Co-Creating the Future: OpenEX CE Whitepaper - Building the Web3 Trading Network for the AGI Era

Community Draft Whitepaper

This document represents a draft version of OEX whitepaper, intended for community review and feedback. The designs, strategies, and specifications outlined within are subject to change based on the discussions, insights, and suggestions received from the community. We encourage all stakeholders to contribute their thoughts and ideas to help shape the future of this project


In the rapidly evolving digital currency domain, the demand for efficient, secure, and user-friendly trading platforms is growing by the day. OpenEX Network, an innovative uni-layer2 network, is engineered to construct a Web3 trading platform that adapts to the AGI era, delivering an unparalleled trading experience. Our vision is to enable easy access and trading of a wide array of digital assets for everyone through an efficient, interoperable, and user-friendly platform. Our mission is to push the boundaries of digital currency trading, making transactions safer, more transparent, and accessible through technological innovation, thereby enhancing global financial inclusivity.

As the cryptocurrency market matures, users increasingly demand faster transaction speeds, lower fees, enhanced security, and cross-chain asset interoperability. The transaction speed and scalability limitations of BTC, in particular, have been pressing issues within the industry. By introducing USDX as the base currency, OpenEX not only addresses the issues of transaction efficiency and cost but also enhances platform liquidity and stability by allowing users to obtain USDX through depositing USDT and USDC. Furthermore, BTC Layer2 technology, as a key solution to Bitcoin network scalability issues, has attracted significant attention and enthusiasm. Recognizing the immense opportunity BTC Layer2 technology presents in addressing speed and cost issues in cross-chain asset transactions, OpenEX is committed to integrating this technology with our network to enable more efficient and secure cross-chain asset trading.

Entering a new era marked by the rapid development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies, the OpenEX Network is not just a trading platform but also a pioneer in laying the groundwork for digital assets in the AGI era. Leveraging the decentralized, immutable, and transparent nature of blockchain and Web3 technologies, we provide secure and efficient digital asset trading and management services for users. Combining AI technology, OpenEX explores new models of digital asset management and trading, such as using AI for market trend analysis and prediction, offering users data-driven investment advice.

In the forthcoming AGI era, digital assets will play an even more critical role. OpenEX is committed to playing a pioneering role in this transformation, offering users a digital asset trading and management platform ready for the AGI era through the innovative integration of blockchain and AI technologies. Our team is continuously researching and experimenting with how to integrate blockchain, Web3, and AI technologies more deeply to provide innovative and value-driven digital asset solutions for users, while ensuring security, transparency, and efficiency.

Through continuous effort and innovation, OpenEX Network positions itself not just as a trading platform for the present but as a navigator for future digital asset management and trading, fully preparing for the advent of the AGI era and leading the new wave of the digital economy. We believe that through forward-thinking technology integration, OpenEX will not only meet current market needs but also anticipate and fulfill future market changes, sketching a future full of possibilities for users.

Overview of the OpenEX Network

The OpenEX Network aims to construct an advanced uni-layer2 platform that integrates the latest blockchain technologies to offer an efficient, secure, and user-friendly digital asset trading environment. We have achieved this goal through several key components:

Network Architecture and Core Components

The uni-layer2 architecture adopted by OpenEX is designed to optimize transaction speed and reduce transaction costs while maintaining compatibility with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), ensuring developers and users can seamlessly migrate to the OpenEX Network. Furthermore, by introducing cross-chain bridge technology, OpenEX supports asset cross-chain operations with EVM-based public chains and BTC, significantly enhancing the network's interoperability and users' asset liquidity.

Strategic Choice of USDX as the Base Currency

USDX is the base currency of the OpenEX Network, a newly defined stablecoin aimed at providing a stable and efficient medium for transactions. Users can obtain USDX by depositing mainstream stablecoins such as USDT and USDC, a mechanism that not only simplifies the asset exchange process but also improves the efficiency of fund utilization. The introduction of USDX is based on an in-depth analysis of market demand and recognition of the significant role stablecoins play in enhancing transaction efficiency. Note: In the OpenEX LONG Testnet, to simplify the complexity of the test user experience, the base currency is USDT.

Integration of EVM Compatibility and BTC Layer2 Technology

A notable feature of the OpenEX Network is its compatibility with EVM, allowing developers and projects on Ethereum to easily migrate to OpenEX and enjoy lower transaction fees and faster transaction confirmation speeds. Additionally, the integration of BTC Layer2 technology is a direct response to existing technological challenges. By adopting some of the current BTC Layer2 solutions, such as Lightning Network and atomic swap technologies, OpenEX aims to address the scalability issues of the Bitcoin network, providing faster and more cost-effective BTC transaction services.

Introduction of the OEX Mobile Application

To enhance user experience, OpenEX has launched the OEX mobile application, a one-stop solution that allows users to directly access various services of the OpenEX Network from their mobile devices. The OEX mobile application supports not only the trading and management of digital assets but also integrates cross-chain asset transfer functions, enabling users to easily transfer assets between different blockchain networks. In addition, the application provides real-time market data, news, and other tools to help users make more informed trading decisions.

Technical Architecture

The technical architecture of the OpenEX Network is the foundation for realizing its vision of a high-performance, low-cost trading platform. The following sections detail the key technologies and principles that constitute this architecture.

Evolution of OpenEX's Technical Architecture

OpenEX's initial intent and design philosophy have always been to create an open, efficient, and user-friendly next-generation Web3 trading platform. Guided by this goal, OpenEX's technical architecture has undergone a series of evolutions and optimizations, from its initial simple concepts to the complex and efficient system it is today.

Initial Design

In the early stages of OpenEX, the technical architecture primarily consisted of a series of smart contract protocols combined with a Web3-style centralized matching engine. Although this design was simple, it already contained the rudiments and basic elements for future architectural evolution. Smart contracts provided a flexible and secure way to handle transactions and other on-chain activities, while the Web3 matching engine offered a relatively familiar trading experience to users.

Community-Driven Evolution

Over time, the development of OpenEX shifted from relying solely on the efforts of the initial design team to a more collaborative approach involving community members. With active participation from the community, OpenEX's technical architecture gradually evolved into a more complex and efficient system.

This evolution is reflected in five main aspects:

  1. Smart Contract Protocols: Serving as the foundation for transactions and other on-chain operations, continuously optimized for performance and security.

  2. Uni-layer2 Blockchain: The introduction of uni-layer2 as the underlying blockchain technology improved scalability and interoperability, providing strong support for cross-chain asset operations.

  3. Web3 Matching Engine: Transitioned from an initial centralized design to a fully decentralized matching engine, ensuring transparency and fairness in transactions.

  4. Web3 App: Developed specifically for OpenEX, this app allows users to access and trade directly on their mobile devices, significantly enhancing user experience.

  5. AI Capability Integration: Developed a technology framework designed for the integration of Web3+AI architecture, allowing AI capabilities to permeate environments from asset creation to management and trading, laying the groundwork for future applications.

Uni-layer2 Design Principles

The uni-layer2 technology adopted by OpenEX is an innovative layered solution aimed at improving transaction speed and reducing costs by building a second-layer network on top of existing blockchain networks while maintaining the security and decentralization of the underlying blockchain. This design allows for transactions to be batch-processed and submitted to the main chain only when necessary, significantly reducing network congestion and transaction fees.

Network Nodes and Consensus Mechanism

The OpenEX Network employs a decentralized node architecture to ensure the security and scalability of the network. These nodes are responsible for verifying and recording transactions and maintaining the overall health of the network. The consensus mechanism adopted by OpenEX aims to balance efficiency and security, introducing innovative algorithms to reduce potential attack surfaces and increase transaction processing speed.

Interaction Mechanism with BTC Layer2 Network

OpenEX places special emphasis on integration with the BTC Layer2 network to overcome the challenges faced by the Bitcoin network in handling large volumes of transactions. By leveraging Layer2 technologies like the Lightning Network, OpenEX can achieve faster Bitcoin transaction confirmation speeds and lower transaction fees without sacrificing the security of the Bitcoin network. This integration provides users with a seamless cross-chain trading experience, allowing them to easily trade between Bitcoin and other blockchain assets.

Cross-Chain Asset Operations and Smart Contract Integration

The cross-chain bridge technology of OpenEX is another key component of its technical architecture, enabling asset transfers between different blockchain networks. This technology supports asset interoperability not only between EVM-compatible chains but also with non-EVM chains like Bitcoin. Additionally, OpenEX supports the deployment and execution of smart contracts, allowing developers to build and run decentralized applications (DApps), further expanding the platform's functionality and application scenarios.

Realizing OpenEX's Core Design Philosophy

This evolution of the technical architecture maximally realizes OpenEX's core design philosophy of openness, transparency, and low cost. By clearly recording each transaction on the chain, it not only enhances the transparency and security of transactions but also significantly reduces transaction costs. Furthermore, the introduction of the uni-layer2 blockchain and the continuous optimization of smart contract protocols lay a solid foundation for OpenEX, enabling it to support the extensive needs of future Web3 trading platforms.

Through the collective efforts of community members and continuous technological innovation, OpenEX has evolved from its initial design concept into a powerful and highly flexible trading platform, providing a comprehensive infrastructure for the future AGI era of the Web3 world.

OEX Tokenomics

This parts provides the Tokenomics design framework for OEX tokens, aiming to establish a balanced, sustainable, and community-driven economic model. It's explicitly stated that OEX tokens are conceptualized as Utility Tokens, intended to serve its platform and ecosystem. The document also underscores the importance of adjusting the design plan in response to changes in cryptocurrency regulations.

1. Token Classification and Purpose

1.1 Utility Token Definition

  • Utility Token:

    • Definition: Specifically designed to provide access or services within a system, rather than as an investment tool.

    • Purpose: OEX tokens are intended to offer functional services within the system, such as paying fees, participating in governance, accessing specific services, etc.

  • Regulatory Adaptability: Given the ever-evolving cryptocurrency regulatory landscape, the Tokenomics design of OEX tokens will maintain flexibility to adapt to legal requirements globally.

  • Continuous Compliance Review: Regular compliance reviews to ensure adherence to international laws and regulations.

  • Transparent Communication: Transparent communication regarding any compliance-related adjustments, ensuring community understanding and support for these changes.

1.3 Distribution Plan

Total Supply:

  • 10 Billion OEX

  • Community Airdrop (20%):

    • Purpose: To reward and incentivize early community members.

    • Implementation: Phased implementation to prevent excessive market volatility.

  • Early Contributors (10%):

    • Purpose: To reward early supporters.

    • Lock-up: No release in the initial four quarters, starting release from the fifth quarter, to ensure long-term commitment to early contributors.

    • Release: A gradual release plan over 2.5 years, with the tokens divided into 10 quarters, releasing 1.25% of the early contributor tokens each quarter.

  • Core Team (15%):

    • Purpose: To incentivize team members in the long run.

    • Lock-up: No release in the initial four quarters, starting release from the fifth quarter.

    • Release: A linear release strategy over 3.75 years, with the tokens divided into 15 quarters, to reinforce the team's long-term commitment.

    • Performance Incentives: An additional performance incentive pool set up for the core team, constituting 10% of the team allocation (i.e., 1.5% of the total amount).

    • Milestone Rewards: Performance incentives to be distributed upon achieving pre-set key project milestones (e.g., user growth, product launches, partnership developments).

    • Reward Release: Performance rewards may be distributed immediately upon milestone achievement.

  • OEX Foundation (25%):

    • Purpose: To support project operations, R&D, and ecosystem development.

    • Usage: Clear stipulations on the use of funds and transparency.

    • Release: A linear release strategy over 5 years, with the tokens divided into 20 quarters.

  • Staking Rewards (30%):

    • Purpose: To incentivize network security and active participation.

    • Release: A release strategy over 5 years, with the tokens divided into 20 quarters.

    • Implementation: Dynamic adjustment of reward mechanisms to control inflation.

1.4 Special Considerations

  • Transparency: All token allocations and unlocking plans will be publicly transparent, to earn community trust.

  • Risk Management: Establish strategies to address market fluctuations and regulatory changes.

2. Community Airdrop Reward Logic

2.1 Reward Strategy

OpenEX will continuously refine and optimize the airdrop incentive direction in coordination with airdrop cooperative projects and ecosystem development. The early community airdrop of OEX will be based on the following core logic:

  • Total User Growth: Rewarding airdrops by introducing new users.

  • User Activity Growth: Rewarding daily active behaviors, such as transactions, community event participation, etc.

  • Internal Value Growth: Encouraging innovation and growth in digital assets.

  • External Value Growth: Rewarding the locking and integration of external system assets.

  • Internal Value Liquidity: Promoting trading and liquidity.

  • Value Reserve Growth: Incentivizing long-term staking and capital reserves.

2.2 Control Measures

  • Airdrop Cap: Setting annual or total airdrop caps for each participating project to control inflation.

  • Decreasing Mechanism: Reducing the amount of each incentive airdrop over time to encourage early participation.

3. Token Value

3.1 Value Drivers

  • Systemic Scenario Increase:

  • System Consumption: Ecosystem projects will design mechanisms for token consumption in specific scenarios, such as transaction fees, service charges, etc.

  • Governance: Token holders will participate in project governance decisions, enhancing their involvement and influence.

  • Market Scenario Increase:

    • Trading: Enhancing the token's liquidity and tradability in the market, and supporting the use of OEX as a transaction unit in various ecosystem projects.

    • Partnership Relations: Collaborating with other projects and platforms to expand the token's use cases.

3.2 Buyback and Token Burning

  • System Buyback: Ecosystem projects supporting OEX Token will periodically buy back tokens from the market for ecosystem development and user incentives.

  • Token Burning: Various systems will reduce circulating supply through burning mechanisms, enhancing token scarcity.

4. Risk Management and Compliance

  • Risk Management Plan: Establish strategies to address market volatility and regulatory changes.

  • Regulatory Compliance: Keep abreast of global cryptocurrency market regulations, ensuring the project's compliance.

5. Community Development and Ecosystem Building

  • Community Incentives: Design diverse community participation and incentive plans, such as online activities, suggestion and feedback rewards, etc.

  • Ecosystem Cooperation: Establish cooperative relationships with other projects and platforms to expand the token's application scenarios and user base.

  • Education and Promotion: Strengthen user education and promotion, enhancing understanding of OEX token value and applications.

  • Regular Assessment and Adjustment: Regularly assess the development of the community and ecosystem, adjusting strategies according to market and technological changes.

6. Ongoing Monitoring and Adjustment

  • Data Monitoring: Continuously monitor the token's market performance and compliance.

  • Timely Adjustments: Adjust the Tokenomics in response to changes in market and regulatory environments.

  • Transparent Communication: Maintain open communication with the community, providing clear explanations and guidance on any significant adjustments.

7. Conclusion

OEX's Tokenomics design aims to ensure its tokens serve as Utility Tokens for the system. We emphasize the adaptability of the token design to ensure compliance in different global regulatory environments. Additionally, we commit to continuous monitoring and adjusting our strategies to adapt to the evolving cryptocurrency market and regulations.

As a design draft, this document may still be subject to adjustments before its official release. We welcome active participation and collaborative building from community members. Your opinions are highly valued, and you are encouraged to submit them at any time through ecosystem apps such as Agiex.

USDX: The Native Currency of the OEX Blockchain

USDX is a new type of stablecoin within the OpenEX ecosystem, designed to provide a stable and reliable medium for value storage and transactions. Unlike traditional stablecoins, USDX is specifically crafted to enhance the liquidity and transaction efficiency within the OpenEX ecosystem. Its value is aimed to be pegged to the US Dollar (USD), maintaining a stable exchange rate of 1:1. In the development of the next-generation Web3 trading platform, the OpenEX Network adopts USDX as its blockchain's base currency. This decision stems from a profound understanding of market demands and continuous optimization for user experience. The introduction of USDX brings significant convenience in transactions and payments, playing a crucial role in reducing transaction costs.

Within the OpenEX ecosystem, USDX serves several key roles:

  • Transaction Medium: USDX is used as the primary currency for all transactions within the platform, reducing the complexity and cost of trades.

  • Fee Payment: Users can use USDX to pay for transaction fees, withdrawal fees, etc., enjoying lower rates and higher efficiency.

Key advantages of USDX as the base currency include:

Transaction and Payment Convenience

As a digital currency with stable value, anchored to the US Dollar, USDX offers users a reliable medium for transactions and value storage, greatly enhancing the convenience of using the OEX blockchain in daily transactions, payments, and various other applications. Users can confidently carry out transactions and payments without worrying about market volatility.

Reduced Transaction Costs

By adopting USDX as the base currency, the OpenEX Network significantly reduces transaction fees. Compared to other blockchain platforms, this feature makes OEX more competitive in handling high-frequency, small-amount transactions. Low-cost transactions are vital for promoting widespread adoption and activity on the network, especially in markets and applications sensitive to transaction costs.


The introduction of USDX is particularly suited for daily small payments, high-frequency small transactions, etc. This provides an ideal solution for payment integration in various online games, AI application scenarios, etc. Developers and business operators can easily integrate the OEX blockchain, using USDX as a payment or reward mechanism, thereby increasing user engagement and market attractiveness of the applications.

Ecosystem Development

By incentivizing the development and use of various applications with USDX, the OEX blockchain can attract more developers and users to its ecosystem. The stability and low transaction cost features of USDX provide a solid foundation for building a thriving, diverse Web3 ecosystem.

Acquisition Methods

Users can automatically exchange mainstream stablecoins (such as USDT, USDC, etc.) for USDX at a 1:1 ratio by transferring them to the OpenEX platform. This process is designed to offer a simple and quick way for users to easily enter the OpenEX ecosystem for trading and participation. The reserve relationship between USDX and other stablecoins is always maintained at 1:1, with slight fluctuations in exchange rates and fees during conversion and redemption based on market conditions and supply-demand, ensuring the stability of USDX value.

Economic Significance of USDX

By introducing USDX, OpenEX provides users with a more stable and efficient trading environment. The design and functionalities of USDX reflect OpenEX's commitment and effort to create a sustainable, user-friendly digital asset trading platform. From an economic perspective, USDX, as a stablecoin reserved 1:1 with various stablecoins, shares a similar design philosophy with a basket of currencies concept. This design offers several advantages:

1. Diversification of Risk

USDX diversifies risk effectively by being reserved 1:1 with multiple stablecoins, mitigating the risks associated with reliance on a single currency source. Compared to stablecoins issued by a single entity (like USDT or USDC), USDX's value is not severely impacted by legal, financial, or operational issues of a single stablecoin's backing entity. This diversified reserve strategy enhances the overall system's stability and resilience against external shocks.

2. Enhanced Stability

A basket of currencies mechanism, by combining multiple assets, balances and stabilizes value, akin to the International Monetary Fund's Special Drawing Rights (SDR). This method reduces the impact of any single asset's value fluctuation on USDX stability, offering users a more stable medium for value storage and transactions. In market volatilities, this design maintains USDX value stability, providing a more reliable trading environment for users.

3. Increased Trust and Transparency

Relying on a 1:1 reserve with multiple stablecoins, USDX's value anchoring mechanism becomes more transparent, as it depends on several market-accepted and verified stablecoins. This mechanism ensures USDX's stability and value not solely on the reputation of a single issuer but on the collective credit of multiple stablecoins, thereby increasing user trust in USDX's stable value.

4. Promotion of Market Efficiency

USDX's design promotes liquidity and efficiency across markets. Users can easily convert between different stablecoins and USDX, enhancing the overall cryptocurrency market's liquidity, reducing transaction costs, and improving market efficiency.

5. Support for a Wider Range of Application Scenarios

With enhanced stability and trust, USDX is more readily accepted across various application scenarios, including cross-border payments, decentralized finance (DeFi) projects, and smart contract executions. This broad applicability further expands USDX's use cases, promoting its adoption and acceptance globally. Stable and low-cost transaction currencies can also become the preferred choice for automated payments and transactions between future AI Agent or AGI applications.

In summary, USDX's design philosophy exhibits superior characteristics over stablecoins issued by single entities, especially in terms of risk diversification, stability enhancement, trust increase, and promotion of market efficiency. This stablecoin mechanism, based on a basket of currencies concept, offers a more sound and reliable medium for value storage and transactions in the stablecoin market.

BTC Layer2 Integration Strategy

As a uni-layer2 application network design, OpenEX's compatibility with EVM ensures its maturity in various applications within the EVM ecosystem. With the continuous growth of Bitcoin transaction volume, the processing capacity and transaction costs of its main chain have become major challenges for users and developers. BTC Layer2 technology, as a key solution to this problem, aims to improve transaction speed and reduce costs by establishing a second-layer network on top of the Bitcoin main chain without sacrificing the network's decentralization and security.

In-depth Analysis of the Market Status and Technical Challenges of BTC Layer2

BTC Layer2 solutions such as the Lightning Network and Sidechains, although providing hope for solving Bitcoin's scalability issues, still face several technical and market challenges:

  • Technical Complexity: The implementation and maintenance of Layer2 solutions require a high level of technical knowledge, limiting their widespread adoption.

  • User Experience: To use Layer2 networks, users often need to take additional steps, such as opening channels or locking up funds, which may affect the user experience.

  • Liquidity Fragmentation: Layer2 networks may lead to the fragmentation of funds between the main chain and the second layer, affecting the liquidity of funds.

  • Network Interoperability: The poor interoperability between different Layer2 solutions limits their effectiveness and application scope.

  • Lack of Turing Completeness: Bitcoin's script cannot achieve a Turing-complete virtual machine, leading to limited space for DeFi and application innovation.

OpenEX's Innovative Applications and Solutions in BTC Layer2 Technology

OpenEX proposes a series of innovative applications and solutions to address the above challenges:

  • Seamless Integration: OpenEX is committed to seamlessly integrating BTC Layer2 technology into the platform, providing a simple and intuitive user interface to lower the barrier to using Layer2 technology.

  • Cross Layer2 Liquidity Pools: By establishing cross Layer2 liquidity pools, OpenEX aims to solve the problem of liquidity fragmentation, ensuring the free flow of funds between different Layer2 solutions.

  • Cross-Chain Bridging Technology: Utilizing advanced cross-chain bridging technology, OpenEX can achieve asset interoperability between BTC and other chains (including EVM-compatible chains), further improving the efficiency of fund utilization.

  • User-Friendly Payment Channels: By optimizing the process of opening and managing payment channels, OpenEX offers users a more convenient Layer2 payment experience.

  • EVM-Compatible Virtual Machine: With almost zero-cost migration of a rich array of DeFi and various DApp applications from the EVM ecosystem, the value of BTC assets in finance and application fields is greatly amplified.

Discussion on the Expected Improvement in User Experience and Transaction Efficiency

Through the above innovative applications and solutions, OpenEX expects to significantly improve user experience and transaction efficiency in the following aspects:

  • Lowering the Barrier to Use: Simplifying the process of using Layer2 technology, enabling non-technical users to easily enjoy fast, low-cost Bitcoin transaction services.

  • Improving Fund Liquidity: The application of cross Layer2 liquidity pools and cross-chain bridging technology will greatly enhance the liquidity and efficiency of fund use.

  • Accelerating Transaction Processing: Through Layer2 technology, OpenEX can achieve almost instantaneous transaction confirmation, significantly improving transaction efficiency.

  • Enhancing Network Interoperability: Promoting interoperability between Layer2 solutions, providing users with a wider range of services and application scenarios.

OpenEX, by deeply integrating and innovatively applying BTC Layer2 technology, not only addresses the main challenges faced by the Bitcoin network but also provides users with a superior transaction experience and efficiency. These efforts will further consolidate OpenEX's leading position in the digital asset trading field and promote the development of the entire ecosystem.

Project Milestones and Development Roadmap

Updated Key Milestones and Achievements

Since its launch, the OpenEX Network has achieved a series of important milestones, marking a solid step forward in building a Web3 exchange for the AGI era. Here are our key milestones:

  • Successful launch of the LONG Testnet: This was a crucial step in our technological validation, demonstrating the feasibility and efficiency of a trading network with USDT as the base currency.

  • Comprehensive deployment of tool applications: On the LONG Testnet, we have implemented a range of tool applications including wallets, trading, voting, staking, token creation, FairLaunch projects, and staking airdrops, providing users with a comprehensive Web3 trading and management experience.

  • Launch of the AI Agent asset creation platform: The launch of this platform signifies OpenEX's proactive approach in addressing the development of Web3 applications in the AI era, enhancing the ability to create and manage assets through AI technology.

Detailed Planning for Short-Term and Long-Term Goals

Short-Term Goals:

  • Release of the OEX Token: The OEX Token will serve as the native token of our ecosystem. It is planned to be initially released on Ethereum, BSC, or Core Blockchain in ERC20 format, further activating our economic model and user participation.

  • Launch of the OEX App: Officially launching the OEX App to further simplify interactions with OEX-related protocols and functionalities, and prepare client-side technology for the Mainnet launch.

  • Launch of the OpenEX Mainnet: Officially launching the OpenEX Mainnet, a key step in our network's development, providing users with more stable and efficient services.

Long-Term Goals:

  • Continuous Technological Innovation: We will continue to explore new technologies, including blockchain and artificial intelligence, to ensure that the OpenEX Network maintains a leading position in the Web3 era.

  • Ecosystem Expansion: Through partnerships and community development, we will expand the OpenEX ecosystem, attracting more developers and users to join and collectively push the future of Web3 exchanges.

  • Optimization of Cross-Chain Asset Operations: Continue to optimize and expand our cross-chain bridging technology to support more EVM-compatible chains and BTC, providing a smoother user experience.

Focus on Continuous Innovation and Technological Upgrades

  • Strengthening the Application of AI Technology: Continue to develop the AI Agent asset creation platform, leveraging AI technology to improve the efficiency and innovativeness of asset management, offering more diversified services to users.

  • Continuous Optimization of the Technical Architecture: Through continuous technological upgrades and optimizations, improve the network's performance and stability to support larger-scale transactions and complex operations.

  • Deepening Community and Partnership Relations: Strengthen interaction with the developer community and partners, jointly exploring and realizing new technologies and applications in the Web3 domain, driving the continuous development of the ecosystem.

Through the above planning and strategies, the OpenEX Network is committed to becoming a pioneer in the Web3 trading platform for the AGI era, providing users with seamless, efficient, and innovative service experiences.

Risk Analysis and Mitigation Strategies

Technical Risks

Risk Assessment

  • Security Vulnerabilities: The complexity of blockchain technology and smart contracts may lead to security vulnerabilities, resulting in hacker attacks and fund theft.

  • Performance Bottlenecks: With the growth in the number of users and volume of transactions, the existing technical architecture may face performance bottlenecks, affecting user experience.

Mitigation Measures

  • Security Audits: Conduct regular security audits and code reviews to identify and fix potential security vulnerabilities in a timely manner.

  • Performance Optimization: Continuously optimize the technical architecture and algorithms to enhance the system's processing capacity and efficiency.

  • Disaster Recovery Plan: Establish a disaster recovery plan to ensure that services can be quickly restored in the event of data loss or system failure.

Market Competition

Risk Assessment

  • Intensifying Competition: As more companies and projects enter the digital asset trading market, competition will become increasingly fierce.

  • User Attrition: Failure to continuously provide innovative products and services may lead to user attrition.

Mitigation Measures

  • Continuous Innovation: Persist in the research and development of new technologies and products to enhance platform competitiveness.

  • User Experience Optimization: Constantly optimize user experience to increase user retention.

  • Market Diversification: Expand into new markets and user groups to reduce dependence on a single market.

Regulatory Compliance

Risk Assessment

  • Regulatory Uncertainty: The global cryptocurrency regulatory environment is constantly changing, which may affect business operations and expansion plans.

  • Increased Compliance Costs: Complying with regulatory requirements in different regions may lead to increased compliance costs.

Mitigation Measures

  • Regulatory Monitoring: Closely monitor global cryptocurrency regulatory trends and adjust business strategies timely.

  • Professional Compliance Team: Establish a professional compliance team to ensure that business operations comply with laws and regulations in various regions.

  • Active Communication and Negotiation: Maintain open and positive communication with regulatory authorities to strive for a more favorable regulatory environment.

Team and Community

From the inception of the OpenEX project, we have believed that a strong, healthy community is key to the success of a blockchain project. Therefore, the development of OpenEX has always followed a core principle: to be driven and supported comprehensively by the community. This is reflected not only in our project's daily decision-making process but also in the formulation of OpenEX's long-term vision and strategic objectives. Our team works closely with community members to collectively push the project forward, ensuring that every step reflects the community's wishes and best interests.

Unlike many blockchain projects, OpenEX has not accepted investment from any external institutional capital. This strategy ensures that we can maintain complete independence and autonomy, allowing the project's direction and pace of development to be entirely determined by the collective vision of the community and team. This unique operating model allows OpenEX to adjust strategies flexibly and respond rapidly to market changes and community needs without being influenced by external interests.

In terms of Tokenomics design, we have also adopted an innovative and fair approach. The design of OpenEX's Token (denoted as OEX) is intended to fairly reward community members, with a series of incentives to ensure that individuals and groups contributing to the network can receive corresponding rewards. We firmly believe that the value of the project ultimately comes from the participation and support of the community, and therefore, the distribution mechanism of OEX is designed to reflect this philosophy, ensuring that the value of the Token reflects the contributions of community members and the actual development of the project.

The OpenEX team commits to maintaining open and transparent communication with the community, ensuring that all key decisions are subject to thorough community discussion and consensus. We believe that through this approach, OpenEX can continue to evolve to meet the needs of the future blockchain world while maintaining the core values and principles of our project.

We invite every individual passionate about blockchain technology from around the globe to join our community and collectively shape the future of OpenEX. Together, we can not only drive the growth of the OpenEX project but also leave our collective mark in the vast realms of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology.

Market Strategy and Operational Plan

OpenEX has achieved significant market and operational success in a short time through its innovative technology and user-friendly services, including over 2.3 million OEX airdrop claim users, over 200,000 Twitter followers, over 30,000 Telegram group members, as well as over 2 million in total transaction volume on the LONG Testnet, over 20 million USD in test TVL, and over 90,000 active addresses (approximately 20 days after testnet launch).

Based on these achievements, we will further adjust and optimize our market strategy and operational plan.

Strategy Adjustments for Target Markets and User Segmentation

  • Segmenting Target Markets: Conduct more detailed market segmentation based on user behavior, needs, and preferences to provide more personalized and targeted services and products.

  • User Education and Training: Strengthen education and training for new users, especially regarding Layer2 technology and cross-chain operations, to lower the barrier to entry and attract a broader user base.

Optimization of Marketing Strategies and Deepening of Partnership Relations

  • Enhancing Brand Influence: Utilize OpenEX's existing social media influence through high-quality content creation and interactive activities to further enhance brand awareness and appeal.

  • Partnership Relations: Deepen relationships with existing partners while actively seeking new partners, including other blockchain projects, financial institutions, and technology providers, to jointly expand market influence and user base.

Focus on Community Development and Explanation of Long-Term Growth Planning

  • Community Incentive Mechanisms: Design and implement more community incentive mechanisms, such as airdrops, contests, and governance participation rewards, to increase community activity and engagement.

  • Long-Term Growth Planning: Establish clear long-term growth goals and plans, including technological innovation, market expansion, and ecosystem building, to ensure that OpenEX can continue to develop and adapt to future market changes.

  • Feedback and Iteration: Establish an effective user feedback mechanism, regularly collect and analyze user feedback, to continuously optimize products and services, better meeting user needs.

Conclusion and Call to Action

As blockchain technology matures and the digital asset market continues to expand, OpenEX Network is committed to playing a pivotal role in this revolutionary transformation. By building an efficient, scalable, and user-centric next-generation Web3 trading network, we not only reaffirm our commitment to innovation and technological excellence but also demonstrate our determination to drive the entire blockchain ecosystem forward.

Reinforcing the Value Proposition and Future Vision of OpenEX

OpenEX Network stands out with its unique value proposition - offering a uni-layer2 solution aimed at addressing the main challenges current trading platforms face, such as scalability, interoperability, and user experience deficiencies. With the introduction of USDX as the base currency, we aim to enhance transaction efficiency and security, while ensuring seamless connectivity with existing and future blockchain networks through EVM compatibility and support for cross-chain asset bridging. Moreover, with the launch of the AI Agent asset creation platform, we further solidify our leadership in the development of Web3 applications in the AI era.

Encouraging Broader Participation from Community Builders and Investors

We firmly believe that the community is the core force driving the development of the OpenEX Network. Therefore, we warmly welcome developers, creators, investors, and blockchain enthusiasts from around the world to join our community and participate in building our ecosystem. By contributing your knowledge, skills, and resources, you can help grow OpenEX into a stronger and more diverse network, while finding your opportunities in the emerging digital economy.

Highlighting the Importance of Collaboration Opportunities and Calls to Action

At OpenEX Network, we always believe that collaboration is the most effective way to achieve common goals. Whether through technical cooperation, strategic partnerships, or community engagement, we are committed to establishing close collaborations with all stakeholders. We especially call on organizations and individuals eager to advance blockchain technology and the digital economy to join us in exploring new models of cooperation and jointly forging the future of blockchain technology.

Call to Action

  • Join our community: Participate in the discussion and development of the OpenEX Network, sharing your insights and suggestions.

  • Explore partnership opportunities: Whether you are a developer, entrepreneur, or investor, we invite you to explore the possibilities of collaborating with OpenEX.

  • Contribute your strength: Help advance the future of the Web3 trading platform by contributing technology, investing funds, or spreading the word about OpenEX through social media.

Let's work together to shape the future of the OpenEX Network and usher in a new era of Web3 trading platforms in the AGI age.

Version Changes

In an era of rapid development in AI technology and the continuous maturation of blockchain technology, OpenEX recognizes that technology and architecture will undergo continuous and rapid iteration. This iteration is not only an inevitable result of technological progress but also a necessary process for the project to adapt to market demands, community feedback, and emerging technology trends. Therefore, we clearly state here that the content of the OpenEX whitepaper will be updated and iterated as necessary with the evolution of technology, market dynamics, and community opinions.

We commit to following principles of openness and transparency for any iteration of the whitepaper, ensuring that all updates can be communicated to our community members, users, and partners timely and clearly. Our update process will include, but is not limited to, optimization of the technical architecture, adjustments to the Tokenomics model, expansion of application scenarios, and improvement of the governance model.

While the specific technical implementations and project architecture of OpenEX may evolve over time, our core vision of providing open, transparent, and efficient trading services will remain unchanged. We believe that this is the cornerstone that enables OpenEX to stand out in the competitive blockchain field and continue to deliver value to users.

Through this flexible and responsible approach, OpenEX is committed to becoming an ecosystem that can grow with technological advancements and community needs, while ensuring that our vision, values, and commitments to users remain consistent. We welcome and encourage the participation and feedback of the community to jointly shape the future of OpenEX.



As we stand on the brink of a significant milestone, the launch of the OEX mainnet is imminent. This momentous event marks a new chapter in our journey towards revolutionizing the web3 exchange landscape. We hereby extend an enthusiastic invitation to all miners and community members to be an integral part of this groundbreaking venture.

Join Us on Our Official Channels

Stay ahead and stay informed by following our official 𝕏 account @openex_network. Here, you will receive the latest updates, insights, and announcements directly from the heart of our project. Your engagement and feedback are invaluable to us.

Furthermore, we encourage you to become an active participant in our community by joining our official Telegram group This platform offers you a unique opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals, share ideas, and collaborate on shaping the future of the OEX ecosystem.

Your Actions, Our Future

Remember, the strength and future of our community are in your hands. Your involvement, support, and enthusiasm are the driving forces behind our collective success. Let's join hands to build a more interconnected, efficient, and user-centric blockchain ecosystem.

Together, we can achieve unparalleled heights. Your journey with OEX starts now!

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