P12 Editor Alpha V0.27.0.0 Release Note

[New] Introduced room kicking feature.

  • Developers can now utilize the RoomService.kick() function on the server to disconnect a specific player from the server within the room.

[New] Implemented client-specific property synchronization.

  • A new base class called "PlayerState" has been introduced, allowing developers to inherit and create data synchronization classes with different structures.

[New] Outlines have been added to 2D avatars.

  • 2D avatars in the character editor and client now feature outline effects when the graphics quality level is set to 7 or higher.

[New] Enhanced feature for accessories in the character editor.

[New] Added search sorting feature. [New] Introduced quick chat messaging to the chat box.

[New] Multiple camera objects can now be created, and models and spring arms can be displayed in the main viewport.

[New] Implemented automatic resource recycling.

  • Automatic resource recycling has been implemented to manage resource lifecycles. Unused resources will be automatically released after a certain period of time. By tracking the number of objects referencing a resource (resource reference count), unused resources can be identified and promptly released, reducing memory usage.

[New] Main editor now provides navigation build hints, allowing direct detection of completion for large terrain navigation construction.

[New] Added callback interfaces for entering and leaving swimming areas.

[New] Default projects now include footstep sound effects and other audio.

[New] Introduced a simple character movement strategy.

  • We have introduced a simple movement strategy where parameters such as friction and acceleration are disabled. Additionally, no aerial detection is performed, and the character animation mode switches to custom animation mode, allowing developers to create custom movement effects and character behaviors.

[Optimization] Removed the option to create new controls from the toolbar.

[Optimization] Improved the saving rules in the character editor.

[Optimization] Modified the process of creating new characters to prioritize file selection before window creation.

[Optimization] Hidden the color adjustment options for front and back hair highlights in 2D avatars.

[Optimization] Improved the display of resource names in the property panel.

[Optimization] Upgraded the transparency feature for camera objects.

[Optimization] Improved the facial customization effects for 2D avatars.

[Optimization] Enhanced performance related to UI creation. [Optimization] Reworked character-related features.

  • Character features and APIs have been refactored, including basic character features, character avatar swapping, and character animation capabilities.

[Optimization] Synchronized character avatar properties with character editor resources.

  • The properties for setting character avatars in the character panel are now synchronized with the internal avatar properties of the character editor. Changes made to either the panel properties or the editor properties will be synchronized, ensuring consistency between the two.

[Optimization] Adjusted capsule size to better fit the character model.

  • The size of the character's capsule has been adjusted to match the actual height of the character model, addressing issues where certain structures could not be passed through.

[Optimization] In version 027, all existing material effects will undergo a comprehensive upgrade to Material 2.0. This upgrade aims to enhance artistic expression while addressing issues related to API usability, difficulty in adjusting lighting effects, and maintenance challenges. It serves as a foundation for future version requirements, performance optimization, and overall user experience improvements.

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