the ability to buy and sell individual posts. This innovation is expected to generate substantial excitement within the community.


  1. Early Stage and Technical Issues: Post.Tech is still in its early stages, evidenced by the presence of several bugs and vulnerabilities. The recent incident of the Telegram channel being hacked highlights the need for cautious interaction with the platform.

  2. Unclear Private Key Storage: Similar to Friend.Tech, Post.Tech's approach to private key storage remains unclear. This poses a high risk for users holding substantial funds on the platform.

  3. Undisclosed Team: The project's team is not doxxed, making it challenging to assess the team's expertise and experience. Additionally, the absence of disclosed investments leaves the project without the benefit of vetted due diligence from investors.

  4. Bubble Potential: Given the growing interest in SocialFi, there is the potential for a bubble in this space. The emergence of copycat projects could dilute the market and pose challenges for Post.Tech's long-term sustainability.

  5. Bot Activity: While the prevalence of bots is not unusual in the world of social networks, it can disrupt the economic balance of the protocol. Managing and potentially blacklisting sybil attackers poses a significant challenge for the team.

In conclusion, Post.Tech presents a promising vision for the SocialFi landscape, offering unique features and innovative vision. However, it is in its early stages and faces challenges related to security, team transparency, and potential market dynamics. Investors and users are advised to exercise caution and conduct thorough due diligence when engaging with the platform. The success of Post.Tech will depend on its ability to navigate these challenges and capitalize on its strengths in this rapidly evolving space.

Still Curious?

In our continuous pursuit of providing you with the most extensive insights into Post.Tech, we've gone the extra mile to ensure you're always well-informed in real-time. We are thrilled to introduce our On-chain dashboard tool, powered by FlipsideCrypto. This innovative tool empowers you to monitor critical metrics pertaining to Post.Tech, ensuring that you remain updated with the latest developments and trends.

We've also opened a social channel on Post.Tech, If you're interested in trying out Post.Tech and want to connect with us on this platform, we've got a variety of referral codes available for you to use:

  • pt-juljeubgae

  • pt-gggpoqt7ki

  • pt-lmi14fhgiz

  • pt-xulf41s8v6

  • pt-9hv5zmigmd

  • pt-dt7azytgxr

  • pt-k00s2mk38t

  • pt-ektgx2qnnn

  • pt-qkzdr8fv8u

  • pt-pitgo2m8hf

⚠️ Disclaimer ⚠️ : Nova Research is an independent research entity and is not affiliated with Post.Tech or any related organizations. This report is not a paid promotion or endorsement and is conducted solely for research and informational purposes. Nova Research maintains strict adherence to its core principles of impartiality and independence in providing insights and analysis. Readers are encouraged to conduct their own research and due diligence before making any investment decisions or engaging with the mentioned entities.

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