The GD supply of credits represents principal plus interest minted upfront as a sort of gross revenue, not profits as liabilities haven’t been account for yet. As long as GD is leveraged, the system can still have a positive cashflow even with a negative effective borrowing rate (whereby fewer GD is paid in loan repayments than the number of GD borrowed into existence). What matters is do people use GD to pay for things? Does the money circulate, incentivising deposits, drawing work
from them in a fair way…
is love made visible…”you could be sitting…taking lunch…the news will hit you like…” what started it all? I just can’t recall verse 42, Tao te Ridge, “be bread,” Rumi said, “the business of love” is Zen and the intersubjective AMM…or the Art of Motek’s Main tenant: proctor watcher to gambles nature’s whole treasure, grasped in measure
Adagio…de ja vu, ”forgot what I already knew, roll away the dew dues…and if you're not busy being born," you’re busy DAI in…a piece of my mind on time value of money? Truth isn’t black and white…it’s probably beige…sumquam suade…docendo discimus! Let a beat commence at 50 cents, celeriter fieri fiat satis sit down stand-up be humble, stay hombre, fold
fairy carry
a perp form enhanced, “it’s not a performance…it’s a ritual.”
batter. Rosanne Cash holding a Rich rosé, saying “the key to making change is to let go of,” S&P here like it’s, “kiss me or kill me…either let me fly…or give me,” debt; it’s time to “my my, hey hey, stay a while and listen…pay attention on this tour with me...” neither a hacker, nor a writer even…just a hack who used to have ambition for attack. Maybe I said something wrong, come and take a short work
with me...the session is started.
Days of youth, “lived a lifetime a few times…forgot what I already knew.” More foes and months passed WAD / 28, “feels like I went into my past then sped it up,” with a little bit of luck’s this wildflower growing at the edge of a very high cliff (Mount Shasta Счастья). Today prepares tomorrow’s secret ruin synthesis of antinomy brewing GD.
it’s not many of us, we smile at each other, but, when friends are GHO…I know that my saviour's love is really Schadenfreude for Freudian determinism. A redeeming quality.