Orchestra — “The pretty obvious if you think about it accord”

Context — Twisted Selection

As mentioned in our first piece, An Indictment, the current crypto/web3 innovation ecosystem makes it very difficult for innovators and supporters to find each other and collaborate. The big publishing platforms and leading influencers control most of the traffic which allows them to charge exorbitant pay-to-be-seen fees. This and other supporting factors, especially the drive to boost revenue by publishing a lot of content, result in a prohibitively over-priced and over-crowded innovation showcase stage that favors the rich and savvy over the viable, technologically-sound and value-adding. It is like looking for someone you haven’t met yet, in a dark and noisy nightclub with a high probability they didn’t even clear the bouncer…

Mission — Marco! Polo!

Orchestra’s mission is to help all interested parties in the Crypto/web3 innovation space to find each other on a level playing field.

Strategy — Come together

Come together
Come together

We’ll do this by both removing obstacles and by paving inroads.

In removing obstacles we mean getting rid of the “noise” created by the current unnatural selection process, i.e., merit-centric curation of strong and reputable pool of Good Innovation Projects (GIPs). In “paving inroads” we mean providing a communal virtual space and conditions that would foster interactions with and in a community of innovation supporters (e.g., investors, partners, OGs, KOLs, journalists, publishers, influencers, and other interested parties we can’t think of right now).

As can be inferred, we believe that collaboration is a necessary condition for effective innovation. We also believe that given the right conditions, collaboration happens naturally. What we mean is that if we are able to bring people together in a way that provides a good match in terms of resources, needs and mutual interests, they will do the rest on their own.

Organization — Orchestra is a {Set}

Orchestra is not a website (mobile or otherwise), not a Discord channel (nor Telegram group or any other social platform collective noun), not a platform, not a company, an association or any other legal entity. Orchestra will most probably include some or all of the objects above. However, Orchestra is not defined by any of them.

Orchestra is an organization. In “organization” we mean that it is a set of people that 1) identify as belonging to that set, and 2) are accepted by (enough) other members of the set as belonging to that set, and 3) that act in a way that affects other members of the set. The source of the sense of belonging in our case stems from a shared purpose. That was a rigorous and perhaps a bit long-winded way of saying that Orchestra is a community of people working together towards a shared purpose.

Purpose — Save the world. Make it a better place.

To drive high-impact, valuable, and sustainable web3 innovation.

Execution in tranches

Orchestra’s purpose is big. Providing a merit-based curation (both of GIPs and of the audience) and a showcase stage is Orchestra’s “beach-head” strategy and perhaps demonstration of concept that can later be expanded to include all the dimensions and stages of innovation development (inc. market access).

We believe it is possible to do this with minimal centralized direction (with it further diminishing as the DAO community grows).

Continue to Chapter 3 - Self Organizing Orchestra

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