It’s been a wild ride of a month since we announced Pillheads Generative
. As a team, we are humbled by everybody who has shown up. Sharing everything we have been working on has been simultaneously terrifying and a relief, and I can’t stress enough how much it means to us to see so many of you engaging with this universe we are building.
A lot happened in a month, so the easiest way to get into it all, is to get right into it.
On May 2nd, we opened our Discord
back up. We spent a lot of time re-arranging some stuff, eliminating some things, and adding a few newer and better features to ensure a safe and smooth community experience. In addition to our ~500 previous community members, an additional 1.5K folks showed up over the course of the week. I can say we were prepared, because we were. But I would be lying if I said we were ready mentally, because that was a really intense week of welcoming you all. The hype is real.
The first 1,000 folks on the server got OG roles
. That’s a wrap for that; no more OG roles. Thank you to everybody that jumped in. It’s worth noting that our bot that tracks server member counts updates every few minutes, and it was lagging behind the influx of folks in the first 24 hours. So when it said 750, we were in fact over 1K already. We’re still on web2 with most of the technology we’re using, and this was a stark reminder. Now we know. Apologies to anybody that experienced any confusion or doubts over what we were doing at that time.
If you’re not already on our Discord server, please hop on here:
After OG roles were issued, Happylisting
That’s right, Happylist; not Whitelist. WL is a problematic term, both semantically, and circumstantially. Part of innovation is moving on from past redundancies, so we were very conscious as a team, in our decision to move on from that term. Besides, everyone is literally happy when they get Happylisted.
Wen HL? Welp, if you haven’t already been HL’d through one of our curated brand partnerships, or simply by engaging with folks in a meaningful way on Discord, there are plenty of opportunities lurking about. Make sure you stay tuned to our Twitter, and Announcements channel.
Concurrent to HL starting, we announced our Minting Guide
, which includes how our HL and presale raffle methods work. Please be sure to check it all out in the article linked below if you haven’t already! Worthy of note, we decided to use as a wallet collection interface, simply because it is a solid industry standard, and we wanted to ensure that, just like these mirror articles, we are staying true with the decentralized model of data collection and dissemination.
Following all of this, and right on schedule, we released our brand spanking new website. We really wanted to present something fresh, and different. From the site’s layout to its design elements, we wanted to ensure that our branding is loud and clear, while being unintrusive and welcoming. We hope that you like it, and find it to be a pleasant web2 experience when looking at it. Check it out below if you haven’t already!
Our community has always been really tight at Pillheads. Even between collections, 1/1 drops, and NFTs, we have always been advocates for healthy discussion, creative new ideas, and input from our holders and non-holders alike. With this new collection we got to explore both traditional and new ideas!
One of the new things we got into that we are very jazzed about, is Pillheads Radio
. With our Community Lead UNKFUNK at the wheel, some sessions were recorded that got formatted into some really fun sound-bytes for everybody to tune into. These little radio snippets fuse the fiction & lore of the Stacyverse as created by ORBGASM, and the actual happenings in our community across Discord and web3. If you want to hear the latest, you can find it randomly looping in Discord Stages throughout the week. If you’re impatient, you can always tag a team member and ask for a replay!
In addition to this, we started having weekly Twitter Spaces again. It’s been great to connect with our partners and advisors, as well as developers and past CFW collaboration artists on there. Keep an eye out for the next ones, as they will only get more interesting as we near minting dates.
One of the most fun things that happened, was an Airdrop. For those of you that are new around these parts, gifting is one of our favorite traditions here in the Stacy community. This time around, we sent everybody that had arrived and submitted their wallet addresses thus far, a gift. 1.8K of our community members received an NFT made by CFW. This is the first of many since we launched Pillheads Generative. You can check it out on Opensea.
There are so many things that are about to happen before mint! Personally, I just got back from touching grass for a few days, and I urge you all to do the same. Other than that, stay tuned on both Twitter and Discord for new partnerships, mini-events for more HL opportunities, and even a fan art contest on Twitter. Mint is very close now. A reminder that our roadmap Vision article can be found on our website, and here as well:
We’ve got some other tricks up our sleeves too, but I’ll just end this here with some art from our community. This creation won 1st place for the last Stacyverse art competition
, at the end of 2021.
Artist: Odin Lee
Keep paying attention, and don’t forget to #takethepill
-The Analogue