Meme Maxis week 36
March 29th, 2023

Winter blossoms and spring assemblies of the Meme Maxis, week of 2023 March 20 — cover excerpted from “The Swing Trade” by rolu_art.

As the Timeline accelerates and sweeps us into its disorienting churn, the meme-amigos continue laying bricks, building not just for the future but also the present.

Gordon Moore passes on, and still the torch of Moore’s Law kindles hot and bright. Artificial intelligence begins nibbling the world in earnest. The future of crypto is uncertain as some of the world’s largest banks shiver their timbers.

Therefore it’s the ideal time to introduce PakyRoatan for Gradient Holder interview No. 4 !

Delve into previous 6529Gradientz interviews as well, with 0xCuttlefish, rockshassa, and 0xZamunda.

Meme Card 81 — CA-SAKURA

The astonishing CA (Chien-An) CHOU, a.k.a. cachou1993, readies a team of conquerors for the unforgettable mission of WAGMI, through her signature style and storytelling (artist announcement) —

Visit her OnCyber gallery and catch her collections on SuperRare, Nifty, Foundation, and elsewhere.

Gathering of the Memes

A literally monumental week for ReMemes: majestic edifices of the ReMemes Agora rise anew, gleaming under silky Open Metaverse skies. Visit the courtyard, browse its surrounding open galleries starting from resnepsid’s Promontory™, and follow along Episode 47 of The Metaverse Show hosted by DarrenSRS for a replay of live tours through the fantastic work of serc1n, MesutNFT, art_icu_late, TheMeansCreator, and over thirty-five other ReMeme artists. Agora logo brought to you by Ana_Novo.

Bonus: a summer.jpg double cameo, courtesy paladinpunks and TheMeansCreator.

Colors abound throughout ReMemes and Meme Lab mints debuted this week:

  • GMeme by etheranna and rememesbykaerr (still available)

  • FAKE BEAR TACTICS by chrome_void, hosted by ReMemesMuseum

  • Pumphorus Meme Labs card by spydenator, redeemable via burn of Rugiums —

  • NONFT Complaint Card by NaimePakniyat

After the Exam Has Gone

Memes Twitter is aflurry with hundreds of students sharing their test results at the conclusion of the University of Nicosia’s NFTs and the Metaverse course. George Giaglis, a.k.a. Dr C. Richard B., shares how to mint one’s course certificate and what happens next.

inb4 Right-click-save-as Guy shows up...
inb4 Right-click-save-as Guy shows up...

School’s out! Vacation with a Nakamoto shirt (by 0x1723) and grab a Lava Flow Hawaiian cocktail (by h3xum_) based on benstraussphoto’s Hopium Highlands meme card 🏖

Meme Card 82 — Gifland Parade

BertOne showcases each thread of his short-bioPsychedelic Pop & Folk Surrealism. Hand-drawn digital illustration. Frame-by-frame animation. Infinite Loop. — in this eternal procession of a memestravaganza

Bert’s behind-the-scenes twitter thread about making the artwork is full of delightful details. Discover his collections on SuperRare and Foundation as well.

Smatterings and Cornucopias

A roundup of fantastic art by Meme and ReMeme Artists this week:


lphaCentauriKid sojourns in the Centaurian desert:

[CELLUMOTO] by apeinacoupe

A peace piece from Burnasso

Hunters in the Snow by seerlight

Starlings in Flight - March 2023 by imagine_sme, shown here as a static image but is actually an interactive, generative animation:

ART CARD #3 by apocalypticform

Meme Card 83 — Alice in Memeland

A truly wondrous and wondrouser week closes with the work of lunaleonis for card 83 (artist announcement) —

Luna’s wonderland of whimsy and magic includes a peek through the keyhole of the piece’s creation process, collections galore on SuperRare, and pathways meandering every which way.


Happy meme-seizing and life-seizing to all !

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