Weekly DeFi Rabbit Hole - May 14, 2023

The weekly 🐰 hole (14 May 23) of liquidity movement & DeFi analysis - by zj.valz

Welcome to the weekly 🐰 hole (14 May 23) of liquidity movements & defi analysis, where we uncover key trends and insights into the top protocols and hidden gems

“Trust me bro, just send money to eth_ben wallet and we gucci” - Retail

  1. Stablecoin flows

  2. Smart Money Movement

  3. Top L1/L2 Financials

  4. Top DAPP Financials

  5. Movement Analysis

  6. TLDR

1. Stablecoin Flows

Total Stablecoin MCAP = 130.42 bil, with -0.16% weekly change.

Top 10 Chain (In terms of Stables Mcap):

Top inflows:

  1. RSK

  2. Moonbeam

  3. Kava

  4. BSC

  5. Tomo

Top outflows:

  1. Waves

  2. Terra Classic

  3. Flow

  4. Telos

  5. Hedera

2. Smart Money Movement

Cr: @ozfrox

Top Smart money inflows (including stablecoins):

  1. Coinbase Wrapped Staked ETH

  2. USDT

  3. USDC

  4. Lido Staked ETH

  5. Maker

Top Smart money outflows (including stablecoins):

  1. Wrapped ETH

  2. Pepe

  3. USDT (Arb)

  4. Dai

  5. Wrapped ETH (Arb)

Top Smart money inflows (excluding stablecoins):

  1. Coinbase Wrapped Staked ETH

  2. Lido Staked ETH

  3. Maker

  4. BNB

  5. BTCB

Top Smart money outflows (excluding stablecoins):

  1. Wrapped ETH

  2. Pepe

  3. Wrapped ETH (Arb)

  4. Avalance

  5. Balancer

3. Top L1/L2 Financials


  1. ETH

  2. BNB

  3. Arbitrum

  4. Optimism

  5. Solana


  1. ETH

  2. Tron

  3. Filecoin

  4. Polygon

  5. BNB


  1. ETH

  2. Tron

  3. BNB

  4. Optimism

  5. Arbitrum


  1. Tron

  2. BNB

  3. Litecoin

  4. BTC

  5. Polygon

Active Developers

  1. ETH

  2. Cosmos

  3. Kusama

  4. Polkadot

  5. Cardano

Code Commits

  1. Cardano

  2. Internet Computer

  3. Kusama

  4. Polkadot

  5. ETH

4. Top DAPP Financials


  1. Uniswap

  2. Lido

  3. Convex

  4. Flashbots

  5. GMX


  1. Lido

  2. dYdX

  3. Synthetix

  4. Level

  5. GMX


  1. Lido

  2. dYdX

  3. Synthetix

  4. Opensea

  5. GMX

P/F Ratio

Relative valuation of protocols (Lower the no. the “better”)

  1. Venus

  2. Sonne Finance

  3. Gamma Strategies

  4. Level

  5. Zyberswap

P/S ratio

FDV mcap/Annualized Revenue (Take this metric with a pinch of salt as revenue figs used could be annualized and not actual revenues earned)

  1. BetSwirl

  2. Level

  3. CoW

  4. Hegic

  5. X2Y2


  1. Pancakeswap

  2. Uniswap

  3. Stargate

  4. Osmosis

  5. 0x

5. Movement Analysis

Stablecoin flows:

  • The total Stablecoin Market remains relatively flat at $130.42 billion despite the sell-off across most chains.

  • BSC managed to attract the most stablecoin liquidity this week at 3.10%.

Smart Money Movement:

  • Smart money is playing defensive currently, with the majority scaling back to Stables, BTC and ETH.

  • Meme coin mania seems to be over as smart money dumped their $Pepe stack.

L1/L2 movement:

  • BNB remain one of the stronger Alt-L1 in terms of Fees, Revenue, Earnings and DAUs.

  • Cardano and Internet computer is seeing huge code commits this week, do keep a look out for upcoming development news from these 2 Alt L1s.

DAPP movements:

  • MEV protocols like Flashbots and Manifold shot up in ranking in terms of fees generated as sandwich attacks become highly profitable during Memecoin season.

  • Lido's fees, revenue, and earnings skyrocketed this week ahead of the V2 upgrade on May 15th.

  • Alpha drop by @apes_prologue


  • Not much movement this week as capital continues to rotate to the next shiny narrative while the market corrects after 4 months of sustained growth.

  • The lack of liquidity in the market will exacerbate any downward price action, especially during token unlocks. Don’t attempt to catch falling knives and wait for a trend reversal before deploying.

  • Don’t even attempt private sales/pre-sales, you will get rekted by insiders before you can break even.

  • Focus on defensive plays (Stables, BTC and ETH) and keep a lookout for undervalued altcoin opportunities.

P.s. I may have positions in the projects discussed in this article. Please note that this article is not intended as financial advice, and I encourage readers to conduct their own due diligence and ape responsibly.

That’s it Anon, hope you enjoyed the 🐰hole this week.

Follow me @zec_jay on Twitter or subscribe to this substack for more weekly deep dives.



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