Opside PoW Miner Whitelist Round 1 - Pre Application

Sign up for the PoW miner's faucet whitelist to claim Testnet tokens early on! Google form

The testnet tokens from the miner's faucet will be used for staking by miners. In order to prevent mischief as well as to encourage miners to provide more stable computing power, miners are required to stake a certain amount of token before generating ZKP.

Pre Application Starts from: 10AM UTC, MAY 8th.

How to enter:

  1. Complete the Google form in advance to apply as a PoW miner.

  2. One day prior to the pre-alpha testnet launch, we will announce the whitelisted addresses of successful applicants via our official Discord community and Twitter account (Note: one Discord username corresponds to one wallet address).

  3. Whitelisted users can access the PoW miner's faucet channel in the Opside Discord community (This specific channel will be made available later within the Discord community).

  4. Input your whitelisted wallet address and receive testnet $IDE in our Discord PoW miner faucet channel

  5. Get your miner's role on Opside Discord Channel.

  6. Connect to the Opside pre-alpha testnet and generate ZKP to get rewards.

  7. If your address is not whitelisted, you will not receive the testnet $IDE, even if you enter the Discord PoW mIner faucet channel.

Prover (Generating zero-knowledge proofs for ZK-Rollup): 1TB RAM with 128-core CPU

If you want to refer to more detailed information about PoW, please visit: https://docs.opside.network/miners-pow


We will conduct a certain level of screening for the PoW Miners who apply. Miners must elaborate on their previous mining experience with certain proofs.

Opside Intro

Opside offers ZK-Rollup-as-a-Service with a decentralized three-layer network, combining PoS and PoW consensus. It provides scalable zkEVM chains for Web3 developers, tackling Layer 2 limitations with a unique design. With rapid transactions, minimal fees, and easy ZK-Rollup project deployment, Opside supplies essential hardware resources and enables seamless asset transfers.

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