It’s been a wild ride of a year for us. 2021 was the year of the Stacyverse getting established by CFW, and 2022 was the introduction of Pillheads Generative. So much art was dropped along the way, by CFW himself, artists in our community, and from all of the amazing artists and projects we have collaborated with since the beginning.
Our family grew so much this past year, and we are greatly humbled to see so many folks sticking around as we continue to learn to navigate bear markets, and a shifting NFT landscape. We are doing our best to adapt, and continue growing as individuals in a community.
We wanted to wrap this year up with a short recap, and with two major updates we are very excited about. Read on to find out a little about what’s coming next.
As the market rollercoaster did its up-down-down-down BS, CFW and the rest of the team did what we know how to do best: make more art, keep designing, build more, and just stay busy to ward off all the demons and noise. Using the convenience of Manifold’s apps, CFW went all out cojones-to-the-wall on community art drops with the Pillheads Dispensary.
The tradition of gifting never stops around here. It’s beneficial on so many levels. The artist gets their art out in the world so it can live its own life. Holders are rewarded with more amazing art, and community value increases as a group. And ultimately, with community feedback and collaboration, the direction of the project is influenced in a positive direction; it’s a form of decentralized democratization we exercise over in the Stacyverse that is very organic, and unhurried. Less stress, steady support, more gratitude all around.
Go check out the entire collection - plenty of gems folks are accepting offers on!
Old but new mechanics are incoming, as we take what works, and make it work even better than before. And if you haven’t already, maybe go pick some pills up out of The Jar before it’s too late!
In addition to all the dependable good stuff like burn mechanics, airdrops, and holder claimables, CFW has cooked up something absolutely WILD stuff for January and beyond. Let’s cut to the chase and drop the alpha:
Our Pillheads are about to go dynamic NFT mode, wherein dual PFPs are held within a single token. Thanks to all the possibilities that come with being able to modify metadata with NFTs, CFW is stepping up the game with a major dev & art update, and it’s called The PXLLHEADS Metadata Upgrade.
WAIT HOLD UP, DID YOU SAY DUAL PFP? PXLLHEADS? WHAT? Check the tweet, you heard it here first. Get hype.
We’re just going to sum up the relevance of this upgrade in one paragraph here. Firstly, it will effectively double the value of the token (DUAL. PFP.). Secondly, instead of sticking to the same repetitive aesthetic, CFW is essentially tipping his hat to the roots of our digital culture, by going back to the roots of it all with pixel art. From 8-bit games at the beginning of it all, to the CryptoPunks that are one of the most iconic faces of blockchain culture, this is a massive step in a direction that observes both our past and our future simultaneously. Lastly, it paves a path towards bridging multiple aspects of the project into one place; who knows, maybe the future of the project will be defined by more than just two styles of art!
Community artist support has always been, and continues to be a large part of our identity as a project. And so, CFW has brought us to the junction where Community Claimables will be turning into Artist Artworks! This comes with a couple of implications.
The most important thing is that we maintain a level of quality with the work being produced, presented, and represented under our roof. Thus, claimables will likely not be monthly as they have been since July - we cannot rush good art, and we want to encourage the artists we are working with to drop what they deem meets their standards.
This is all in line with our general collaborative nature with artists, but is a slightly new approach, as it will give artists more sovereignty with their work, and allow our universe and lore to expand in various directions. Our lore should grow with our community.
Lastly, it will hopefully lead to a new set of collectors joining us. As you all know, our Team is made up of folks who started out with, and continue to put out 1/1 work, now bolstered with multiple editions as we meet market conditions how we can. Not everybody is into PFP collectibles, and not everybody is into singular artworks. We want everybody to feel welcome; there are different perks for holding different types of tokens, and everybody is welcome to partake in our ecosystem how they see fit. In general, I believe that folks seeing the 1/1 of art will be exposed to projects like Pillheads Generative, and realize after a closer look that these are not generic collectibles!
Following is a shameless plug for my own publication over on substack, but also because it is the only place you can hear CFW speaking! Worth a listen if you are curious to hear what our Founder sounds like, and get a feel for his vibe beyond Discord and Twitter interactions.
As a team, we want to express a huge THANK YOU to everybody that has stood with us along this tumultuous journey, from dropping a collection as the market crashed, to building how we can with what we have through a bear market. All of you that continue to express your support, engage, and are paying attention to what we’re doing; you are the MVPs in all of this.
Happy New Year friends and family, old and new. See you in 2023!