P12 Editor Alpha v0.8.2.0 Release Notes

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\\bigcat\Online version \2022\ March 30

Version number.

Editor: v0.



New function

[Editor] New image quality setting function MW Editor adds the picture quality setting function, which allows you to set the picture quality performance manually and preview the picture quality effect in the editor. The image quality setting function will affect both the running state and the editing state of the screen performance

[GamePlay]-Humanoid object

New logical object - humanoid object was added to facilitate users to use to make NPCs, and the structure of the main character object was reconstructed to separate it into two separate objects, humanoid object and camera. All the related APIs have been reorganized as well.

Two objects logical object description.

Humanoid object: keep using the old version of the resource image, you can use the old interface for image editing.

Humanoid object_V2: use Sakura 2 resources and configured with new bones and new actions of the logical object, you can use the role editor for image editing.

Description of the protagonist structure.

The current object list divides the protagonist object into two logical object settings, camera and player.

The player property is basically the same as that of the humanoid object.

Operation steps Drag the humanoid object into the scene, the humanoid object model will be generated automatically

Then adjust the properties of the humanoid object through the properties panel, and regulate the AI and other functions through the code, and finally complete the function.

You can also dynamically call the API to generate humanoid objects. As shown in the figure.

[GamePlay] - Camera

Refactor the camera function and separate it from the main character object, and refactor the camera properties and related API.

Attributes introduction.

add new orthogonal mode (originally only perspective mode), and attributes such as orthogonal width and distance.

new camera position delay and rotation delay properties, to improve the previously mentioned hand problems.

add camera position mode and camera orientation mode, replacing the original encapsulated control mode.

Cancel the original encapsulated first-person and third-person modes, such as the need for users to set their own attributes.


declare namespace GamePlay { // @ts-ignore import * as UE from "ue"; class CameraSystem { preloadAssets: string; get UECameraSystem(): UE.MWSysCameraSystemComponent; get UECamera(): UE.CameraComponent; /** Get the current camera relativeTransform / get CameraRelativeTransform(): Type.Transform; /* set CameraRelativeTransform /
set CameraRelativeTransform(NewTransform: Type.Transform);
/ Get the current CameraWorldTransform /
get CameraWorldTransform(): Type;
/ Set the current CameraWorldTransform /
set CameraWorldTransform(NewTransform: Type.Transform);
/ Get the current camera projection mode /
get CameraProjectionMode(): ECameraProjectionMode;
/ Set the current camera projection mode /
set CameraProjectionMode(NewCameraProjectionMode: ECameraProjectionMode);
/* get OrthoWidth /
get OrthoWidth(): number;
/* set OrthoWidth /
set OrthoWidth(NewOrthoWidth: number);
/ get the near-plane distance of the orthogonal view (in world units) /
get OrthoNearClipPlane(): number;
/ set OrthoNearClipPlane (in world units) /
set OrthoNearClipPlane(NewOrthoNearClipPlane: number);
/* get OrthoFarClipPlane(NewOrthoNearClipPlane: number) /
get OrthoFarClipPlane(): number;
/ set OrthoFarClipPlane (in world units) /
set OrthoFarClipPlane(NewOrthoFarClipPlane: number);
/ Get the current camera spring arm length /
get TargetArmLength(): number;
/ Set the current camera arm length /
set TargetArmLength(NewTargetArmLength: number);
/ get whether the camera is currently using the controller to control the camera rotation /
get UsePawnControlRotation(): boolean;
/ Set whether the camera is currently rotating using the controller /
set UsePawnControlRotation(bUsePawnControlRotaion: boolean);
/ Get whether the camera position delay is currently enabled /
get EnableCameraLocationLag(): boolean;
/ Set whether the camera location delay is currently enabled /
set EnableCameraLocationLag(bEnableCameraLocationLag: boolean);
/ Get whether the camera rotation delay is currently enabled /
get EnableCameraRotationLag(): boolean;
/ Set whether the camera rotation delay is currently enabled /
set EnableCameraRotationLag(bEnableCameraRotationLag: boolean);
/ Get the current camera location delay speed /
get CameraLocationLagSpeed(): number;
/ Set the current camera location delay speed /
set CameraLocationLagSpeed(NewCameraLocationLagSpeed: number);
/ Get the current camera rotation delay speed /
get CameraRotationLagSpeed(): number;
/ Set the current camera rotation lag speed /
set CameraRotationLagSpeed(NewCameraRotationLagSpeed: number);
/ Get the current camera FOV /
get CameraFOV(): number;
/ Set the current camera FOV /
set CameraFOV(FovNum: number);
/* get CameraLocationMode /
get CameraLocationMode(): ECameraLocationMode;
/ Set the camera location mode /
set CameraLocationMode(NewCameraLocationMode: ECameraLocationMode);
/* get CameraRotationMode /
get CameraRotationMode(): ECameraRotationMode;
/* set CameraRotationMode /
set CameraRotationMode(NewCameraRotationMode: ECameraRotationMode);
/* get EnableCameraCollison /
get EnableCameraCollison(): boolean;
/* set EnableCameraCollison /
set EnableCameraCollison(bEnableCameraCollision: boolean);
/ Get the pivot point position offset /
get TargetOffset(): Type;
/ Set the pendant position offset /
set TargetOffset(NewTargetOffset: Type;)
/ Get the camera position offset /
get SocketOffset(): Type;
/ Set the camera position offset /
set SocketOffset(NewSocketOffset: Type.Vector);
/ get CameraUpLimitAngle /
get CameraUpLimitAngle(): number;
/* set CameraUpLimitAngle limit /
set CameraUpLimitAngle(NewUpLimitAngle: number);
/* get CameraDownLimitAngle*/
get CameraDownLimitAngle(): number;
/** set CameraDownLimitAngle*/
set CameraDownLimitAngle(NewDownLimitAngle: number);
/** get EnableFadeEffect /
get EnableFadeEffect(): boolean;
/ Set whether to enable the transparency effect /
set EnableFadeEffect(NewIsEnableFadeEffect: boolean);
/ Get the transparency of the transparent effect /
get FadeEffectValue(): number;
/ Set the transparency of the transparent effect /
set FadeEffectValue(NewFadeEffectValue: number);
/ Get whether to enable the RaiseCamera effect /
get EnableRaiseCamera(): boolean;
/ Set whether to enable RaiseCamera effect /
set EnableRaiseCamera(NewIsEnableRaiseCamera: boolean);
/* get RaiseCameraHeight /
get RaiseCameraHeight(): number;
/* set RaiseCameraHeight /
set RaiseCameraHeight(NewRaiseCameraHeight: number);
/* get EnableFollowTarget /
get EnableFollowTarget(): boolean;
/* set EnableFollowTarget /
set EnableFollowTarget(IsEnableFollowTarget: boolean);
/ Get the interpolation speed when following the target /
get FollowTargetInterpSpeed(): number;
/ Set the interpolation speed when following the target /
set FollowTargetInterpSpeed(NewInterpSpeed: number);
/* get EnableLockTarget /
get EnableLockTarget(): boolean;
/* set EnableLockTarget /
set EnableLockTarget(IsEnableLockTarget: boolean);
/ get if camera focusing is enabled /
get CanCameraFocusing(): boolean;
/ Set whether to enable camera focusing /
set CanCameraFocusing(CanCameraFocuse: boolean);
* CanCameraFocusing
* @param TargetArmLength target distance
* @param TargetOffset target offset
* @param timeInterval focus interval (the smaller the faster)
CameraFocusing(TargetArmLength: number, TargetOffset: Type.Vector, timeInterval?: number): void;
 * Camera lock object
 * @param Target object
 * @returns
 SetCameraLockTarget(Target: MWCore.GameObject): void;
 * unlock object
 * @param Target object
 * @returns
 CancelCameraLockTarget(): void;
 * The camera follows the object.
 * @param Target object
 * @returns
 SetCameraFollowTarget(Target: MWCore.GameObject): void;
 * Cancel following the object
 * @param Target object
 * @returns
 CancelCameraFollowTarget(): void;
 * Override the camera rotation, truncating from the controller incoming value
 * @param NewOverrideRotation new rotation value
 * @param bClampByCameraModeRotationLimits whether to override the camera's angle limit, default false
 * @returns
 SetOverrideCameraRotation(NewOverrideRotation: Type.Rotation, bClampByCameraModeRotationLimits?: boolean): void;
 * Cancel the rotation override
 * @returns
 ResetOverrideCameraRotation(): void;

[GamePlay]-Updated the default character

Updated the image of the default character when PIE is running

Before Update
Before Update
After Update
After Update

[Engine] - Optimized distance rejection

Objects that exceed the set size within the specified distance will be automatically rejected to optimize the game performance According to the phone performance and object volume, the better the performance, the farther the rejection distance, the larger the volume, the farther the rejection distance

[Engine] - Auto-grading of cell phone image quality

For cell phone CPU/GPU performance, the game quality will be graded automatically to ensure the smoothness of the game. Example. Model: A57 9 levels of image quality (the highest, the default choice of 9 levels before optimization), a number of performance parameters are too high, the lag is obvious, basically unable to play the game

Level 1 image quality (the lowest, automatically graded according to the A57 model after optimization), the performance is in a normal state, no obvious lag, can play normally

BUG List

[WorldRun] The material of Hanako's clothes on campus is lost

[Occasionally] build something in the editor, during the manual save, the final change in the name of the layer crashed, and the previously saved progress is gone

[Snowman - Must appear] No aperture in front of the store Mate in the base static model is not Ctrl+Z withdrawable to the previous color after a color change. In any project have

[Pirate][Must appear]When the room is full of 5 people, you can not open a new room, the subsequent entry of the player match timeout and prompt

[unknown error], when the room has a player quit, other players can replace the player who quit

[WorldRun - Resource Loading] Blues Project Editor main viewport material missing; pie running normal

[Punk] [Occasionally] after deleting UE4 and entering the game, the special display of destroyed objects is incorrect

[Mobile]Mobie end switch perspective, in-game resources will be removed

[Mobile]Nova5pro and some other models, no automatic full screen after opening MW

[Mobile]Start MW-app, restart the app after not killing the process, stuck in MetaWorld icon interface.

[Mobile] No Metaworld logo and long black screen time after opening the app to show the start game screen

[Mobile]Mobile's generated log folder is not inside the app [Mobile]Mobile does not support four-finger debug function

[Mobile]No hover box pops up when clicking gameserverurl input box on Mobile side

[Editor - UI Editor] Asynchronous image loading wild pointer crash on mobile side

[Editor - Menu Bar] Update published game, check the auto review, no effect

[WorldRun - Resource Loading] I'm a second thief and a giant god soldier, the character did not load out after entering the game, or the editor's female robot character I'm a good-looking guy, but I can't click on the button after entering the game.

[A57] Bear Run gift box turned gray

[Editor - Project Content] UI search box can search non-listed UI files If I run an empty project, it will report an error in the log, Game Is Undefined. Scrolling panel settings, whether there is elasticity mistakenly written as inertia

[UI Editor] After the object component is rotated 180°, and then click stretch, there is a difference between the arrow position and the actual stretch position

[UI Editor] After adding UI to AddToViewport function, there is an adaptation problem.

[GamePlay - ParticleEffect] Effect logical object will appear in pie run, logical object's Icon

[GamePlay - Character] The human character that has been dragged into the scene will get stuck on the floor when the client is dynamically generated after running (occasionally)

[GamePlay-Character]After running the Blues game "God's Warriors", all the npc's can't move

[GamePlay - Character]After configuring the crouching stance of the character object, clicking on the crouch, the character does not trigger the next action

[GamePlay - Character]The editor crashes when I run the test project of humanoid character using the branch of camera.

[GamePlay-Character] When setting the character not to move, modifying the character's state to flying fails

[GamePlay-Character] The specified humanoid object can't move its legs when walking.

[GamePlay-Character]After running the blues project, the camera lens cannot move

[GamePlay-Character]Palyer and humanoid character's descending attributes conflict with each other

[GamePlay-Character]When the game this exists a large number of client npc, after the creation of the client, can not move and play the movement animation, and if you set the speed of movement will be reflected in the player's own role

[Editor - Object Manager] Create objects A and B, place C in the middle of A and B, and then move C to the next horizontal line in the middle of A and B. It is expected that C is still in the middle of A and B, but in fact C is under B.

[GamePlay - Skill] Blues feedback ability object: GetAbilityStateByIndex().GetDuration() and GetAbilityStateByIndex().GetExecuteTime() can't get the time [Mobile] will flash back when running

[Editor-Other]Dragging 25806 resources to the main viewport, the editor crashes

[Editor-Properties Page]-Properties panel, modify light source property value, editor crashes

[WorldRun]The pre-loaded character costumes overlap with the character costumes set in the game

[Editor - GameUI Editor] open two ui editors, modify one of them switch the other, close the modified one and choose not to save, in closing this not to save that ui editor, open not to save that ui editor, then go to close, the editor crashes

[GamePlay - Character] mobile side into the elements of the awakening project after the role selection interface, the role interface does not show the role model

[Mobile] 233When pulling up the MW of view, the game is stuck in the page of resource verification.

[WorldRun]The editor crashes when the two constraint objects of the rope component are selected at the same time and the static selection box is clicked continuously.

[Editor - GameUI Editor] Drag the control and click hide, drag the control again, the icon of the hidden control becomes unhidden (the actual control is not shown)

[Editor - Toolbar] PIE run after using the pause function and then resume, click the left mouse button to move the direction function can not be turned

[WorldRun] Flower child game into the game, level 999, after starting the game, the game character can not change the ghost, UI attack key jump key and so on do not show

[Atsu] [Must appear] stuck in the entry game page, click also can not enter the game After entering the game, I can't click on the OK button in the option gender screen, so I can't play normally.

[Castle][Certainly]loading page will flash back

[Tokyo] [Must show] The character does not follow the view when you turn the view.

[Handsome treasure hunt] [must be present] in the game loading page game flashback (the same as the Azzurri error)

[Tokyo][Must appear]After clicking the crouch button, the character will not crouch

[fighter] [must appear] fighter perspective position is abnormal, should show their fighter model at the picture red circle

[Tokyo][Must appear]The camera position of the scene displayed in the main interface of the game is not normal

[GamePlay - Character]The element project can move the perspective to see the hidden building under the ground

[GamePlay - Character] King ranking game, the perspective of the king watching traps changed can not see individual traps

[GamePlay - Character]dev environment, the default gun position of the hide and seek character is not correct

[WorldRun] - PC side running Blues Project King Ranking, character image is system default character image

[GamePlay - Character] - PC side Mobile phone side after running Tokyo, the character image is the default character image

[WorldRun] - After running the game "Bear Run", the UI disappeared and the character did not change (occasionally)

[WorldRun]The editor crashes when two constrained objects of the rope component are selected at the same time and the static selection box is clicked continuously

[GamePlay - Character]The King of Blues Project game, the entire body of the Mobile side character image is missing except the head

[Mobile] Part of the released game, after clicking enter, in the pull up room interface, flash back to the mobile desktop

[Metasmith - Server] manually disconnected and reconnected, the pop-up window pops up whether to reconnect, wait until the destruction of the server-side character, click to confirm reconnection, front-end black screen

[GamePlay - Character] 28449 resources are not displayed in the main viewport

[Gameplay] Stroke set objects, objects do not stroke the character stroke only the body, the head is not stroked

[Gameplay] When the player steps on a thin model with physics simulation on, other players see him lying down

[Metasmith - Server] [Metasmith - Server] PIE two characters check each other's position, the other's position is not correct

[Treasure Hunt] [Must appear] dev environment, many swords appear in the birth scene, the new account will also appear to enter

[GamePlay] [Occasionally] Elemental Awakening: two players play against each other and one player's skin is displayed incorrectly and headless

[Mobile] [Treasure Hunt] choose female characters, face black, the default hair resources are not cleared, resulting in the character at the same time two hair Mesh.

[Pirate World Island] [must appear] three players, two players' names are Character

[King - Occasional] - King game, the game lobby appears multiple swords suspended in the air

[GamePlay - Character] pie start four windows There is a window to see other characters without dressing

[GamePlay - Character] first time into the game, the opening animation camera camera switching speed is too fast

[Tokyo] [must appear] dev environment After the player dies, the perspective will shake when resurrected, and then resume normal after resurrection

[Mobile] [Treasure Hunt - Occasional] There is a delay when using teleportation during the newbie orientation stage.

[King's Game - Must Present] - Prop release delay is too big

[King's Game] - Exit several times, enter the game again, game card lobby

[Mobile] [Must appear] When you first enter the treasure hunting game, the character can only turn but not move, and needs to delay for a while to move.

[Bear] trigger bounce, bounce delay (occasional) Blues punk game disconnected after reconnection will certainly crash

[King - must appear] - King can not end the game


5. because of the camera function refactoring part of the project code needs to manually modify some places, before the release has been communicated with some of the Blues technical owners of a number of follow-up questions can be directly contacted Zhang Pengfei and Liao Yunhao camera problems The release of the version you can start to submit the corresponding changes.

6. on the new version of the use of humanoid objects in the UE C++ code error: the timing of obtaining the UE object is too early, the direct operation of the empty object caused by the. MW project GameObject has Ready event, here is to wait for the implementation of the initialization logic, in the use of as much as possible after Ready to manipulate the relevant properties of the GameObject, such as. gameObject.Ready().then(()=>{// logic to be processed}); It is recommended to replace UE with new role-related api, such as the Divine Soldier, Treasure Hunt and King items communicated before the release.

7. due to solve the problem of location synchronization, there is currently a disconnected reconnection of the simulation end of the character location synchronization is not correct, you need to move the location to synchronize the correct. ai characters may be born incorrectly, please adjust the floor to non-static.

8. character system update, currently will automatically load the character default body hair and face, when using V2_Tools settings may appear parts overlap, at this time, you need to set the default character parts to "", Example: this.CurrentPlayer.Character.SetCloth(GamePlay. BodyPartType.E_Hair, "");

9. because the default character changed to secondary characters, now if the game to use the spaceman model please preload 8443 and reset the character model, such as punk items

10. Because of the humanoid object and camera reconstruction, adaptations to different games may have some unknown problems, we find timely communication.

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