Truts Integrates Chainlink Price Feeds To Help Calculate Tip Values in USD for Reviews

We’re excited to announce that Truts —a web3 community discovery platform focused on discoverability through credibility—has integrated Chainlink Price Feeds on Polygon and Solana mainnets. By integrating the industry-leading decentralized oracle network, Truts has access to high-quality, tamper-proof price feeds needed to help our users understand the dollar equivalent value of their tips for good reviews on the Truts platform. This will provide our users with stronger assurances that the dollar value of their tips is calculated according to tamper-proof price data. 

Our initial integration involves the use of the following Chainlink Price Feeds: MATIC/USD and SOL/USD. We chose Chainlink as our go-to oracle solution because its infrastructure is seamless to integrate and time-tested in production. Chainlink already helps secure leading DeFi protocols responsible for tens of billions of dollars in smart contract value, maintaining robust security and high availability even amidst unexpected events, such as exchange downtime, flash crashes, and data manipulation attacks via flash loans. 

Truts is a web3 community discovery platform. We all know the importance of finding the right community in web3. Whether by spending hours in Discord voice chats or Telegram groups, community discovery is a big part of each web3 individual’s journey. To make the process of finding the right community easy, we built Truts. 

Through Truts, users can find an array of different web3 communities, learn about their vision and goals, check their links, and read ratings and reviews by Truts community members. We’re optimizing community discoverability through a credibility system and hope to make the web3 journey a little bit easier for every new user out there. 

If you’re a member of any web3 community that is listed on Truts, it's highly recommended that you leave a review on the Truts platform on the community page. Adding a detailed review can help a newcomer decide on whether that community is one that fits their vibes, goals, and visions—ultimately reducing the time taken to discover their best-fitting community from 10-15 days to 10-15 minutes.

If you’re a member of a community that’s not listed on Truts, add your community immediately. We’re all in this together, so it's important that every community gets a chance at being discovered and becoming the home for new web3 enthusiasts.

Lastly, if you’re still someone on the fence about entering web3 and exploring communities, explore it via Truts and join a community of like-minded people in our Discord server to help us make an impact in the web3 space!

In order to help secure the calculation of USD-denominated prices in our tipping flow, we needed access to fresh asset prices that are supplied directly on-chain in a highly reliable manner. Fair market asset prices should reflect a volume-weighted average from all trading environments. Thus, we needed to make use of an oracle network to fetch aggregated price data off-chain and deliver it on-chain to be consumed by our application.

After reviewing various oracle solutions, we integrated Chainlink Price Feeds because they provide a multitude of critical features such as:

  • High-Quality Data — Chainlink Price Feeds source data from numerous premium data aggregators, leading to price data that’s aggregated from hundreds of exchanges, weighted by volume, and cleaned of outliers and wash trading. Chainlink’s data aggregation model generates more precise global market prices that are inherently resistant to inaccuracies or manipulation of any single or small set of exchanges. 

  • Secure Node Operators — Chainlink Price Feeds are secured by independent, security-reviewed, and Sybil-resistant oracle nodes run by leading blockchain DevOps teams, data providers, and traditional enterprises. Chainlink nodes have a strong track record of reliability, even during high gas prices and infrastructure outages. 

  • Decentralized Network — Chainlink Price Feeds are decentralized at the data source, oracle node, and oracle network levels, generating strong protections against downtime and tampering by either the data provider or oracle network.

  • Reputation System  — Chainlink provides a robust reputation framework and set of on-chain monitoring tools that allow users to independently verify the historical and real-time performance of node operators and oracle networks.

We’re definitely not limiting out integration with Chainlink here. As we become more chain agnostic, we aim to integrate other Price Feeds and additional Chainlink oracle services as we scale our processes and organization.

“Chainlink is powering innovation in the growing web3 ecosystem with an array of trust-minimized services, and Truts is all about helping web3 communities grow— making it an obvious choice to integrate Chainlink Price Feeds to help calculate the USD-denominated value of tips on the platform.”  –Rajkaria, Founder of Truts

Chainlink is the industry standard for building, accessing, and selling oracle services needed to power hybrid smart contracts on any blockchain. Chainlink oracle networks provide smart contracts with a way to reliably connect to any external API and leverage secure off-chain computations for enabling feature-rich applications. Chainlink currently secures tens of billions of dollars across DeFi, insurance, gaming, and other major industries, and offers global enterprises and leading data providers a universal gateway to all blockchains.

Learn more about Chainlink by visiting or reading the developer documentation at To discuss an integration, reach out to an expert. 

About Truts

Truts is a web3 community discovery platform for any new and existing web3 user to enter and find communities. Trust has listed over 400 communities and puts a heavy focus on credibility. Truts has included a review and rating system to make credibility the forefront of discoverability. Truts focuses on building a more inclusive community, listing all web3 ecosystems, and providing detailed, accurate information to all users to find the community that fits their goals.

Learn more about Truts by visiting and join our community Discord Server and embark on our journey of impacting the web3 space for the better by connecting web3 communities with the right people.

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