A new paradigm for points programs.
One that doesn’t lock you in, and lets you monetize your participation at will.
Rewarding both onchain activity, and community participation.
Earn higher whitelist tiers, and contribute to the Pike Community Presale - for a chance to subscribe to the Pike Governance Token, and being a part of the native multichain DeFi journey at the ground floor.
$PIU allocation for Discord roles will be unlocked by Tiers. Claiming will open for S Tier on Friday 3/15 16:00 GMT
$PIU emission for onchain activities will be tallied on a daily basis, claiming will open on Friday 3/15 16:00 GMT
Your Tier Ranking in the PPP will correspond to a Whitelist Tier in the Pike Community Presale. Higher Whitelist Tier will lead to greater contribution quota and discount on valuation
$PIU will be initially claimable and tradable on Base. Followed by Solana once Wormhole NTT becomes available
Make sure you fully understand the binding process between your Discord account and Web3 wallet. Once your Discord account is binded to a wallet, it will be irreversible
To access the PPP, please visit this link.
If you’re unfamiliar with the Pike PIU Program, be sure to read our previous blogs:
With the PIU Program going live, users and community members will be able to start earning $PIU for all their supply and borrows within Pike, as well as being able to see their $PIU allocations for roles that have been earned from being an involved member in our community. $PIU
Supply caps will remain unchanged at launch as we iron out bugs and functionality, however will be increased very soon.
Connect to PIU Platform with your Discord account
Bind your Web3 wallet with your Discount account
Please note that the Discord/Wallet binding relationship is 1-to1 and can only be done once. Meaning you WILL NOT BE ABLE to revoke or switch binding to a different wallet
Binding guide can be found here:
Claiming for Discord roles
$PIU allocation for Discord roles will be unlocked by Tiers
Claiming will open for S Tier on Friday 3/15 16:00 GMT
Allocated $PIU has no expiration, you can claim anytime
Claiming will open for subsequent tiers (A Tier thru C Tier) on a staggered basis
Follow us on X or Discord to stay up to date on the claiming schedule.
Claiming for Onchain Activity
$PIU emission for onchain activities will be tallied on a daily basis
Claiming will open on Friday 3/15 16:00 GMT
Let’s say B Tier opens for claiming on the 3/21 - but what happens on the backend?
Snapshot is taken for the entire B Tier on 3/20
To ensure fairness and prevent sybil farming (of specific roles). A standalone snapshot will be taken for “XYZ” role at an earlier date, say 3/15
Holders of B Tier roles outside of “XYZ” role will be eligible for $PIU allocation as long as their roles are verified before the 3/20 snapshot in order to qualify for $PIU allocation and claiming on 3/21
Holders of “XYZ” role must be verified before the 3/15 snapshot in order to qualify for $PIU allocation and claiming on 3/21
Claiming for B Tier roles (including “XYZ”) opens on 3/21
Let’s say you have the following roles:
Once A Tier claiming opens, you’d be able to claim both the Mad Lad and Pikenian allocation, for a total of 1,000,000 $PIU. Afterwards, the Early role for an additional 250,000 once claiming is open for B Tier. And lastly, an additional 200,000 $PIU from claiming the C Tier allocations for the Floppy and MAYC role. While you’ll have earned 1,450,000 $PIU from roles you’ve earned within the Discord, you’re only able to claim them in a staggered fashion.
During the PPP, you’ll also be both supplying and borrowing on Pike, and will be earning $PIU as a result. Let’s assume you take part immediately when the PPP begins, and hold these positions for the entire duration (31 days). The daily $PIU you’d earn would be able to be claimed once every day. With the below example, with $10,000 in supply, and $6,000 in borrow, you could claim 220,000 daily.
Combined with your earnings from your roles allocations, you’d earn a total of 8,270,000 $PIU, which can of course be traded as any other asset, as well as used to earn your place within the Pike Community Presale.
Be sure to give us feedback about the Discord connection and EVM address binding process, as well as if your earned roles are showing up correctly!
With $PIU claiming opening on 3/15, and supply caps increasing soon - be sure to stay updated by following us on Twitter and joining our Discord!
And don’t forget to PIKE IT UP!
Pike is a Universal Liquidity Protocol; it is designed to unleash utility for native assets by aggregating liquidity across blockchain networks.
Pike’s vision is to become a universal liquidity layer that enables frictionless movement and accessibility of native assets across ecosystems. Pike is built on top of Wormhole’s Cross-Chain Data Messaging and Circle’s Cross-Chain Transfer Protocol (CCTP), and utilizes Pyth Network’s Price Feeds.
One fundamental primitive of Pike is to enable users to supply native assets on source chains and borrow native assets destination chains without interacting with cross-chain bridges and handling wrapped assets.
Learn more at: https://www.pike.finance/
Join the Discord at: https://discord.gg/pikefinance